
Ah Nian grew up overnight! The female characters in "Longing" have their own charms. Are they all heroines?


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Sauvignon Blanc 2》After the break, the broadcast resumed and a new climax was reached immediately:

Xuan's attack on Hao Ling caused the second princess Anian to grow up overnight, which also made it to the hot search list.

The reason why netizens reacted so strongly to this is because the contrast between the character before and after is huge.

She was originally a carefree little princess, having lived under the protection of her father, the king, her mother, and her brother. She was willful, spoiled, and innocent. But now she has to face the situation where her beloved brother is at war with her own country.

Faced with love and blood ties, Anian chose the latter, and at once completed the portrayal of the character's growth arc.

In fact, she is notSauvignon Blanc》 is the most outstanding woman in the play, but Dai Luwa’s performance is a contrast, and the character suddenly becomes three-dimensional.

And this drama is definitely not just a pure "female-led drama", because each female character has her own stance and commendable qualities, even the unlikable Fang Feng Yiying and Chen Rong Xinyue.

Today we will take a look at these impressive female characters in "Chang Xiang Si".

1. Xiaoyao: A noble person with a simple desire to be ordinary

Everyone says that "Longing" is a drama about a female protagonist, but as the plot progresses, especially after the heroine Xiaoyao is robbed of her bride by Xiangliu and stabbed in the back by her cousin, the audience exclaimed:

This drama always tells the story of her own tragedy.

Although it is explained at the beginning that she is the most noble woman in the entire Great Wilderness, the daughter of King Gao Xin and General Wang Ji, and the blood of Xuanyuan and Xiling flows in her veins.

Moreover, Xiaoyao and Xiyan's future king Xuanxuan have been childhood sweethearts. If their uncle and mother had not died in battle one after another, they would have been the most suitable young emperor and empress.

But the gears of fate turned, and everything began to develop in an uncontrollable direction: she was sent away, and then wandered in the wilderness, experiencing the warmth and coldness of human nature.

The work begins in Qingshui Town. Everyone says that the time when Wen Xiaoliu was her happiest, but in fact, wasn’t that time also the happiest time for Xuanxuan, Tushanjing, Xiangliu, Anian and others?

But happiness is fleeting, because in order to fulfill her previous promise, she must return to her status as a princess in order to help her brother regain the throne.

During this process, Xiaoyao's relationship with several men became complicated. Some people said that she was too bad and wavered between Tushan Jing and Xiangliu. However, due to blood relationship and family interests, she couldn't let go of Xuan...

In fact, apart from the seemingly bloody and complicated "Mary Sue drama", what the author wants to express is nothing more than: the difficult and helpless growth process of a woman in a patriarchal society.

It is also feasible to say that the tragedy of this story was caused by the influence of the original family - after all, the choice made by the mother at that time was too "crazy".

This kind of "madness" also affects Xiaoyao in a certain sense:

When it comes to love, she was afraid of repeating the same mistake, so she gave up the man she loved, Xiangliu, and devoted herself to cultivating her relationship with Tu Shanjing.

Even if the other party already has a fiancée, she doesn't care, the only reason is that "he has never given up on herself."

When facing Xuan, Xiao Yao is also very "crazy". For the sake of family affection, she gave up her desire for a leisurely life and mobilized all her resources to pave the way for him to ascend to the throne, but she did not expect to be used again and again.

Even in the later stage, after learning about Xuan's feelings and that he was willing to kill Tu Shanjing in order to keep her, her actions were too extreme: If you kill him, I will kill you, and then I will commit suicide?

All these things made Xiao Yao seem like a character who "cannot live without a man", which completely violated the refreshing point of "the only beauty of the heroine" and also became a point of complaint that her character seemed to collapse.

But everyone forgets that she lived in a patriarchal society at that time and lived in her own "noble" status, and many things she did were choices she was forced to make.

From the beginning to the end, Xiaoyao just wanted to live in harmony with her family - this was because she had already seen the top of the mountain, the sad and helpless scenery there, and the price her parents paid for it, so she came to a conclusion: she just wanted to live the way she wanted.

Therefore, the so-called heroine does not mean becoming an empress in the traditional sense, but living the way she wants after seeing all the scenery.

This may be the ultimate meaning that the author wants to convey, and it is also the most unique and valuable aspect of Xiaoyao's works among many similar works.

2. Anian: Seemingly a winner in life, but actually a tragic pawn

Compared to Xiaoyao, who is the apple of everyone's eye, Anian is the character that many fans envy the most.

In the original novel, Wen Xiaoliu envied her and said that she was "naive to the point of being shameless, and arrogant to the point of being domineering."

Although her appearance was not likable, she lived the most recklessly and freely in the first half of the plot - her wonderful experience laid a perfect foundation for the tragedy in the future.

It's even a bit like "The Truman Show", this fairy-tale world is full of deception:

The love between the father and the queen mother is actually a story of "the love between the two".

Her brother dotes on her endlessly, but behind the scenes there is nothing but helpless "substitute literature".

If you understand all this, you will realize that Anian is just a beautiful pawn in the male society, nothing more.

Even though she finally married the country and became Xuan's concubine, and he still doted on her as always, the person in his heart was not her.

Anian also inevitably became a poor woman who had to guard the deep palace and wait for her lover to come behind the curtain every day - perhaps her status was higher than other women such as Chen Rong and Xinyue, but that was all.

So looking at Anian’s story, perhaps “growing up overnight” is the most brilliant moment of her character growth. Her golden sentence is:

"If I have to choose between him and my father, I will choose my father. If I have to choose between the people of Haoling and him, I will choose the people of Haoling."

No wonder some people burst into tears after seeing this scene: "This is the script of a heroine!"

In addition, Dai Luwa's performance is also very superb. In fact, the original novel does not focus much on Anian, so his role is naturally average.

But every time Anian appears, people will smile. Even in Qingshui Town’s most domineering stage, Anian played by Dai Luwa gives people the feeling of just "acting like a young lady".

As the plot develops to this day, the audience who likes her will feel more sympathy and helplessness for this character, as well as the deeper sadness hidden in her "winner in life" personality.

3. Fang Feng Yi Ying: Burdened by love, and finally "killed with one arrow"

As the eldest daughter of the Fangfeng family, isn’t Fangfeng Yiying getting the “script of the chosen heroine”?

In addition to her noble status and outstanding appearance, she also inherited the family's most powerful archery skills and is the best female shooter in the Great Wilderness.

So after she appeared on the stage, in addition to the love affair scenes with Tushanhou, Fangfeng Yiying also staged a scene in which she assassinated Xuan. She was decisive and heroic at the time.

Moreover, she is very versatile and good at socializing. Even Old Madam Tushan treats her differently, and her circle of friends also includes rich and famous celebrities like Chen Rong Xinyue.

If such a woman had not been used by Tushan Hou and involved in a terrible conspiracy, how happy and fulfilling would her life have been?

But it was also fate that Fang Feng Yiying failed to judge people and fell into the so-called love under the design of Tu Shan Hou, and since then he became a villain.

But from her perspective, everything makes sense.

From the moment she first mistook him for "Master Tushan", Fangfeng Yiying fell deeply in love with Tushan Hou and was loyal to him. Even when she found out that the man she was really going to marry was the popular "Master Qingqiu", her feelings never wavered.

In this love, Fangfeng Yiying endured unknown grievances, bitterness and suffering, but she always had a thought in her heart: to be together for a lifetime.

But in the end, everything was in vain, until she witnessed the backstabbing of the person she loved, while a second before that, she was still begging for mercy and trying to exonerate him.

In the end, Fangfeng Yiying was disheartened and did not drag his feet. Instead, he chose to use his life's blood and energy to feed the Tushan tribe's God of Food, and was willing to endure the heart-wrenching pain every day to atone his sins.

But she did not let Tushan Hou go. Instead, she said firmly before her death: "I will make those who have failed me pay me back!"

In the end, Fang Fengyiying's "One Arrow to Win the Wind" and blood debt paid with blood also made the audience shout: "It's so satisfying!"

4. Chen Rong Xinyue: Over-judging the situation will ruin your life

Like Fangfeng Yiying, Chen Rong Xinyue has a very bad personality - even though she also once had a good hand.

Although she was born into the royal family of the extinct Chenrong country, and was monitored by the King of Xiyan since childhood and sent to Xiyan as a hostage, she was actually the well-deserved Princess Chenrong.

Therefore, Xinyue is different from other women. She is more realistic and knows what she wants since she was a child. This is also reflected in her brother Chishui Fenglong.

Therefore, she had lofty ambitions, and her biggest goal in life was to marry the most supreme king, but she didn't care who that person was.

Even though Chen Rong Xinyue has always had a secret crush on Xuan, she will not help him when she learns that he is in a passive situation.

In fact, this is not a complaint. After all, a princess who grew up under the clan concept can only add icing on the cake, not help in times of need - in this game rule, existence is reasonable.

Because of this, as Xiaoyao said, she "missed the only chance to get into Xuan's heart."

But these are not the most important things for Xinyue.

She and Anian are fundamentally different, so between love and power, she chose the latter.

However, it was inevitable that she would end up being "in name only".

After all, after gaining tremendous power, Xinyue greedily wanted to gain love, and was especially overly jealous of Xiaoyao, which led to her being completely abandoned by Xuan.

Perhaps for her, one sentence can fully describe this regretful love: "If life could only be like the first time we met, why would the autumn wind make the fan sad?"

It is understandable that Chen Rong Xinyue's excessive assessment of the situation and lack of security made her calculations come to nothing and she was left with only an empty reputation.

5. Sang Tianer: Having a bad hand but turning the tide

In addition to the above-mentioned female protagonists, Sang Tianer, who only appeared in a few episodes in the first season, is regarded as the "leading heroine" by many viewers.

Especially in the second part, she reappeared at an old age and became the key figure in awakening Xiaoyao, which was simply a stroke of genius.

Compared to the above-mentioned female characters who are often from the gods, princesses or legitimate daughters, Sang Tianer's starting point is not worth mentioning - she can only be regarded as a second-rate prostitute, living in the lowest level of the cracks, despised and ignored.

Until she met Chuanzi and Wen Xiaoliu, her life turned around.

Initially, Sang Tian'er was just a pawn of Wen Xuan, whose purpose was just to seduce Chuan Zi and get close to Xiao Liu, but in the process, she saw an opportunity and told everything to Wen Xiao Liu.

It was a prisoner's dilemma, and luckily for her, she won, and beautifully.

But her victory was not because Sang Tianer was lucky, but the result of her own choice - after marrying Chuanzi, she did not lie down and give up, but let Xiaoliu teach her medical skills, and then she built her own career.

Although Sang Tian'er did not appear in the long plot afterwards, the two had a chat until Xiao Yao returned to Qingshui Town.

She was very old at this time, but still clear-headed. She used a few words to describe her life:

"There will be cliffs, forks in the road, and wild animals on the road. If you take a wrong step, you may fall flat on your face. If you don't see clearly, you may take a detour... It is precisely because we are traveling in the mountains, the road is bumpy and full of dangers, so everyone wants to find a companion, an extra pair of eyes, an extra pair of hands..."

Some people say that the precious thing about Sang Tianer is that her original intention has never changed from the beginning to the end.

She seizes every opportunity that comes her way, then works hard to climb up, ultimately choosing to make the most of everything and live in the present.

The above are some of the remarkable female characters in "Chang Xiang Si". Of course, supporting characters such as Jing Ye and Jin Xuan are also very outstanding, so I won’t go into details here.

The above views are purely personal thoughts, please don’t criticize if you don’t agree.

Which female image do you like best? Feel free to leave a message to discuss.