
The growth model is no longer effective, and “burning money” is no longer popular. How should new AI entrepreneurs take the first step?


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What is the business logic of AI applications? What other entrepreneurial opportunities are there in the AI ​​field? How should startup teams seize this wave of AI development opportunities? At the opening ceremony of the "Chaining the Future • Creating 100+" Innovation Forum and Entrepreneurship Training Camp held by the Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center recently, the "full of practical information" of the first entrepreneurial lesson opened the horizons of 40 entrepreneurial "new recruits" in the field of AI.

Winner takes all? Artificial intelligence changes the industry ecosystem

Wang Zikai, chief engineer of the Shanghai Institute of Artificial Intelligence, cited a Goldman Sachs report and pointed out that this round of generative artificial intelligence is a revolution in productivity that will inevitably have an impact on the industry ecology, and at least 300 million workers worldwide will be affected.

Artificial intelligence will affect different industries at different rates. Among them, the industries that are being rapidly disrupted are e-commerce, games, advertising, etc. Due to the two characteristics of high onlineization and content quality determining value, generative artificial intelligence has penetrated into the core production links of these industries.

The production potential of some industries has been further boosted, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and medicine. In these industries, marketing plays a supporting role. At the same time, the industry's digitalization level is low and there is a lack of large-scale replication scenarios. There is often a "one policy for each company". Therefore, some platform-based leading companies will be born among companies that embrace artificial intelligence in advance.

Zhao Bin, a young scholar at the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, further explained the logic behind this phenomenon. Take robots as an example. In the past, a production scene required "customization". There were robots with different configurations on a production line. It was very costly for companies that focused on a certain field to develop new scenes. However, with the support of the general large model, only "one" general robot that meets the needs of the industry can achieve the effect of hundreds of types of robots in the past.

"Unlike technology that promotes ecology, from the perspective of phenomenon observation, generative artificial intelligence is destroying the ecology, which is the so-called winner takes all," said Wang Zikai.

Is "burning money" useless? Artificial intelligence changes business logic

Under the influence of artificial intelligence, the business logic of enterprise survival is also changing. Wang Zikai observed that for C-end and small B-end businesses, changes in product form have caused the previous methods of promoting product growth to become ineffective; for large B-end businesses, the phenomenon of decreasing marginal costs is very obvious.

For a set lunch, how should the side dishes be priced to satisfy both the owner and the customers? For a braised pork dish, how should the photo be taken to attract more clicks? For a coupon, when should it be sent to attract more "returning customers"? ... Those who think about these all day are not the owners of restaurants, but the marketing models. Now, all these "brain-burning" questions can be "generated with one click", and users can expect to get satisfactory results in one step.

Facing the ever-changing business logic, what are the opportunities for AI startups? Wang Zikai believes that the key lies in making good products. "The 100 Model Wars is a good example. No matter how much money you spend on marketing, users will choose the big model that best meets their needs based on their own feedback. It may be even more cruel for new products. Users will only give you one or two chances. If the experience is not good, they may just close the window."

Zhao Peizhou, investment director of Xiaomiao Langcheng, firmly believes that artificial intelligence will give birth to new platform companies, but "burning money" is no longer the mainstream "playing method". They pay more attention to those companies that have healthy capital flow at the beginning. An intelligent technology company they invested in, called Leap Engine, has gained a large number of loyal users based on its products without any investment flow.

Providing systematic training for entrepreneurs through hard work

Since 2021, the Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center has carefully created the Chuang 100+ Entrepreneurship Training Camp, which has been successfully held for three sessions. A total of 111 entrepreneurs have been selected to enter the camp. The three-month training camp provides entrepreneurs with a "hard work" and systematic entrepreneurship training. Here, they can not only learn knowledge, listen to cases, and meet like-minded entrepreneurial partners, but also have mentors to help solve problems on the road to entrepreneurship one-on-one.

The fourth Chuang100+ Entrepreneurship Training Camp focused on artificial intelligence applications and recruited 40 trainees, some of whom were deeply engaged in intelligent manufacturing, some focused on smart cities, and some explored medical health. Dong Zeyun, founder of Shanghai Zeyun Jiazhen Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd., was one of them. After listening to the "full of practical information" opening lecture, he said that he used to pay more attention to technology, but now it seems that business thinking is more important. He hopes to complete the transformation from employee thinking to boss thinking here and improve the comprehensive quality of entrepreneurship.

"We hope to bring multi-dimensional empowerment to artificial intelligence startups through full-chain services including innovation chain, industrial chain, policy chain and capital chain." Zhai Jinguo, deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, said that entrepreneurs will be encouraged to continuously iterate and upgrade their technologies or products in actual applications, and promote the development of entrepreneurial teams and enterprises more effectively through various measures.

Author: Shen Qiusha

Text: Shen Qiusha Photos: Provided by the interviewee Editor: Shen Qiusha Responsible editor: Ren Quan

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