
After the grandfather-granddaughter relationship "went off track", her ending could only be bad or worse


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Every time I see news about the grandfather-granddaughter relationship between Lin Jingen, my heart tightens.

Yesterday, Lin Jing'en was found by the public in the park, surrounded by four middle-aged men who were suspected to be homeless people. She naturally took the beer and even half a cigarette handed to her by these men. One of the middle-aged men was shirtless and told dirty jokes to Lin Jing'en. Lin Jing'en looked dazed throughout the whole process and her mental state was worrying.

The world at the bottom of society has always been cruel. We have seen too many stories about mentally retarded young women left behind in rural areas and seduced and sexually assaulted by many people. A packet of instant noodles and 20 yuan of pocket money can complete a crude physical transaction. Such crimes are always happening in corners dominated by primitive and vulgar desires.

Lin Jingen’s story ends here, and it’s hard to bear to continue reading.

After "going off the track", her ending can only be bad and worse

Although Lin Jingen could not be said to have "luxury" before, she was young and beautiful, and had some glory under the spotlight of public opinion. Just by appearing on various variety shows with Li Kuncheng to promote "old-young love", she could also earn a certain amount of income. At least her material conditions were guaranteed.

Now he has fallen directly into the quagmire. If there is no external rescue, he will visibly sink and suffocate in his struggle.

Her father, who had threatened to "sever the father-daughter relationship" early on, tried to accept her again and took her to the hospital in the hope of helping her quit smoking and drinking. However, less than a week after she was discharged from the hospital, she was arrested by the police on suspicion of secretly eating takeout. A week later, she was in the news again asking for cigarettes and alcohol from a "homeless man."

There is a bit of broken window effect here. Whether Li Kuncheng was a PUA or a "love scam" before, he was still able to provide Lin Jingen with some basic sense of security in life. Although she looked haggard, at least she did not face a survival crisis.

After Li Kuncheng's death, the bubble of "cross-century love" quickly faded, and Lin Jingen had mental problems.The current situation is that a young body without full behavioral capacity is wandering the streets, and the only possible outcomes are bad and worse.

Many people are discussing what Lin Jingen should do now... In fact, I think the probability of helping her "now" is very small.

The deviation of fate began eleven years ago, when 17-year-old Lin Jingen met Li Kuncheng, who was nearly 60 years old, and was invited by her father to his home to listen to special vinyl records. She was pursued passionately. Lin Jingen, who lacked love since childhood due to her parents' divorce, easily fell into the old man's "love trap".

Even though her parents strongly opposed it and even filed a lawsuit against Lee Kun-cheng for disrupting the family and abducting a girl, it still failed to stop this shocking and abnormal love affair. Lin Jingen dropped out of school, smashed the computer at home, and would rather break off relations with her parents to be with Lee Kun-cheng.

An adolescent girl will be under great mental pressure when her life deviates from the normal track. This was the case when Li Kuncheng was alive. After Li's death, the "broken window" of Lin Jingen's life was shattered by stones from all sides, making it out of repair.

Especially after Li Kuncheng's death, his eldest son Li Zhuoxuan suddenly jumped out and accused Lin Jingen of being irritable, easily angered, and a bully of the elderly. Even after Li Kuncheng fell ill and was hospitalized, she forged and imitated Li Kuncheng's signature to complete the procedures of marriage, property transfer, vehicle sales, etc., and withdrew all the life-saving money in his bank account.

Li Kuncheng's sister accused Lin Jingen of deliberately swallowing up Li Kuncheng's inheritance.

Lin Jingen, who had no experience in dealing with the world, had no power to defend or resist these accusations. In the end, according to the court's ruling, Lin Jingen could obtain full ownership of the property in Taichung that still had unpaid loans. After getting the house, Lin Jingen quickly sold it at a low price, used the money to travel and relax, and lingered in hotels.

As a result, Li's son even laughed at his financial management views...

--soThe problem still lies at the initial point of "derailment". She decided to pursue her ideal life with a man who was much older than her.

Young girls are easily addicted to the narrative of "rebellion against the world", as if breaking the rules means freedom. Fairy tales always say that knights and princesses live happily together from then on.

Lin Jing'en had similar thoughts at the time. She was immersed in the rosy fantasy of the "love of the century", cut off ties with her family, and ignored the controversy of public opinion, full of rebellious spirit.

But real life is not a fairy tale after all. When the rosy bubble gradually fades, people can see the context of things more and more clearly.

First of all, "knights" are often dangerous. How can there be so many gentle, kind and powerful knights waiting to rescue the princess?

There are more hyena-like men who have failed in the adult world and hunt down to cheat children. After taking little girls out of the fence, they do not shield the girls from the storms of life. Instead, more often than not, they create problems and become the storm itself.

The same is true of Lin Jingen's haggardness in the later stages of the "grandfather-granddaughter love".

Lao Deng escaped unscathed, and the girl paid the full bill

There was another piece of news recently, which I think is quite suitable to be discussed in this context.

Wang, a doctoral supervisor at the School of Literature of Renmin University, tried to deceive and coerce a female doctoral student, but was reported by the female doctoral student under her real name. The choice made by the female doctoral student was similar to the situation that Lin Jingen encountered back then.

In 2022, Wang was sexually harassed and forced to have sex with Wang, who even asked him to have sex with him. After Wang refused, he was continuously retaliated against and threatened.

I listened to the audio evidence provided by Wang. Wang used the "father-daughter" term to get closer to her, and asked for further intimacy. He also used the "academic information inducement" method, saying that he would give her precious literature and help her publish papers...

The original recording is very shameless. As a role model for teachers, Lao Deng actually kept saying that he wanted his students to be "daughters and sexual partners", exposing his secret bad taste and extremely obscene personal orientation. His remarks are so explicit, bold and arrogant that one can't help but ask:

Who gave him such courage and confidence? Who gave him such power?

Student Wang was sober enough. She was not frightened by Lao Deng's soft and hard tactics, nor did she fall into the "lover's" trap - when the status and power of both parties are completely unequal, and one party can obviously dominate and coerce the other party, "mutual love" is simply a large-scale fraud.

Of course, the relationship between doctoral supervisors and doctoral students is governed by school regulations and relevant laws.When an old man advocates "mutual love and transcending worldly affairs" with an underage girl, the girl is almost unprotected, with no resources and power, social experience, and even lack of love from her original family... It is difficult for the girl to wake up and save herself, and she can only fall step by step into the abyss of various conspiracies.

Looking back at Lin Jingen's story, we find that her fate had a turning point when she fell in love with Li Kuncheng. Since she was moved by the old man and decided to follow him till death, her life train began to derail until now it has reached the edge of a cliff.

Derailment is a popular image in romantic literature. Many people who are confined to ordinary life try to pursue romantic adventures by "derailing". But derailment also means danger. Many wise men cannot escape the danger of derailment. Lin Jingen, a girl who was not even 17 years old at the time, was destined to end in tragedy.

We don’t know what Lin Jing’en has experienced in the past ten years; but one thing is certain, after following the old man for love, Lin Jing’en soon discovered the truth that disillusioned her. She was young and had no skills, but she was “kept in captivity” by the old man in the name of love. The social clock of a 17-year-old girl stopped. From then on, her body grew up, but her “social clock” was forever fixed at 17 years old.

In life, she gradually became a giant baby who depended on Li Kuncheng for everything; mentally, she lived in the midst of being abandoned by her friends and relatives and being ridiculed by netizens, and she kept isolating herself because she was afraid of the malice from the outside world.

Young girls are naive, and the old men who lead them to be rebellious use the guise of true love to cover up their egoistic underwear.

To satisfy their momentary desires, they pounce on young animals that are much weaker than themselves, like a sick hyena. They harvest young girls' bodies under the guise of love, using the girls' flesh and blood to offer their final feast for their upcoming retirement life.

They are like locusts, like wolves, frantically devouring the love and bodies of young girls, then abandoning them, watching them walk from a normal, smooth life into a freak show circus, watching them become more and more bold, confused, depraved and crazy because of their derailment.

They also know that they have ruined other people's lives, but they have no apology. They sit in wheelchairs, with their ex-wives, nannies or adult children behind them, and the whole family watches a little girl perform vase girls, dancing with snakes and coquettish dances in a freak show circus. Old Deng squinted his eyes to appreciate his masterpiece (this is a pioneering work of art that he sculpted with his last hormones), while others cast a contemptuous look at the little girl:

"She's such a slut, and she's also a lunatic."

The off-track love story between Lao Deng and the girl often ends with Lao Deng returning to his family and the girl trapped in a freak show for the rest of her life. Lin Jingen is an example.

So, if you are a young girl, or a mother with a daughter,Please remember that love stories outside the track often lead to a cliff; Lao Deng and Huang Mao are both hyenas that pounce on the girl.

As the opposite of Lin Jingen, Wang's alertness and courage saved himself.

She reported the case under her real name and provided irrefutable evidence. The National People's Congress set up a working group overnight to investigate and verify the situation. The next evening, it reported that the facts were true and punished Wang by expelling him from the Party, revoking his professorial title, and canceling his qualification as a graduate student supervisor.

Just imagine, if a girl endured the humiliation and accepted the unspoken rules, her ending would not be much better than Lin Jingen. No matter what doctrines Lao Deng in the academic circle talks about, it will eventually lead to the lower body. He throws out a little academic resources and wants to invade the body and dignity of girls, which will make girls fall into extreme self-doubt and confusion, and feel that their bodies have become "erotic capital". Not many girls can endure this kind of "body and soul thrown into the gutter". More than 20 years ago, a Peking University girl named Gao Yan committed suicide in depression (at that time, public opinion was mostly unfavorable to the girl, and there were even rumors that the girl died of "mental illness"). Fortunately, Wang, a student from Renmin University, collected evidence while sober and finally brought Lao Deng to trial.

The best thing Wang did was to believe in himself and justice. He calmly and bravely fought back against the disgusting Lao Deng within the rules, while also preventing his life from going off track.

But Lin Jingen's story may not be redeemed.

Sister E’s conclusion:

Lin Jingen's story also serves as a warning to all young girls to be more vigilant when facing the world.

Many young girls have only poetry and flowers in their lives, so they forget and refuse to believe that there are hypocritical liars and ferocious hyenas in this world.

I understand the idea of ​​"rebelling against the rules" of many young girls. In addition to their youth and passion, a smooth or bumpy growth path will make young people yearn to "run away", yearn for adventure and an extraordinary life.

However, many rules of this society represent not only confinement, but also protection. The land "outside the rules" may seem like a free wilderness, but in fact it is full of traps and ferocious beasts waiting in the wings. You can only rely on yourself for everything.

At any time, I hope girls can remind themselves:Stay true to yourself and be careful of Lao Deng.Don't believe others easily, especially the fairy tale world described by old men.

In addition, although it may sound conservative, I still believe that when people lack experience, they should try to live in the mainstream world. When they have accumulated a certain amount of worldly wisdom, have the corresponding vision and experience, and are not so easily deceived, they can bravely try their luck.

This should be a safer and more reasonable life strategy.

Today's topic is:

Do you think Lin Jingen can get back on track?

Come to the comment section and tell us~