
Israel launches first airstrike on Yemen's Houthi armed forces, many parties speak out! Hamas: Dangerous escalation


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On July 20, local time, multiple explosions occurred in Hodeidah, Yemen, killing at least 3 people and injuring 87. That evening, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement confirming that the Israeli army had deployedfighterThe airstrike targeted "Houthi armed forces' military targets" in the Hodeidah area, the main port city on the Red Sea in Yemen. According to CCTV News, this was the first time that the Israeli army had carried out an airstrike on Houthi armed forces targets in Yemen, and it was also one of the longest-distance operations by the Israeli army.

Israeli airstrikes in Yemen leave 3 dead, 87 injured

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On July 20, local time, Israel launched air strikes on multiple targets in Hodeidah controlled by the Houthis, including civilian facilities such as power stations and fuel depots, killing at least three people and injuring 87, many of whom were severely burned. Civil defense forces and firefighters are trying to put out the fire near the port oil tanks.

Hodeidah residents said explosions could be heard throughout the city during the intensive bombardment.

▲Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the same day that the Israeli air strike was a response to the Houthi armed forces' drone attack on Tel Aviv on July 19. Israel will not hesitate to strike "any enemy that violates Israel" and will make it "pay a heavy price."

In response, Yemen's Houthi armed spokesman Yahya Saraiya said that they would make an "effective response" to Israel's air strikes and would not hesitate to strike Israel. The Houthi armed forces will continue their actions to support the Palestinian people.

▲Yehya Sarea, spokesman for the Yemeni Houthi armed forces

The day before the incident, in the early morning of July 19 local time, an Iranian-made long-range drone launched from Yemen attacked the center of Tel Aviv. The Houthi armed forces claimed to have launched the attack, killing one person and injuring 10. Subsequently, Israeli Defense Minister Galant said that he would retaliate for the attack on Tel Aviv.

The attack came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to travel to Washington, where he was due to address the U.S. Congress, following an escalation in daily fighting between Israeli forces and Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Regarding Israel's airstrikes on Yemen, Israeli Defense Minister Galant said in a statement: "The fire currently burning in Hodeidah can be seen throughout the Middle East, and its significance is obvious."

It is understood that on the morning of July 20, local time, Israeli Defense Minister Galant held a meeting with Israeli military officials, during which the Israeli military approved the airstrike on Hodeidah, Yemen. Galant said on the same day that he and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and others "closely monitored" the operation.

Rising regional tensions

Hamas: A dangerous escalation

After the incident, Houthi armed spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said: "Israel launched brutal attacks on civilian buildings, oil facilities and power stations in Hodeidah in an effort to force Yemen to stop supporting Gaza." He said the attack "will only increase the firmness and continuity of our determination."

Lebanon's Hezbollah condemned the Israeli attack on Hodeidah in a statement, calling it a "foolish step... marking the entry of a new and dangerous phase in the ongoing, extremely important confrontation."

Hamas also strongly condemned the attack, calling it a "dangerous escalation."

In addition, Egypt, which has been working to help broker a ceasefire in Gaza and a hostage release agreement, said it was "very concerned" about the Israeli attack. A spokesman for the Saudi Ministry of Defense also said that Saudi Arabia was not involved in the attack on Hodeidah.

According to @CCTV International News, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a video speech saying that Israeli warplanes attacked "a port in Yemen used by the Houthi armed forces to receive Iranian weapons." Netanyahu said that this attack, about 1,800 kilometers from the Israeli border, "reminds the enemy that there is no place that Israel's 'long arm' cannot reach." He also called on "the international community to strengthen measures against Iran and its proxies."

Red Star News reporter Wang Yalin and intern Ye Ying compiled CCTV news and CCTV International News

Editor Pan Li Responsible Editor Guan Li