
German politicians congratulate Merkel on her 70th birthday, Scholz: She works tirelessly for the country


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[Global Times Comprehensive Report] On July 17, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 70th birthday. According to a report by Deutsche Presse-Agentur on the 17th, many German politicians congratulated Merkel, including her competitors. Merkel herself celebrated her 70th birthday "quietly" just like when she was German Chancellor, away from the public eye.

According to reports, former German Chancellor Schröder commented on Merkel: "Among all political opponents, she is a special one." He said he liked "Merkel's 'typical North German charm' and her ability to satirize others and herself." Current German Chancellor Scholz also praised Merkel's "impressive political career." He posted on social media: "She works tirelessly for the country. Happy birthday!" German President Steinmeier praised her as "a role model for our democracy."

Merkel was born on July 17, 1954 in Hamburg, German Democratic Republic (East Germany). She worked as a researcher at the Physical Chemistry Center of the former East German Academy of Sciences and later became the deputy spokesperson of the former East German government. After the reunification of the two Germanys in 1990, Merkel was elected as a member of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany and also served as the minister in charge of women, environment and other departments. As an important political figure in German history, Merkel has a decisive influence on the development of Germany after reunification. From 2000 to 2018, she has been the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union. During Merkel's 16 years as chancellor, Germany has experienced major events such as the global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, and the European refugee crisis. During this period, most Germans have affirmed Merkel's work. A survey by German News Television showed that 55% of Germans believe that Merkel leads Germany to overcome various crises better than her successor Scholz.

It is reported that after leaving office, Merkel declined various job offers and concentrated on writing her memoirs, "Freedom". This highly anticipated book is scheduled to be published in November this year. (Aoki)