
Anhui Province General Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Conference and National General Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Competition (CCF TEC


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On the afternoon of July 16, the Anhui Province General Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Conference and the National General Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Competition (CCF TEC Special Competition) launching ceremony were successfully held in Hefei.

Event site

The theme of this conference is "Intelligent Fusion Leading the Future - Building a New Era of General Artificial Intelligence". It aims to seize the historical opportunity of the accelerated development of general artificial intelligence, occupy the commanding heights of general artificial intelligence development, highlight "double recruitment and double introduction", scenario application, brand building, and publicity, and fully rely on the platform advantages of the AI ​​Hundred People's Forum to gather high-end talents in academia and industry, and accelerate the construction of our province's artificial intelligence industry innovation and development ecological system.

The event included speeches by digital humans, a video review and awards ceremony of the 2023 competition, the launch of the 2024 competition, the promotion of the School of Artificial Intelligence of USTC and the signing of industry-university-research projects, important releases, and a scenario capability roadshow.

Project signing process

During the project signing session, the School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science of USTC and Shanghai Embodied Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement on the development of a general intelligent robot system driven by embodied intelligence. "The project is aimed at the service robot industry, enhancing the robot's mobile grasping ability from the three aspects of cognition, perception, and planning. It uses large models to understand scenes and user dialogues, generate and optimize action sequences, and adopts active perception and 3D environment reconstruction to achieve intelligent grasping of objects in dynamic open environments." Wang Lei, marketing director of Shanghai Embodied Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., told reporters that the two parties will focus on the innovation and development of embodied intelligent robot technology to build a collaborative innovation platform, and work closely in the three aspects of technology research, talent training, and achievement transformation to promote the industrialization of technologies such as intelligent unmanned systems.

Important release links

Alpha Commune has invested in many excellent artificial intelligence projects in Anhui. In the view of Xu Siqing, founding partner and CEO of Alpha Commune, Anhui entrepreneurs have strong technology, strong implementation scenarios, and strong government promotion. "I hope that the competition will play a demonstration effect, let more entrepreneurs see the fertile ground for innovation in Anhui, and attract them to innovate and start businesses here."

The theme of this competition is "Anhui's Beauty of 'AI+', Leading the Future with Intelligence", and there are preliminary and special competitions. Wu Rui, deputy leader of the artificial intelligence task force of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, introduced that this year's competition has added professional tracks, which will be held in Hefei, Wuhu and Ma'anshan respectively. "We held four special competitions and four on-site negotiation meetings based on the basic advantages and development needs of the artificial intelligence industry in each city. For example, Hefei is artificial intelligence + underlying capabilities and artificial intelligence + social services, Ma'anshan is artificial intelligence + industrial manufacturing, and Wuhu is artificial intelligence + automobiles. We hope to empower thousands of industries through artificial intelligence and give full play to its application value."

Award Ceremony for the 2023 Landed Winning Projects

It is understood that the winning teams of the competition will sign a settlement agreement with the cities (including counties and districts), register a company in Anhui within one year after participating in the competition, and receive a provincial competition landing reward of up to 1 million yuan in accordance with the principle of "immediate settlement and immediate payment", and enjoy the latest landing policies and talent policies for artificial intelligence enterprises in the settlement area. At the same time, for the winning teams of each track, our province will provide comprehensive rewards and subsidies in the form of equity investment, debt investment, etc., and provide one-stop integrated services such as space carriers, professional technology platforms, intellectual property layout, policy guidance, and external resource links.

In addition, CCF will give the winning team of the competition and settle in the host city a one-year bronze corporate membership, which will allow them to enjoy the corresponding corporate membership rights, read the CCF digital library for free, participate in about 50 training sessions for engineers and CTOCLUB activities each year for free, participate in academic activities and various trainings held at the CCF Business Headquarters & Academic Exchange Center at a discount, and use conference rooms at a discount, etc. (Reporter Xu Huiyuan)