
Robin Li and Lei Jun's Different Paths to the Same End


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Text | Meng Yonghui

While the dust of the Carrot Run incident had not yet settled, the popularity of Lei Jun's annual speech began to rise continuously.

Such an annual speech, known as the "Technology Spring Festival Gala", naturally attracted a lot of attention from the outside world.

As expected, in such an annual speech, Lei Jun still focused on car manufacturing.

Similarly, after sparking a discussion about the pros and cons of driverless cars, Luobo Kuaipao also focused on the impact of driverless technology on the future development of automobiles.

On the surface, there is actually no difference between Luobo Kuaipao and Lei Jun’s speech.

Luobo Kuaipao is more about applying and implementing Baidu's AI technology in commercial scenarios, while Lei Jun's speech talked more about Lei Jun's thoughts on car manufacturing and Xiaomi's future practices in car manufacturing.

However, if we analyze it in depth, it is not difficult to see that there is actually a certain intrinsic connection between LuoBoKuaiPao and Lei Jun's speech.

Whether it is Baidu's implementation and application of AI technology or Lei Jun's views on car manufacturing, we can see that they all focus on the impact of intelligent technology on automobiles.

It’s just that Luobo Kuaipao focuses more on the intelligent transformation and upgrading of existing cars, while Lei Jun focuses more on the transformation and upgrading of future cars with intelligent technology.

Whether it is existing cars or future cars, intelligent technology represented by AI is undoubtedly the key internal factor that truly triggers their profound transformation.

From this perspective, there is actually an intrinsic connection between LuoBoKuaiPao and Lei Jun's speech.

Through them, we can see that the new technologies dominated by AI in the future will bring about a profound and comprehensive change to the automotive industry.

From the perspective of AI, Robin Li and Lei Jun actually have the same goal through different paths.


We all know that at present, a new wave of development dominated by the implementation and application of AI is taking place.

For every AI player, if they want to win in this new stage, they must apply their own AI technology to as many scenarios and businesses as possible, so as to connect them into a network and form a huge ecosystem.

The same is true for Baidu.

We all know that Baidu's layout in AI is actually the earliest among domestic technology Internet players.

Long before Internet players were still fighting each other on the Internet battlefield, Baidu had already begun its layout in AI.

Effort pays back.

After years of planning, we finally see Baidu reaping fruitful results in AI.

Whether it is the emergence of Wenxin Yiyan, the success of Baidu's big model, or even Baidu's in-depth transformation of its own business with the help of AI, all of them are direct manifestations of such a phenomenon.

It can be said that Baidu has now made a comeback with the help of AI.

Now, when people talk about AI, they will inevitably talk about Baidu, just as in the past when people talked about the Internet, they would talk about Baidu.

However, Baidu has only achieved its comeback with the help of AI, and it is not just the end point.

If Baidu wants to make a difference in the AI ​​era, what it needs to do is to implement AI as much as possible and form an ecosystem to continue the advantages it has already built.

As a result, we have seen Baidu continue to make moves in the implementation of AI.

Luobokuaipao is a prominent example of Baidu implementing its accumulated AI technology.

It can be said that Luobo Kuaipao directly represents Baidu's achievements in AI. Through it, we can see the new imagination that Baidu brings us in the AI ​​era.

It has to be said that Luobo Kuaipao has indeed made people see the leading edge of Baidu's AI technology.

Whether it is the reduction in car use costs, service time, or even the comfort of riding, we can see that the application of Baidu's AI technology has brought about tremendous changes to people's travel.

Through Carrot Run, we can see very intuitively that when AI technology deeply transforms traditional productivity, it will inevitably bring about a new industrial revolution. Behind such an industrial revolution, more new dividends will be released to us.

Traveling is just the beginning.

In the future, as long as we can implement AI technology in more scenarios and as long as we apply AI technology to more businesses, we will begin to find new development dividends, thereby opening up a new blue ocean in the post-Internet era.


Just as Luobo Kuaipao has achieved profound changes to online ride-hailing and taxis with the help of AI technology, a new revolution led by AI is also taking place in the car manufacturing industry.

It can be said that AI is a new technology that can truly bring about the most fundamental changes in the automotive manufacturing industry.

For every car manufacturer, if they want to build a car that has truly undergone a profound transformation, they will inevitably need the support of AI technology.

The emphasis placed on AI technology and the layout of autonomous driving by leading car manufacturers represented by Tesla are all direct reflections of this phenomenon.

It can be said that whoever masters AI-driven autonomous driving will have the key to a new cycle in car manufacturing.

Precisely because of this, we see that Lei Jun, in his annual speech, also began to focus on the profound transformation of car manufacturing by AI.

It is precisely based on the thorough and comprehensive transformation that AI technology has brought to automobiles that Lei Jun has the confidence to say that Xiaomi's timing in entering the car manufacturing industry is not late, but just right.

As Lei Jun said in his annual speech, "Intelligence is the soul of the car, and intelligence has just begun in the era of electric vehicles. The automobile industry is a century-old race. As long as you really like it and really want to do it, any time is the best time."

It can be seen that Lei Jun also focuses on the in-depth transformation of future cars by new technologies represented by AI.

It can be said that elements represented by AI will become standard features of future cars. Only when such cars are built can the so-called car manufacturing be considered to have brought about real changes to the automobile industry.

If we only focus on the Internet, if we only focus on the upgrade from oil to electricity, it will not bring about real changes in car manufacturing.

Similarly, if we look at Lei Jun leading Xiaomi to build cars from the perspective of AI, it is not difficult to see that there are still huge opportunities.

With early trial and error and the gradual implementation of electric vehicles, the automobile manufacturing industry is undergoing a critical stage of moving from the era of electrification to the era of intelligence.

For any car manufacturer, if they can grasp such a major change, if they can find the impact of AI technology on car manufacturing and build a truly intelligent car, they can undoubtedly seize the new dividends of such a turning point.


Whether it is the profound transformation of people's travel by Luobo Kuaipao or Lei Jun's prediction of intelligent cars in his speech, they have actually coincidentally embarked on the same path.

Right now,

A new revolution led by AI is taking place in the transportation industry.

It’s just that Luobo Kuaipao is more focused on using AI to transform existing cars, while Lei Jun, in leading Xiaomi to build cars, is more focused on using AI to transform upcoming cars.

Whether it is for traditional transportation or for new transportation represented by new car-making forces, only by continuously strengthening the implementation and application of AI and truly moving transportation from traditional methods to autonomous driving can we truly bring our own development into a new stage.

It is precisely because of this that we can say that Luobo Kuaipao and Lei Jun’s plan to build cars are actually the same.

Behind this kind of convergence of different paths, what we need to see more is the reality that the new technological era dominated by AI has already arrived, and what we need to see more is the reality that the era dominated by the implementation and application of AI has already arrived.

Whether it is for AI players represented by Baidu, or car manufacturing players represented by Lei Jun, only by constantly finding new dividends released by AI and constantly opening up new opportunities for the implementation and application of AI can they obtain new development opportunities in the new generation.

AI has passed its incubation period and has truly entered its mature stage of implementation.

For every player, only by finding the right ways and methods to implement AI, truly realizing the business closed loop of AI, and truly using AI to transform traditional transportation and production methods, can they truly bring their own development into a new stage of commercialization.


Both Luobo Kuaipao and Lei Jun's speeches focused on AI, which can be said to be a similar conclusion.

From this perspective, Robin Li and Lei Jun have stepped into the same AI river, and they have reached the same destination through different paths.

Through this, what we need to see is that a revolution led by AI is taking place in all walks of life.

Whether it is for Baidu led by Robin Li or for Xiaomi led by Lei Jun, only by truly grasping the new opportunities of AI, finding new paths for the implementation of AI, and constantly using AI to open up new imaginations for the industry can they achieve results in the new cycle.

LuoBoKuaiPao has shown us the profound transformation that AI technology has brought to the traditional travel industry, and Tesla's autonomous driving technology has shown us the profound changes that AI technology has brought to new types of cars. Lei Jun will also focus his attention on this.

A new battle dominated by the implementation and application of AI is about to begin.

In such a new battle, there are not only Internet players like Baidu, but also new car-making forces represented by Xiaomi and Tesla.

This is a new change that includes almost all players, and in such a change, none of us can escape.