
This is the real "crown of running script", several levels higher than "Lanting Preface"


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As we all know, "Lanting Preface" written by Wang Xizhi is known as "the best running script in the world". However, after the Tang Dynasty, the authentic "Lanting Preface" disappeared and the relevant records are incomplete. Jiang Kui of the Southern Song Dynasty was the first to question it. He observed the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi collected by Emperor Wu of Liang, but did not see any "Lanting Preface".

In the following hundreds of years, many calligraphers also raised many questions while studying "Lanting Preface". It was not until modern times that Guo Moruo further sorted out and analyzed the work of Li Wentian in the Qing Dynasty and issued a statement in 1965, declaring that "Lanting Preface" was not written by Wang Xizhi. This argument caused a sensation in the calligraphy world.

Some people question it, while others support it. Regardless of whether the views are right or wrong, the status of "Lanting Preface" has indeed been affected. Many scholars say that there is no authentic copy of "Lanting Preface", and that modern people pursue individuality and no longer blindly pursue the "elegant" style of calligraphy.

Therefore, Yan Zhenqing, who was previously neglected, is now highly respected.Some scholars regard him as the "Saint of Calligraphy" and regard his masterpiece as "the best running script in the world".There are two wonderful authentic running script works of Yan Zhenqing in existence, one is "Eulogy for My Nephew" and the other is "Dispute over Seat".

Later generations generally believed that "Eulogy for My Nephew" was the most concise, with careless brushwork and full integration of emotion, so it could naturally replace "Lanting Preface". However, in terms of level, the less famous "Dispute over Seat" is not inferior to it at all.

Ruan Yuan praised it and said: "The "Dispute over Seat Letter" is like molten gold coming out of the smelter, flowing everywhere, with its vitality intact, no longer thinking about beauty. Those who no longer think about beauty are of high quality.Therefore, this post is the pinnacle of running script。”

From this sentence we can see that"Dispute over Seat" expresses the beauty of running script to the extreme, and it is the real "crown of running script"When this work was written, Guo Ziyi returned triumphantly to the court and a banquet was held in the palace to celebrate. Guo Yingyi, who was arranging the seats, disregarded etiquette and placed the eunuch Yu Chaoen before the Shangshu in order to curry favor with him.

This action made Yan Zhenqing angry, and he wrote "Dispute over Seat Letter" in one go. The whole scroll has a total of 1,193 characters, mostly in seal and clerical script styles. Most of the strokes are done with the center of the brush. Sometimes the brush moves against the paper, and sometimes the brush is hidden to restrain the strength. The strokes are full and vigorous. When it comes to the exciting parts, the ink is slightly dry, and the brushstrokes are crisp and capable.

A simple, vigorous, magnificent and majestic imageMoreover, the broad and plump dots and strokes form a sharp contrast with the thin and dry dots and strokes, and the ups and downs, flying and bold characters and composition highlight the three-dimensional sense and fluidity of the whole article. The artistic charm is mellow and even more fascinating.

It is no exaggeration to say that this work is"Lanting Preface" is several levels higher, worthy of He Shaoji's praise: "This post has excellent calligraphy,When on top of Lanting", Yang Shoujing also said: "This post by Lu Gong is a new style, completely free of gracefulness and elegance, and unique in its ancient strength. "

Although "Dispute over Seat Letter" is powerful in skill and profound in artistic style, there are still critics who call it "ugly writing". This kind of vigorous style of work is different from the intuitive beauty of Wang Xizhi. It requires in-depth internal analysis and is far more valuable than external beauty. It is not just random writing.

Therefore, many scholars fought back against the trolls, saying that their appreciation level was low and that only doctors could understand it. Frequent copying can improve the power and masculinity of the brushwork, and combine the brushwork of seal and oracle bone scripts with the dexterity and variety of Wang Xizhi, broaden artistic and innovative thinking, and benefit personal creation.

Now, we have made a 1:1 ultra-high-definition reproduction of Yan Zhenqing's "Dispute over Seat Letter". Seeing this product is like seeing the original.Full volumeAdd detailed annotations to help beginners readThis kind of exquisiteness is rare in the market, and it is unique. It is very suitable for copying and appreciation. If you like it, you can click the link below to see it.

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