
The Japanese warship forcibly entered our waters. China has lodged solemn representations. The situation may escalate in the future.


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Last week, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Suzutsuki forcibly entered Chinese territorial waters. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a solemn representation to the Japanese side. This incident is not an isolated incident, nor is it a sporadic incident. Such incidents will only increase in the future.

Saying that it is not an isolated incident means that it is an important part of the current Sino-US war in the Pacific Ocean. The US military is now gathering 29 countries to conduct the Pacific Rim military exercise. At the same time, we are tit-for-tat:

First, the PLA Shandong aircraft carrier formation left the Miyako Strait and entered the waters west of Guam;

Second, the PLA Eastern Theater Command organized a large-scale military exercise in the direction of the Taiwan Strait. How large is the scale of this exercise? According to the Zhejiang Aviation Police 636/24 report, it spanned nearly 6 longitude and latitude coordinate areas.

At the same time, 66 fighter jets of the Eastern Theater Air Force were active around Taiwan Island. The Taiwan region’s puppet army said that this scale has exceeded the 62-plane scale of this year’s “Joint Sword-2024A”, setting a record for the highest number of military aircraft dispatched in a single day.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer "Suzutsuki" approached our PLA exercise area and our territorial waters, which was an inevitable scene in this series of military struggles. This also shows that if a military conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait in the future, Japan will definitely be our target of combat.

And this is not an isolated incident. Japanese warships and military aircraft often approach our vicinity and the areas where our PLA operates. In the past, there was an incident where a submarine of the Japanese Self-Defense Force operated near our navy's Zhoushan base. General Zhang, the famous "Kelp Anti-Submarine" incident refers to this incident. The Self-Defense Force regards the PLA as its biggest opponent, and obtaining our intelligence is their basic task.

It's just that the nature of this incident is even worse this time. Especially before July 7, but this kind of thing will not decrease in the future. This is actually a game that everyone is playing in the Western Pacific, called the "gray zone". This time, Japan's banner is still the "innocent passage" of warships. Before, our People's Liberation Army also used the principle of "innocent passage" to pass through Japanese territorial waters many times. How many times? At least from the public data, we did it at least 4 times last year alone.

Japan is now deliberately playing dirty and using this method to play with us. Regarding the principle of "innocent passage" of warships, in the case that both sides have not completely broken off relations, there is actually no better way except tracking, monitoring and driving away. Russia's "my ship was ordered to ram your ship" was a last resort. We don't need to adopt it completely.