
The movie "Daocang" premiered, and the creators said that the youth of Peking Opera actors is not far away from the audience


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Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On July 19, the youth film "Dao Cang" which will be released on July 27 held a "Restart Youth" premiere in Beijing. Screenwriter and director Zhang Yudi, screenwriter Huo Xueying, leading actors Bian Cheng, Zhou Meijun, starring Chen Shaoxi, Xu Shixin, and special guest Liu Jun attended the event to share the original intention of the film and tell the feelings of youth. The film "Dao Cang" is directed by Zhang Yudi, written by Huo Xueying and Zhang Yudi, starring Bian Cheng, Zhou Meijun, starring Zhang Chi, Chen Shaoxi, Xu Shixin, Liu Jun special guest, and Song Xiaochuan friendly guest. The film will be released nationwide on July 27, and pre-sale is now open.

A group photo of the main creators at the premiere.

At the premiere, screenwriter and director Zhang Yudi shared his filming concept, "The original idea of ​​'Dao Cang' started in 2017. Seven years is the persistence of the teenagers in the story to their dreams, and also our persistence in creation." In "Dao Cang", the audience sees not only the pain and confusion of "Dao Cang" in adolescence, but more about the choices of young people and the tenacity they pay for their dreams. Screenwriter Huo Xueying also shared that "the youth of Peking Opera actors is not as far away as we think. They also sing pop songs when they go to KTV. We hope that everyone can see their youth in the movie and recall the time when they played day and night with their friends and did stupid things."

When it comes to his evaluation of the actors, Zhang Yudi's love for them is beyond words. He said, "Everyone is too young. They are always full of energy. They are naturally youthful and energetic. It's not that I found these actors, but they were waiting for this role to appear." He also said that when filming the "jumping into the lake" scene, he couldn't help but jump into the lake with the actors, "I want to be young with them." Huo Xueying also said, "Young people have the ability to temporarily forget the pain and enjoy the present," and this ability allows them to express themselves more openly and directly, and thus find happiness.

Actors Bian Cheng and Zhou Meijun shared their first Peking Opera experience, saying that their first reaction to seeing their Peking Opera costumes was "shock," and they even doubted whether the person in the mirror was really themselves. For actor Chen Shaoxi, who has been learning Peking Opera since childhood, it was as if he had experienced his childhood memories again. Several young actors even transformed themselves into characters in the play, performing red tassel spears and sweeping legs. Chen Shaoxi also sang the film's promotional song "That Child" on the spot, which drew applause and screams from the audience. Recalling the filming process, Zhou Meijun said with emotion: "I hope the summer of filming "Daocang" will be longer. I am very happy to have gained so many good friends." Although it was 40 degrees high in Wuhan, the enthusiasm of several young actors has increased, and they have established a deep friendship both inside and outside the play. Xu Shixin said: "We are not performing roles, but we are real friends."

Liu Jun, who plays Sun Xiaolei's father Sun Jianjun in "The Warehouse", shared his understanding of the role of "father", "Xiaolei's father is not perfect, but his grandfather has the strictness and requirements for children shaped by that era and family environment, which is a typical Chinese father-son relationship." The director also gave a very suitable way of reconciliation for Sun Xiaolei's father-son relationship, not using words, but awkwardly accepting each other. And this way of expression from many Chinese families can also bring a stronger sense of intimacy and resonance to the audience.

Editor Wu Longzhen

Proofread by Chen Diyan