
What are the most regrettable aspects of home renovation? Listen to the renovation experience of experienced people and avoid pitfalls as soon as possible


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I believe that everyone who buys a house will have many fantasies about their new home. But many people, like me, have no experience in decoration. After reading a lot of information and working for several months to finish the decoration, I found that many decoration problems are not that simple. Today, let's talk about the regrettable aspects of decoration, and remind friends who have not yet decorated. Instead of regretting it in the future, it is better to listen to the advice of those who have experienced it.

1. Regret not installing enough sockets

The most annoying thing after moving in is to find that there are not enough sockets. When electrical appliances need electricity, you can only add more sockets. Especially in the kitchen, this needs electricity, that needs electricity, a bunch of electrical appliances are plugged into the sockets, all the wires are tangled together, it looks messy and affects the appearance. And sometimes you need to unplug the plug, and you have to figure out which wire is which, which is really troublesome.

Therefore, in the early stage of decoration, you must plan the number and layout of sockets. If there are too few sockets or they are installed in unreasonable positions, it will cause inconvenience in future use.

2. I regret having an open bookcase

When I was renovating my house, I followed the trend and built an open bookcase. The reason why I didn't have doors was that I thought it would be easier to find books and take them out in the future. But I never expected that there would be so much dust in my house. The huge bookshelf became a dust trap. If I didn't clean it for three or five days, it would be full of dust. And if the bookshelf is not full, it will be empty and ugly. If it is too full, it will look messy, which is completely different from the effect I imagined.

Therefore, if you are considering installing a bookcase or any cabinet, try to install a cabinet with doors. You can make some of the cabinet doors transparent or partially open to avoid making the whole cabinet open.

3. Regret installing a bathtub in the bathroom

Installing a bathtub in the master bathroom may be the ideal of most office workers. After work, go home and take a bath, and feel comfortable. However, the reality is that even if you have a bathtub at home, the frequency of use is still very low, because each use requires a lot of effort and time.

For example, if you haven't used a bathtub for a few days, you have to clean it first, then run water, wait for more than ten or twenty minutes, and then clean it again. It takes an hour to complete the whole set of work, which is better than taking a shower directly.

4. Regret that the floor color is too dark

Choosing tiles is really a technical job. I didn't expect that I saw one color at the tile shop, but when I took it home and laid it, it turned out to be another color. The shop owner said it was the color difference caused by the lighting, and he was sure that he had sent the right one, so in the end the color of my floor was very dark.

On cloudy days, without turning on the lights, the room was dark and the lighting was poor. In addition, surprisingly, the dark floor tiles did not look dirty at all. Various hairs and fluffs were clearly visible on the floor. Sometimes, there was only a footprint when you walked by, which was speechless.

Therefore, when buying tiles, it is best to take them out of the store to see them in natural light to avoid the color difference caused by the lights in the store affecting your judgment. On the premise of matching the decoration style, try to choose light-colored tiles or light-colored wooden floors, which will be brighter and more resistant to dirt.

5. Regret not choosing a swing door for your wardrobe

If space is not limited, it is best to choose a wardrobe with swing doors instead of sliding doors. A wardrobe with swing doors does not have rails that are difficult to clean, and it closes more tightly than a sliding door. In southern cities like ours, which are relatively humid, the wardrobe must be kept dry, otherwise the clothes inside will easily turn yellow and moldy. In terms of overall service life, swing doors also have a longer lifespan.

6. Regret not looking at the "feet" when choosing furniture

Choosing the wrong furniture is not only unsightly, but it will also be very painful to use every day. For example, when choosing furniture, many people first look at the style and environmental protection, but often ignore the "feet".

Some low-legged furniture may look stable, but it will definitely increase the cleaning burden after you buy it home. You can't just reach the broom or mop in, you have to squat and reach in slowly. The robot vacuum cleaner can't get in, and there are all kinds of dust and toys that were accidentally kicked in under the sofa.

Therefore, when choosing furniture, pay special attention to details such as the height of the furniture legs, and try to choose floor-standing models or high-legged models. Furniture such as sofas and beds with low legs will become a burden for cleaning in the future, so it is recommended to avoid them.

7. Regret choosing white for door frames, skirtings, and too many furniture items

When it comes to home design, many people don't know how to match colors, and they think that choosing white is always the right choice. White door covers, white skirtings, white cabinets, white beds, etc., all put together in the expectation of a harmonious color, but unexpectedly, it becomes a colorful white. Some are cold tones, some are warm tones, and the combination is neither fish nor fowl. The key is that it will turn yellow after a long time of use.

Therefore, if you want to avoid colorful white in decoration, you must compare with color cards and look at them under natural light. It is recommended to look at the custom cabinets first and then decide on latex paint for safety, to ensure that the wall and cabinet body will not be too different, even if the latex paint is not right, it can be changed.

That’s all I’m sharing with you today. If you want to know more about decorating, don’t forget to follow me!

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