
children feel the nature and share science education - hengshan county wenfeng kindergarten national science day "nature treasure hunt" activity


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huasheng online news (correspondents: luo dan, liao hui, ruan xinzhu) in order to deepen the popular science work for children, let the majority of children learn more about animal and plant science knowledge, and understand the importance of ecological protection and animal and plant protection, during the national science popularization day on september 23, all the children in the first grade of the kindergarten came to zijin forest park in hengshan county. under the guidance of the forestry staff, through a variety of courses such as "ecological games", "natural science classes", and "natural aesthetic education", they learned about the little secrets behind the ever-changing postures of "plants", experienced the endless fun of "plants", and jointly embarked on a journey of exploring the mysteries of plants.
the activity kicked off with the teacher's introduction, and reached its climax through the on-site knowledge quiz. the activity site set up the "different barks" and "my plant record sheet" game sessions to guide the children to observe and print the bark texture in groups, understand the bark structure and function. observe and recognize leaves of different shapes. stimulate children's curiosity and observation of nature and share the joy of nature. later, at the end of the activity, the teacher and the popular science personnel picked up the garbage left in the forest park with the children to do their part to protect the environment.
through this treasure hunt in nature, wenfeng kindergarten in hengshan county, hengyang city, opened a door to the world of science for the children, allowing them to get close to and love nature in joy, and cultivate their observation skills and spirit of exploration. i believe that this unique experience will plant the seeds of science in the hearts of the children and accompany them to thrive.
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