
In Chongqing, I met a Dark Zone Breakout player who couldn’t even withstand the scorching heat


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This seems to be the hottest weekend in Chongqing this year.

Before leaving for Chongqing Yubei Gymnasium on July 20, a colleague in the company group issued a "high temperature warning". If I hadn't wanted to go to the Dark Zone Breakout Carnival to take a look, I probably wouldn't have gone out.

However, when I arrived at around 15:00, when the temperature was at its highest point of the day, I saw a scene of people crowding together:

I was shocked by the players who were not afraid of the scorching heat, and I became more interested in the Dark Zone Breakout Carnival over the past two days.

With a hint of curiosity, I walked into this event held for Dark Zone breakout players.

"Pioneer" carnival from all corners of the world

The Dark Zone Breakout Carnival is divided into the outdoor and indoor areas. The outdoor exhibition area mainly consists of some interactive play facilities, while the indoor activities serve the award ceremony, official press conference and the 4th Pioneer Cup event.

After entering the "Dark Zone Breakout" channel, the first thing that catches your eye is an armored vehicle with the Dark Zone Breakout logo printed on it. Surrounding the armored vehicle are several official Cosers. The official Cosers, dressed in delicate and exquisite costumes, were surrounded by photographers and players, and posed in classic poses and scenes in the game.

In addition to interacting with Cosers, the official also set up offline activities, where players can receive corresponding gifts.

For example, in the breakout preparation area, many players were queuing up in a long queue, waiting to put on the official costumes and gun props, take photos with the official Cosplayers in the studio and print the photos. In the simulated shooting area, players can personally use the official guns to shoot and practice, and there are staff on site to guide players who are not familiar with the equipment on how to use the props correctly.

In the process of communicating with the players on site, Game Daily found that everyone came to the scene for a variety of reasons.

For example, megcal, a player waiting outside the ticket gate, is from Inner Mongolia. He said that he came to Chongqing on the 18th, specifically to watch the 4th Pioneer Cup Finals, so he bought a ticket for the 21st. But because there will be an award ceremony on the 20th, his favorite anchor "Rat King" will also be there, so he came to see if he can get in.

At this moment, someone next to him exclaimed "Rat King! Rat King!", and megcal wanted to step forward to take a photo, but seemed a little hesitant. With the author's encouragement, megcal stepped forward to express his request and completed his small goal. Megcal said that he met many new friends from the Internet in "Dark Zone Breakout". At the same time, after coming to Chongqing, a strange city, the enthusiastic staff and players at the celebration site also made him feel the friendliness of the dark zone players.

Little A, who had just taken a photo in the breakout preparation area with sweat still dripping down his face, told Game Daily that although he had waited in line for nearly 20 minutes under the scorching sun, he was still very happy to be able to leave a souvenir.

Xiao A said that he was an old player who had been playing since the S1 season. He had met Xiao L in the game before. Xiao L was an official guest this time. He knew that Xiao A was in Chongqing, so he invited him to play. They met in person at this carnival. Xiao L's girlfriend and Xiao A's friend who was studying at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute also traveled with him.

Hearing the applause and cheers from everyone in the simulated shooting area, Xiao A hurriedly pulled his friend to another place to "join in the fun."

Just as I was about to enter the venue, a player covered in gold caught my attention. He was wearing a golden suit and trousers, and was shouting "Big gold! Big gold!" A photographer suggested that players join him in the interaction and conduct a "parade" in the exhibition area. I was enthusiastically pulled into the parade among the crowd and followed behind the team, holding up the fan given by the official and shouting the slogan "Big gold!"

After visiting the interactive activity area, the author met Brother C who was drinking water in front of the "Carmona Store" on the third floor. Brother C, who came from Jiangbei District, Chongqing, is 29 years old. He told Game Daily that he came here mainly to see "117" and hoped to take a photo with him. He was afraid that he would miss it if he came too late, so he stopped at the venue early.

When the author asked Brother C why he played the dark zone, he blurted out "the thrill of trying to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle", and the setting was also relatively rigorous. He believed that although the game psychology involved might not be suitable for younger players, it is undeniable that the fun of the game is the key, and the longer you play, the more exciting it is.

Dark Zone Ecosystem Ushers in a New Round of Growth

In addition to the continuous iterations over the past two years, "Dark Zone Breakout" has been repeatedly mentioned in Tencent's financial reports. This year, the number of users nationwide has officially exceeded 100 million. At the same time, it has also occasionally entered the TOP10 of the iOS best-selling list, with the highest ranking being 4th. These data are constantly proving to the outside world that "Dark Zone Breakout" has become a national phenomenon-level FPS mobile game.

It has also achieved remarkable results in the ecosystem. Just looking at Bilibili, "Dark Zone Breakout" has become a million-level UP host at a young age, and the total number of video views has reached 250 million, making it the "top stream" of official FPS mobile game accounts.

During the carnival, officials unveiled more detailed ecological achievements.

Between 2023 and 2024, the new media ecosystem of Dark Zone Breakout has seen exponential growth, with more than 460,000 players sharing their gaming moments, and the number of live streamers on the network increasing from 33,000+ to 55,000+. The number of anchors with more than 10,000 fans has also exceeded 700, and more than 50 anchors have more than 1 million fans.

"Dark Zone Breakout" has also established a more complete live broadcast system, covering platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Huya, Bilibili, WeChat Video Account, Douyu, etc., with 8,200 live broadcasts broadcast every day, more than 38,000 video submissions per day, more than 8.8 million live viewers, and an average daily playback volume of related videos exceeding 245 million. The average daily video likes exceed 5 million, and the average daily number of videos viewed over one million exceeds 400.

With the completion of the ecological data broadcast and the end of the host's warm-up, the award ceremony officially began. As the winners of the annual new anchor and annual new author took the stage, the audience was filled with enthusiastic cheers. What was ridiculous was that another winner did something funny this year. One of the winners took out a hood and quickly put it on the head of "117", and "117" was obviously on guard and hurriedly took it off, which instantly filled the somewhat formal award ceremony with a happy atmosphere.

The 4th Pioneer Cup, which spanned two days, was also very lively. Every time there was an exciting operation, it always aroused cheers from the players on the scene. After fierce competition, T7 finally won the championship. Surprisingly, Zhang Hanjin, president of Cube Studio, came to the scene to present the award to T7, which shows how much he values ​​Dark Zone Breakout.

In addition, during this carnival event, "Dark Zone Breakout" also released the latest news and future game plan content.

For example, the second season of the latest variety show "Let's Go to the Dark Zone" will be broadcast at the end of the year. The first season of this e-sports variety show has been played more than 20 million times in three days. At the same time, the participation of well-known artists such as Peng Yuchang has also made the game "Dark Zone Breakout" further popular and no longer limited to game audiences.

In addition, the official also displayed the game information of the overseas PC version. In the case that the PC version is not yet available in China, the good performance of the overseas PC version has further increased players' expectations for the Chinese PC version of "Dark Zone Breakout".

Conclusion: Although it has only been online for two years, Dark Zone Breakout has already accumulated deep user recognition. What touched me most at this carnival was not how fun the game is, but the players' full and happy feedback in the online and offline scenes it provides. I look forward to Dark Zone Breakout moving to a broader stage in the future.