
The first "Cape of Good Hope" science salon was held in Shanghai


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Summary:At present, quantum computing has entered a stage of accelerated development.

Recently, the first "Cape of Good Hope" science salon was held in Shanghai, focusing on the industry-university-research chain of quantum mechanics, with Lu Chaoyang, executive director of the Shanghai Research Institute of the University of Science and Technology of China, as the "scientific director".

"Quantum mechanics has directly or indirectly given rise to a series of technologies including transistors, lasers, electron microscopes, nuclear magnetic resonance, etc., which have profoundly changed the way we live and have become part of our lives," said Lu Chaoyang. Since the 1990s, quantum control technology has made breakthrough progress, allowing people to go deep into the microscopic world and manipulate the quantum state of microscopic particles, promoting the rapid development of quantum technology represented by quantum information science.

In 2020, a research team from the University of Science and Technology of China completed the "Gaussian boson sampling" calculation on a 76-photon quantum computing prototype, with a computing speed 100 trillion times faster than a supercomputer, making China the second country to achieve "quantum computing supremacy". In 2023, Lu Chaoyang and his colleagues successfully built a 255-photon quantum computer prototype "Jiuzhang-3", once again breaking the world record in the relevant field.

At present, quantum computing has entered a stage of accelerated development. On the one hand, the industry is working hard to increase the number of quantum bits and improve the quality of quantum bits and logic gates. On the other hand, academia and industry are also working hard to overcome the error correction mechanism and error correction efficiency.

Mi Lei, founding partner of Zhongke Chuangxing, said that start-ups are another force that cannot be ignored in the development of quantum computing technology industry. Most of them are born out of scientific research institutions or technology companies, covering software and hardware, basic supporting facilities and upper-level applications. It is hoped that through the cooperation of scientists, entrepreneurs, governments and other forces, quantum computing can be promoted to become one of the breakthroughs in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation.

In the future, the "Cape of Good Hope" Science Salon will be held regularly. Themes will include cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing, RISC-V, gene editing, synthetic biology, controlled nuclear fusion, commercial aerospace, artificial intelligence, and will also focus on hot topics such as climate change and population aging.