
congratulations! eight satellites were successfully launched in the waters near haiyang, shandong


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at 10:31 a.m. beijing time on september 24, 2024, my country's taiyuan satellite launch center successfully launched a total of eight satellites, including tianyi 41, xingshidai-15/21/22, yuxing-205, fudan-1, tianyan 15 and jitianxing a-01, using the jielong-3 carrier rocket in the waters near haiyang, shandong. the satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.
this mission is the fourth flight of the jielong-3 carrier rocket.
the successful launch of the jielong-3 carrier rocket,againattracting people's attention to the coastal city of haiyang, shandong. in recent years, with the rapid development of cutting-edge satellite technologies such as satellite internet, the demand for commercial launch vehicles has grown exponentially. my country's commercial aerospace industry has developed rapidly, achieving breakthroughs from "0 to 1" in many fields. among them, traditional leading aerospace forces represented by china rocket corporation, together with private aerospace companies such as oriental space and galaxy power, have formed the basic map of china's commercial aerospace.
china rocket corporation is a well-known "national team" of commercial aerospace. why did it choose shandong?
first of all, launching launch vehicles at sea is the general trend.jin xin, chief commander of the jielong-3 rocket, once introduced that in the future development trend, the size of rockets will become larger and larger, the launch frequency will become higher and higher, and the "flight launch" once a week will be closer and closer to us. the sea launch can give full play to the characteristics of safety, flexibility, economy and efficiency, and can also integrate the integration of rocket production, manufacturing and launch into the local economy, forming a healthy and recyclable commercial aerospace industry ecology, which is also an inevitable requirement for the commercial development of aerospace.
in terms of natural endowment, shandong haiyang has natural advantages in developing the commercial aerospace industry.sea launches must be carried out in sea areas with good geographical locations and suitable for low-angle launches. haiyang port is independent and safe, and can meet the launch needs of satellites in various orbits, such as low-inclination orbits and sun-synchronous orbits.
in 2019, the long march-11 solid-fuel carrier rocket used haiyang port as its launch home port and successfully completed my country's first sea launch mission with seven satellites in one rocket, filling the gap in my country's sea launch of carrier rockets. haiyang became my country's fifth rocket launch site.
secondly, the development of strategic emerging industries cannot be separated from "top-level design".when planning the sea launch, the national aerospace agencies and research institutes selected haiyang port through field investigations to test the sea rocket in the yellow sea. after the success of the first sea launch mission, yantai city and haiyang city in shandong province seized the opportunity and began to plan the commercial aerospace industry in full swing, setting up the oriental spaceport in haiyang and laying out a commercial aerospace industry cluster around the entire sea launch industry chain.
as early as 2021, oriental spaceport was included in the shandong provincial government work report. since then, yantai haiyang aerospace industry cluster has been listed as a strategic emerging industry cluster in shandong province.shandong province aerospace industry development planit is clearly proposed to build an internationally leading commercial aerospace offshore launch port and a national-level commercial aerospace industry base, which is an important support for shandong's aerospace industry to move towards high-end and achieve high-quality development.
while achieving a series of results, we calmly see that with the strong support of the country for the commercial aerospace industry, commercial aerospace is "flourishing", and various commercial aerospace companies are "showing their talents" in r&d routes and innovation directions. all parts of the country have made plans and promoted the development of the commercial aerospace industry.
yao song, co-founder and co-ceo of the private commercial aerospace company oriental space, said in an interview with a reporter from the people's daily:shandong has a "positional advantage" in promoting the development of the commercial aerospace industry and hopes to develop new types of productive forces represented by commercial aerospace.
of course, from a more macro perspective, compared with the development of foreign commercial aerospace, domestic commercial aerospace still has a lot of room for improvement in launch costs. in order to compete for increasingly scarce space resources, both the "national team" and private commercial aerospace companies are racing against time.
chasing our dreams towards the stars and the sea, we are still on the road.
(source: people's daily client, dazhong news client)