
recapture of koulin mountain: another battle and victory on the china-vietnam border


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after the counterattack against vietnam in 1979, the vietnamese army threatened to "eliminate the invasion bases within 100 kilometers of the enemy's territory" and launched a counter-"counterattack" against our army. so from guangxi to yunnan, along the thousand-mile border, the vietnamese army controlled a considerable section of the border crossing area. they built fortifications and stationed troops here, fired guns and artillery into our territory, and sent agents to infiltrate, with a very arrogant arrogance. our army could no longer tolerate it and launched a self-defense counterattack in 1981. in addition to mount faka, another attack was mount koulin.

koulin mountain is located in the mengdong area in the south of malipo county, wenshan prefecture, yunnan province. the main peak is 1,705.2 meters above sea level. it is connected to the no. 11 boundary marker in the west and stretches northward to connect with the 1682.3 highland and the 1574.7 highland, like a natural barrier, forming an important border riding point. the mountains here are rugged and dangerous, with steep slopes and narrow roads, crisscrossing valleys, and dense wormwood. to the west of koulin mountain is the shangkoulin area in china, and to the east is the ha giang area in vietnam. occupying koulin mountain, you can see the roads, villages and major transportation ports in china to the north; you can see the deep areas of laoshan in the east; to the west, you can connect to luojiaping mountain, thus forming a relatively stable defense line.

originally, the main body of the sino-vietnamese border had been formed since vietnam separated from the central plains during the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period. after the sino-french war, france became vietnam's new suzerain, and china and france began to survey the border according to modern international practices. during the yongzheng period, the koulin mountain area was given to vietnam because annan had been "submissive for generations". therefore, when the border was surveyed in the late qing dynasty, koulin mountain was included in vietnam. however, the local miao people were loyal to china and had resisted for generations. france's several encirclement and suppression efforts ended in failure. in the end, the french proposed to the qing government to exchange it with other places. the qing government felt that the mengdong area where koulin mountain was located had fertile land, while jianwai sanmeng (now the area north of laizhou, vietnam and fengtu) was remote and difficult to manage, so it agreed to france's request. in 1895, china and france signed the "supplementary chapter to the special treaty on the supplementary boundary affairs", and the mengdong and shangkoulin areas returned to china.

vietnam, which drove out the french and americans, did not rest after regaining independence. perhaps because it was colonized for too long, they believed that vietnam should inherit the territory and sphere of influence of its former colonizers. although it was taught a lesson in 1979, vietnam did not learn its lesson and continued to provoke china.

at that time, the 9th battalion of the 14th regiment of the 313th division of the vietnamese army occupied koulin mountain. although the 313th division was established not long ago, it is the main force of the second military region of northern vietnam. the 14th regiment of the division was deployed in front of the koulin area of ​​mengdong. its 9th battalion built crisscross tunnels, bunkers, trenches, and shelters on the main peak and surrounding highlands, forming a support point-type circular defense, equipped with various light and heavy firearms, forming a tight firepower system that combines light and dark, connects up and down, connects inside and outside, and crosses the front and side. at the forefront of the position, the vietnamese army also buried a large number of mines. on the main peak and the seven small highlands to the west, the vietnamese army built hundreds of fortifications and dug air-raid shelters. communication cables were also set up in the position, and a large number of weapons and ammunition were stockpiled in an attempt to hold on for a long time.

the child is disobedient again, so he needs to be spanked.

in december 1980, the kunming military region decided to take military action to eliminate the vietnamese military strongholds in the koulin mountain area in accordance with the instructions of the central military commission on "taking the initiative in the border struggle on the sino-vietnamese border issue". on january 27, 1981, the kunming military region officially issued an order to eliminate the vietnamese military strongholds east of koulin mountain. the combat mission was assigned to the 42nd division of the 14th army. the combat time was selected to be carried out after the battle of faka mountain in guangxi, in order to contain possible counterattacks by the vietnamese army.

to ensure the success of the battle, the kunming military region and the 14th army successively supplemented the 42nd division with a large number of combat forces, forming an absolute advantage in manpower and firepower. according to the enemy situation and terrain in front of them, the commander of the main attack regiment 126th regiment decided to concentrate troops to attack the main peak of koulin mountain, hill 1705.2, and the adjacent hill 1682.3, and then attack hill 1574.7 after the attack is successful. after all the positions are captured, they will hold on for 1 month according to the requirements of the superiors, and then hand over the position to the border defense forces for guarding.

at 8:20 p.m. on may 6, 1981, the first echelon of the battle used the cover of darkness to secretly advance to the front of the koulinshan battle zone in multiple routes. after an 8-hour march, they arrived at the starting position for the attack in the early morning of may 7, and then hid under the noses of the vietnamese army for more than 2 hours.

at 6:30 a.m. on may 7, when the morning fog covering the battle zone had just dissipated, the 42nd division's forward command immediately ordered the bombardment of koulin mountain. the mixed artillery group covered the vietnamese positions on the high ground of koulin mountain with fierce artillery fire. 15 minutes later, the artillery fire was extended and the various units began to attack. after 8 hours of bloody fighting, the 126th regiment successfully recaptured the main peak of koulin mountain and the 1682.3 high ground and several small high grounds around it, killing 170 vietnamese soldiers and seizing a batch of weapons and ammunition.

however, due to the difficult terrain and dense jungle, the distance between hill 1574.7 and the main peak and hill 1682.3 was relatively long, and our army’s logistical supply capacity was insufficient at the time, making it difficult to complete the logistical support for another attack, and even to eat and drink water on the existing high ground. therefore, the regiment command postponed the combat mission of the 3rd battalion and waited for another opportunity to fight.

over the next ten days, heavy rains fell in the koulinshan area, and the positions frequently suffered from flooding of fortifications and collapse of bunkers. the soldiers of the 126th regiment of the garrison often had only one meal, which had to be prepared at the foot of the mountain and then carried up the mountain. to drink water, they had to risk stepping on landmines and fetch water from the ravine several miles away, then carry it up the mountain in a water bag, which took more than an hour to go back and forth.

the bad weather, tense battlefield environment, hot days and cold nights, and lack of sleep have caused many officers and soldiers to suffer from reduced physical fitness and increased illness, resulting in serious non-combat casualties, which are spreading.

it was not until may 22 that the weather finally improved and the 42nd division organized its forces to continue attacking hill 1574.7 and its surrounding areas. eventually, the 3rd battalion wiped out the defending enemy. at this point, our army completely recaptured all the heights of koulin mountain.

but vietnam will not admit defeat easily. although koulin mountain was lost, the main force of the second military region of north vietnam is still there, and the vietnamese army has begun to plan a counterattack!