
Palestinians recount their experience of abuse by Israeli troops: blindfolded, beaten, and fed animal feed


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On the 17th local time, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society stated that Israel released 13 detained Palestinians that day. The 13 people are currently undergoing health checks at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza Strip.

The released Palestinians said theyThey were subjected to inhumane abuse by the Israeli side.

Zakaria was one of the 13 Palestinians released on the 17th. Zakaria said he originally lived in the northern Gaza Strip. 55 days ago, when he was taking care of his sick father at home, the Israeli army suddenly broke into his home and took him away. He said that he suffered cruel abuse during his detention by the Israeli army.

Zakaria, a Palestinian who was released: We were beaten from the moment we were captured and put into an Israeli tank. The Israelis beat and insulted us, urinated on us, and the beatings continued. When we were transferred to another location, they continued to beat and insult us, and we didn't even know why we were being beaten. We were blindfolded at the time, and they didn't take off our blindfolds until we were released today. During the 55 days I was detained, I was handcuffed, blindfolded, and couldn't sleep. They gave usThe food is feed for animals, no one cares whether you eat it or not.

Another released Palestinian, Sayid, said he was captured by the Israeli army in an Indonesian hospital in the Gaza Strip 70 days ago. He said the Palestinians detained by the Israeli army were in a terrible situation.Some people have become mentally ill, and many of the wounded and sick cannot be cared for. He cannot imagine what kind of torture the Palestinians who are still being held captive by Israel are going through at this moment.

Freed Palestinian Sayyid: Some people are crazy, they urinate on themselves. There are patients and amputees there, they are thrown aside, they don't get any medicine, they are screaming all the time. At night,The Israelis would bring dogs, pepper spray us, and shock us, every night.

Data shows that Israel has detained about 4,000 Palestinians since October 7 last year, and only about1,500 people were released, but Israel refused to allow humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross to visit the detainees. Several media outlets had previously reported that the detained Palestinians were tortured and subjected to other abuses, which Israel denied.

(CCTV News Client)