
A "magical small regular script" was unearthed in Dunhuang, with each character in perfect proportion. Netizens commented:


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Many calligraphy lovers start with regular script, and usually choose to learn from the "Four Masters" of Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan and Zhao Mengfu, as well as masters such as the Er Wang, Zhong Shaojing and Dong Qichang. However, the works of these people are not easy to learn, as there are too many changes in the brushwork, and if you can't master them thoroughly, it's easy to write "artistic calligraphy" or "printed style" after practicing for a long time, such as "Ou Kai" and "Liu Kai".

So when choosing a post,We should focus on those works that are rigorous in their use of brushwork, relatively easy to perform, and leave room for the copyist to play with., and the "scripture writing style" small regular script is the best choice. The academic community believes that the scripture writing small regular script has three advantages:

First, the official copyists have undergone systematic training and learned from famous masters. Their calligraphy is well versed in rules and their writing is accurate. Second, these works are often long and contain many words, covering daily life. Third, the small regular script of copying scriptures takes into account both speed and brushwork, and each word has a certain amount of room for creativity, which is very suitable for beginners.

Since the Northern Dynasties, the group of sutra copyists has been formed. These people are mainly monks, divided into official and private. In the Tang Dynasty, with the strengthening of national strength and the deepening of faith, the number of this group began to grow significantly. Among the official sutra copyists, there are also many masters who are comparable to Ou, Yu, Chu and Xue. They left their names, such as Liu Honggui, Cheng Daibin, Zhai Fenglin, etc.

In 1900, the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang were discovered by Taoist Wang Yuanlu, and tens of thousands of manuscripts reappeared in the world. Among them, one work attracted the attention of the calligraphy world. In terms of exquisite brushwork and solemn artistic conception, its calligraphy level is higher than that of Liu and Cheng. Each character can be said to be in perfect proportion. Netizens even praised it as "magical small regular script" and "ten times more beautiful than the Lingfei Jing"

This work is "Virtue Words", also known as "Liu Zi's New Theory"After it was unearthed, it attracted many people to copy it, and a collector came all the way from Shanghai. Unfortunately, in 1907, the French archaeologist Paul Pelliot took it back to his country in the name of "protection", and it has been collected in the National Library of Paris ever since.

"De Yan" is 28 cm long and 568 cm wide.More than 3000 wordsThe character size is about 1.5 cm, and the cultural relic number is 4502. Compared with the "Lingfei Jing", what is better about it?More pen-basedFor example, the strokes are sharp at the beginning and blunt at the end, and there are also lifting and pressing in the middle of the strokes, with changes in weight. The brush strokes are both square and round, and the turning points are flexible and natural.

Second, "Virtue Words"The characters are more varied, pays great attention to the changes in density and slant, so that each character is rich and meaningful, with ups and downs, interspersed and avoided, and staggered heights on the left and right, and appropriate tightness between the upper and lower characters. These are exactly the style that contemporary people who are deeply influenced by "art calligraphy" lack.

This scroll is almost perfect in terms of brushwork, character formation, and artistic conception and style, and it is difficult for later calligraphers to match it.For those who are learning small regular script, if you can thoroughly comprehend the techniques and styles of this scroll, you will be able to achieve great success! After practicing thoroughly, it will be much easier to learn the calligraphy of other famous calligraphers.

Now, we have reproduced this volume in ultra-high definition, 1:1, which is exactly the same as the original, making it very convenient for you to copy and appreciate. If you are interested, please click the link below to take a look!