
Shenzhen introduces new policy on guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship: small and micro enterprises can get up to 5 million yuan in loans


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Nandu reporter Zhang Xiaoling reported that the latest issue of the "Shenzhen Entrepreneurship Guarantee Loan Management Measures" published in the government gazette stipulates that the loan amount for qualified individuals is increased to a maximum of 600,000 yuan, and the loan amount for small and micro enterprise borrowers who meet the specified conditions is up to 5 million yuan. This measure will come into effect on September 30 this year.

The latest government gazette announced the "Shenzhen Entrepreneurship Guarantee Loan Management Measures" jointly formulated by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Local Financial Management Bureau, and the Shenzhen Branch of the People's Bank of China. The "Measures" stipulate that individual borrowers who meet the specified conditions can have a personal loan limit of up to 300,000 yuan; if they have created employment for more than 5 people (including 5 people, excluding the borrower himself) within 12 months before the date of application, the personal loan limit will be increased to a maximum of 600,000 yuan. For borrowers who meet the conditions for personal entrepreneurship guarantee loans and start a business in partnership, the loan limit can be appropriately increased according to the number of partners, up to 110% of the sum of the upper limits of the qualified personal entrepreneurship guarantee loan limits, and not more than the upper limit of the loan limit for small and micro enterprises.

For small and micro enterprise borrowers that meet the specified conditions, the maximum loan amount is 4 million yuan; if they have created employment for more than 5 people (including 5 people, excluding the legal representative himself) within 12 months prior to the date of application, the maximum loan amount is 5 million yuan.

The loan amount is reasonably determined by the handling bank based on the business conditions, repayment capacity and actual number of employees of the enterprise. Qualified borrowers of entrepreneurial guarantee loans can apply for a fiscal subsidy of 50% of the actual loan interest rate.

Borrowers cannot enjoy both personal loans and small and micro enterprise loans at the same time during the same loan period. The maximum loan period for each personal loan is no more than 3 years, and the maximum loan period for each small and micro enterprise loan is no more than 2 years. Borrowers who are active in repayment, have strong employment promotion capabilities, have a stable employment scale, have good entrepreneurial projects and meet relevant regulations can continue to apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans and interest subsidies after repaying on time as required, and the cumulative number of times shall not exceed 3 times.

Before the expiration of the entrepreneurial guarantee loan, if the borrower really needs to continue to use the funds or is expected to be unable to repay on time due to temporary financial constraints, but has a good credit record and repayment willingness, no outstanding loan interest and penalty interest, and the entrepreneurial project is operating normally, he or she can apply to the handling bank for loan extension. The loan extension can only be applied for once, and the extension period shall not exceed 1 year. No interest subsidy will be provided during the extension period, but the guarantee can continue to be provided.

This measure will be implemented from September 30 this year and will be valid for 5 years. The guarantee fund that has been transferred before the implementation of this measure can continue to be used for entrepreneurship guarantee loans in accordance with the provisions of this measure. If a loan contract has been signed before the implementation of this measure, it will still be implemented according to the original contract.