
foreign minister wang yi joked about a "famous" chinese journalist who once wore a bulletproof vest during a battlefield interview


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who is this young man that wang yi was teasing?

text | zhuli

today (september 24), a video went viral on social media.

on september 23rd local time, wang yi, member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and foreign minister, met cctv reporter xu dezhi during his trip to the un general assembly in new york. he greeted the reporter cordially and encouraged him: "young man, you are very famous." xu dezhi stepped forward to shake hands, and wang yi continued: "i often see you on tv, and now i see you in person."

on the morning of september 24th, beijing time, xu dezhi posted on weibo, "the un general assembly high-level meeting week has begun, and then i have received great encouragement." his personal douyin account profile is: from damascus to new york, from the battlefield to the press room. so, who is this guy who was teased by wang yi?

the fans created many famous scenes of sharp questions

xu dezhi is a cctv reporter who has been reporting on un affairs for a long time. the video account of "xu dezhi's extraordinary world" is about being one of the few chinese reporters at the united nations, bringing frontline dialogues and observations at the united nations.

according to an article on the official wechat public account of chongqing foreign language school, xu dezhi is a 2003 junior high school and 2006 senior high school alumnus of chongqing foreign language school. he served as the chief planner of the second campus star singer competition, was admitted to renmin university of china, and joined cctv after graduation. he was a special correspondent for cctv in syria and is currently a reporter for cctv in the united nations.

when asked about the reason for entering the journalism industry, xu dezhi said: "tracing back to the source, the initial motivation of course came from the passion in my heart." after joining cctv, he accidentally got an opportunity to be assigned abroad and he made a decisive decision to move from behind the scenes to the front line, becoming a war correspondent in syria.

soon, xu dezhi became a cctv reporter stationed at the united nations. in fact, xu dezhi had already been famous in the international journalism community. he was known for his sharp questions and keen insight, and was hailed as the "gold digger of truth."

just a few days ago, on september 20, the un security council urgently reviewed the situation in lebanon and israel. the explosions of communications equipment in lebanon on the 17th and 18th became the focus of the meeting. many countries condemned the incident. representatives from lebanon, israel, iran and syria, including lebanese foreign minister habib, attended the meeting.

at the meeting, cctv reporter xu dezhi's questions were eye-opening. the two sides exchanged questions, and netizens called it a "master battle". he directly asked the israeli representative whether they were the ones who instigated the explosion of the communication equipment. this question caught the israeli representative off guard. he wanted to answer but couldn't, and wanted to change the subject but couldn't, which made him look particularly embarrassed.

xu dezhi also asked about the latest news about the meeting between israeli prime minister netanyahu and un secretary-general antonio guterres. as a result, the israeli representative said that netanyahu postponed his original visit to the united nations. once this news came out, everyone had more speculation about israel's policies and attitudes.

xu dezhi's questions not only made the israeli representatives feel tremendous pressure, but also made all parties present realize the complexity of israel's handling of international relations.

xu dezhi created many famous questioning scenes. when faced with japan's decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, he cleverly quoted jane fonda's famous saying, "no dog will poop in its own kennel." then, he turned the topic and pointed directly at japan's behavior. isn't japan's discharge of wastewater the same as pooping in its own kennel? this double-entendre question not only embarrassed the un spokesperson, but also shocked the global audience.

on april 9 this year, xu dezhi asked erdan, israel's representative to the united nations, a sharp question: you just said that the united nations is a disgrace and morally corrupt. is israel considering withdrawing from the united nations? erdan replied: "no, we will not consider withdrawing from the united nations, so i will be here." every question xu dezhi asked was a persistent pursuit of the truth and a firm defense of justice.

more than 20 battlefield interviews: bulletproof vests are lifesavers

in addition to attracting fans with his sharp questions, xu dezhi is also a new generation of war correspondent.

xu dezhi has been a reporter for cctv in syria since 2016 and has been to the battlefield for more than 20 interviews. he said that reporting on war is to reveal the suffering that armed conflicts bring to people. eliminating war is the real meaning of the existence of war correspondents.

xu dezhi said that choosing to come to syria, a war-torn country that has attracted international attention, means that he must take on the responsibility of a reporter stationed in damascus. one of his responsibilities is to ensure that the entire team will not be afraid of the stage when major events occur.

he recalled that the september 11th incident in the united states marked the beginning of his career in journalism. xu dezhi, who was still in junior high school, was inspired to tell others about the world's pulse, and the news media happened to be the institution that told the truth. however, it was not that simple. since coming to syria, he has fully realized how important the vague concept of "discourse power" is.

in the article "not fighting alone" published in april 2018, xu dezhi wrote: since the outbreak of the syrian crisis, the western media, which holds the right to speak, has been "bombarding" syria. from omran who "forgot to cry" in the ambulance to the children who foamed at the mouth after being attacked by "chemical weapons", the western media has intervened in syria with an irresistible attitude, wielding the two big sticks of "humanitarianism" and "chemical weapons" with an innate sense of superiority, leaving the syrian government speechless.

even though the lies about omran were exposed, and even though the "script" of the chemical weapons suspicion had been used countless times, those statements that many colleagues felt were illogical were repeatedly used as "evidence" by many media. in syria, i felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

war is so sudden, it comes at any time. on october 9, 2019, turkey announced that it would send troops to syria. this is the third time that turkey has crossed the border into syria to attack kurdish forces in syria, following operation euphrates shield in 2016 and operation olive branch in 2018.

when he interviews in war zones, a bulletproof vest could very well be a lifesaver in critical moments.

talented big boys love chongqing noodles

xu dezhi was born in chongqing and has lived here for 18 years. he spent his six years of high school at chongqing foreign language school. on april 14, 2018, xu dezhi was broadcasting live from the battlefield in syria, and chen xiaofeng, xu dezhi's high school class teacher, had been following it. seeing xu dezhi broadcasting live alone, chen xiaofeng was excited and proud. "i'm not surprised that he has such a good performance." chen xiaofeng said that in high school, xu dezhi was a class leader and performed very well in all aspects. "he has strong self-discipline, attaches importance to the power of the team, and has strong planning ability."

in chen xiaofeng's eyes, xu dezhi is a very talented and steady boy.

in 2005, xu dezhi, as the chief planner, launched the super star singer contest in the whole school, which has now become one of the key activities of the school. xu dezhi's ability to express himself is also outstanding. xu dezhi once served as the main spokesperson and represented the class in the defense of the city's advanced class collective.

why did xu dezhi become a war correspondent? his classmate chen shitao said: "this is his dream."

in chen shitao's eyes, xu dezhi is courageous and adventurous. "the world is so big, he wants to see it." chen shitao said that xu dezhi likes to travel and has been to many countries and regions. unlike many people, xu dezhi's travel is "challenging himself in different ways." for example, xu dezhi spent 8 days riding a bicycle to taiwan, china; he lived in the isolated amazon rainforest for 4 days...

xu dezhi cycling

after graduating from university, xu dezhi joined cctv's english channel. he has applied for a resident reporter position in the middle east many times, and before going to syria, xu dezhi also applied to go to iraq.

after joining the work, xu dezhi went back to chongqing less and less. but xu dezhi often reposted chongqing's food and scenery on weibo. for example, xu dezhi reposted "chongqing xiaomian collection" and excitedly posted a photo of the authentic chongqing xiaomian he found next to his home in beijing.