
China has decided to suspend the operation! The responsibility lies entirely with the US


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Source: China News Network

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference on July 17.

China has decided to suspend discussions with the United States on a new round of arms control consultations!

A reporter asked:In November 2023, China and the United States held arms control and non-proliferation consultations in Washington. For some time, some senior US officials have accused China of refusing to hold a new round of consultations with the United States and failing to make a substantive response to relevant US proposals. What is China's comment?

Lin Jian:For some time, the US has ignored China's firm opposition and repeated representations, continued arms sales to Taiwan, and taken a series of negative actions that seriously damaged China's core interests and undermined mutual trust between the two sides, seriously undermining the political atmosphere for continued arms control consultations between the two sides. For this reason, China has decided to suspend discussions with the US on a new round of arms control and non-proliferation consultations. The US is solely responsible for this situation.

China is willing to maintain communication with the United States on international arms control issues on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, but the United States must respect China's core interests and create the necessary conditions for dialogue and exchanges between the two sides.

China: Will impose visa restrictions on US officials who promote sanctions against China on human rights issues

A reporter asked:A few days ago, a US State Department spokesperson issued a statement saying that the United States continues to promote accountability for defending human rights in China, and the US State Department is taking measures to impose visa restrictions on Chinese officials who participate in oppressing marginalized religious and ethnic communities. What is China's comment?

Lin Jian:The US has deliberately spread false information, smeared China's human rights situation, abused visa restrictions on Chinese officials, seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, and seriously violated international law and basic norms of international relations. China is strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposes this and has lodged solemn representations to the US.

In countermeasure, China will impose reciprocal visa restrictions in accordance with the law on US officials who fabricate lies on human rights issues related to China, push for sanctions against China, and harm China's interests.

Not long ago, the United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously approved China's report on the fourth round of the Universal Periodic Review, which fully demonstrates that the international community highly recognizes China's achievements in human rights. The United States has no right or qualification to comment on the human rights situation in other countries.

The international community has long seen clearly that the United States is wantonly manipulating human rights issues and feels disgusted. If the United States really cares about human rights, it should abandon its "double standards", look in the mirror, look at its own human rights record first, and truly solve the human rights problems that are piling up at home, instead of using human rights as an excuse to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and wield the stick of sanctions.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China and the Philippines agree to further strengthen maritime communication and dialogue between diplomacy and coast guard

A reporter asked questions about the recent communication between China and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

Lin Jian:China has always been committed to properly handling maritime issues with the Philippines through dialogue and consultation. At the ninth meeting of the China-Philippines Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on the South China Sea held earlier this month, the two sides exchanged views on improving the maritime communication mechanism between the two countries. The two countries agreed to further strengthen maritime communication and dialogue between diplomacy and coast guard, and jointly maintain the stability of the maritime situation and the overall situation of China-Philippines relations.