
Anhui University team prepares the world's smallest skyrmion racetrack device unit


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Recently, Du Haifeng's team of Anhui University's new topological magnetic materials and memory devices used focused ion beam micro-nano device preparation technology to prepare the world's smallest skyrmion track device unit (track width: 100nm), and combined with high-space-time resolution in-situ Lorentz electron microscopy technology, achieved one-dimensional, stable, and efficient movement of 80nm magnetic skyrmions in a 100nm wide track driven by nanosecond electric pulses, providing important support for the construction of high-density, high-speed, and reliable new topological magnetoelectronic devices. The relevant research results were published in Nature Communications.

In 2009, German scientists discovered a magnetic structure with non-trivial topological properties in a class of chiral metal magnetic materials, called magnetic skyrmions. It has the advantages of small size, high stability, and easy current control. It is expected to be used as the next generation of data carriers to build new magnetoelectronic devices. One of the most core issues in device construction is to achieve stable and controllable movement of magnetic skyrmions in nanotracks driven by current. However, in the past 15 years of research, the key problems of the device characteristic size being too large and the magnetic skyrmions being deflected during movement have not been effectively solved.

In response to the problem, Du Haifeng's team developed a focused ion beam processing technology for device structure units, designed and prepared high-quality FeGe nanoribbons (length: 10μm; width: 100nm) with uniform thickness, smooth boundaries/surfaces, and amorphous layer thickness less than 2nm, which is the smallest width reported so far; developed a transmission electron microscope in-situ power-on chip, and expanded the in-situ power-on function of the Lorentz transmission electron microscope. By controlling the current pulse width and current density, and using the edge state magnetic structure of the track boundary to stabilize the skyrmion motion, a single 80nm magnetic skyrmion was achieved in a 100nm FeGe track in one dimension and stability.

Experimental results: device feature size is about 100nm; minimum effective current pulse width is 2ns; maximum motion speed is close to 100m/s; skyrmion Hall angle is 0°. These results demonstrate the high-speed and stable motion characteristics of magnetic skyrmions in nanotracks, laying the foundation for the construction of devices based on magnetic skyrmions. (Reporter Shi Ruiwen)