
Chouzhou Bank successfully helped the company recover more than 25,000 US dollars in foreign trade debts


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In mid-July, under the coordination of Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank, a textile company in Shaoxing successfully recovered the foreign trade payment that had been overdue for six months from a Bangladeshi customer, recovering economic losses of US$25,243.89.

Friends who work in foreign trade have all experienced that after hard work in order production, export shipment and other tasks, and finally delivering the goods to foreign buyers, the originally agreed payment deadline has arrived, but the buyer's payment has not been received. Faced with a pile of bills for upstream raw materials, workers' wages, and water and electricity bills, the long-overdue payment is often the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Boss S of a textile enterprise in Shaoxing encountered such a bad thing. On June 27, Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank Shaoxing Branch received a request for help from Boss S. The company had not received payment for goods exported to Bangladesh last year, and was facing the risk of losing both money and goods. He hoped that Chouzhou Bank could help solve the problem.

After receiving the call for help, the Shaoxing Branch of Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank took prompt action and formed a professional team with the International Business Department of the head office to deeply analyze the background of the incident and study solutions. Subsequently, the Chouzhou Bank team arranged two-hand preparations. On the one hand, they contacted the issuing bank to negotiate payment according to international practices, and on the other hand, they connected with local resources in Bangladesh to conduct in-depth investigations and restore the course of the incident. After multiple investigations, Chouzhou Bank obtained evidence that the issuing bank endorsed the bill of lading to the buyer without acceptance and payment, which allowed the buyer to successfully pick up the goods with the endorsed bill of lading.

Taking into account that cross-border transactions in Bangladesh are basically settled by letters of credit, and that issuing banks mostly act on the instructions of applicants, and that letters of credit have a weak commercial characteristic of weak independence, Chuzhou Bank "handles special matters specially and difficult matters specially". On the basis of clear facts and conclusive evidence, after several rounds of negotiations, the issuing bank finally remitted US$25,243.89 on July 11, and the company's debt problem was satisfactorily resolved.

Since Bangladesh is a country with a shortage of foreign exchange, Chinese companies exporting to Bangladesh often encounter problems such as delayed payment, unreasonable refusal to pay, and unauthorized release of orders by issuing banks. When collecting debts owed to Bangladesh, they often face major challenges brought about by differences in legal systems and business practices. Chouzhou Bank has long been committed to the construction of a "Belt and Road" characteristic bank, and has deeply cultivated the Bangladesh market and established close cooperative relations with most local banks. Through a broad and strong agency network and a specialized and sophisticated international business team, Chouzhou Bank has launched one-stop services such as national notification of Bangladesh letters of credit, export negotiation, collection and remittance, forfaiting financing, and credit reports to escort Chinese companies to "set sail" and move forward steadily.

The relevant person in charge of the international business of Changzhou Bank said that in the future, it will continue to uphold the service concept of "intimate, professional, cooperative and win-win", actively implement the business purpose of "serving the open economy and serving foreign trade enterprises", strengthen reform and innovation, deepen cooperation between banks and enterprises, and provide strong financial power for the high-quality development of Zhejiang Province's open economy.