
zhao benshan's eldest daughter zhao yufang: i feel sorry for my divorced single mother, but i also love my father and stepmother


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zhao yufang is the eldest daughter of zhao benshan and his ex-wife ge shuzhen. she was born in shizuigou village, lianhua township, tieling city, liaoning province on august 21, 1979. her parents divorced when she was 11 years old, and zhao yufang and her deaf-mute brother lived with their mother.

the divorce of her parents brought psychological trauma to zhao yufang. her childhood and teenage years were gloomy, and the knot in her heart accompanied her for many years. after the divorce, zhao benshan remarried with ma lijuan and gave birth to a daughter and a son.

ge shuzhen has been single all her life, and her mother's rough fate is a pain in zhao yufang's heart. how does she, who has already married and become a mother, view her parents' divorce? how does zhao yufang treat her aging father and stepmother?


before zhao yufang had time to enjoy the happiness of childhood, the bitterness of life came one after another. in 1982, when zhao yufang was just 3 years old, her younger brother zhao tiedan was born. he was born deaf and dumb, and also suffered from emphysema and rickets. the doctor advised zhao benshan and his wife to give up the child and let him fend for himself and leave him to the hospital.

ge shuzhen cried and said, "the child is my own flesh and blood. no matter how much suffering i have to endure, i will raise him." zhao benshan also couldn't bear to abandon his own flesh and blood, and the couple cried all the way as they carried their son home.

zhao yufang and her father zhao benshan

at that time, zhao benshan was a two-person opera actor in xifeng county troupe. in order to earn money for his son's medical treatment, he looked for opportunities to perform. ge shuzhen worked in the fields all day long, and all the money the couple earned was used to treat their son's illness. when zhao yufang was 4 years old, she helped her mother take care of her younger brother at home. when she was 5 years old, she started to cook for the family.

at that time, zhao tiedan took chinese and western medicine alternately. because he was deaf and dumb, he couldn't hear his sister's words clearly, so zhao yufang pried open his brother's mouth and fed him pills. sometimes she used too much force and hurt her brother. zhao tiedan bit his sister's hand with his teeth, which hurt zhao yufang so much that she burst into tears.

at noon, after her brother fell asleep, zhao yufang sat by the stove and boiled chinese medicine for her brother. after a while, she would get up and go to the bed to see if her brother had woken up.

at that time, the children were running and playing in the village, but zhao yufang could not go out. she had to take care of her younger brother at home and feed him medicine. this little girl had no childhood and had to bear the burden of life too early. sometimes the laughter of the children next door floated in through the window, and zhao yufang would lean on the window to look out, with envy in her eyes.

when ge shuzhen, who had just returned from the fields, saw this scene, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

zhao benshan's early years

in 1987, zhao benshan became famous in liaoning for his skits such as "throwing the sanxian" and "blind man watching lanterns". in the same year, zhao benshan was transferred to tieling folk art troupe, and zhao yufang and her brother left the countryside and moved to the city with their parents.

zhao benshan, hailed by the media as a once-in-a-century acting prodigy, was born in 1957. he lost his mother at a young age, and his father later wandered in heilongjiang, where he grew up with his blind uncle.

ge shuzhen also had a rough life. her parents died early and she grew up with her older brother and sister. ge shuzhen is one year younger than zhao benshan. in january 1979, the two young people who grew up in hardship got married.

at that time, zhao benshan spent only 2 yuan on his wedding, and the bed and bedding for the wedding were borrowed from relatives. it should be said that the two were a pair of couples who shared hardships, but as zhao benshan's career became more brilliant and his horizons broadened, the distance between him and ge shuzhen became larger and larger, and the two lacked spiritual communication.

ge shuzhen, who had not even graduated from elementary school, was a housewife. she only thought about her family, husband, and children. she did not grow up in her marriage, so divorce became inevitable.

ge shuzhen

in 1990, zhao benshan appeared on cctv spring festival gala and became famous all over the country. in november of that year, he filed for divorce from ge shuzhen.

zhao yufang was 11 years old at that time. she still remembers that it was a cold winter day. her father came back from outside and talked in a low voice with her mother in the bedroom.

after a while, her mother came into the kitchen with red eyes to cook. zhao yufang followed her in and asked her mother why she was crying, but her mother didn't say anything. that night, zhao yufang kept hearing her mother sobbing in a daze.


the next day, after zhao yufang returned home from school, her uncle came to the house. he came to persuade her mother to divorce her father.

it turned out that my father wanted to divorce my mother, but my mother firmly disagreed, so my father asked my uncle to act as a lobbyist.

young zhao benshan

the uncle knew clearly that his sister would not be happy if she continued to be with zhao benshan. continuing to be tied together would be harmful to both of them and the child. it would be better to let go and leave each other with something good.

under the persuasion of her uncle, her mother and father soon went through the divorce procedures. although her father left them the house, car and a small amount of savings, zhao yufang and her mother were still greatly hurt.

the huge changes in the family made zhao yufang sensitive and introverted. she felt sorry for her mother and just wanted to do more to help her mother so that she would suffer less.

my mother was very strong in front of others, but she often cried when she was alone. she had no education and no job. she just took care of her deaf-mute son and cooked at home every day, and then she cried and was sad.

zhao benshan and ma lijuan

in 1992, zhao benshan remarried. his wife, ma lijuan, was from chifeng, inner mongolia, 8 years younger than zhao benshan, and taught at liaoning opera school.

at that time, all major media in the country reported the incident in detail, so zhao yufang's family affairs were known to everyone in the school. some classmates sympathized with her, but some ridiculed and isolated her behind her back, and even said strange things to her in front of her, which made zhao yufang more and more upset.

she keeps to herself and rarely communicates with her classmates.

although ge shuzhen was illiterate, she knew that her divorce had brought great pain and harm to her daughter. in order not to further expand her daughter's psychological shadow, she buried her tears and pain in her heart and showed her strongest side to her daughter.

she also warned her daughter: "although i am separated from your father, he still loves you. you see, he left the house and car to us, and he also paid for all the expenses of you and your brother. he will always be your father."

zhao benshan, ma lijuan and their twin children

zhao benshan likes to eat braised beef in soy sauce. every spring festival, zhao benshan will bring his daughter home to celebrate the new year. ge shuzhen will prepare the braised beef in soy sauce in advance and let his daughter bring it over.

she took a bus to send her daughter to shenyang, and then returned home herself.

when they first got married, ma lijuan was still young and didn't know how to get along with her stepdaughter. zhao benshan said, "if you treat my daughter badly, we will separate."

when zhao benshan was interviewed by a liaoning media, his eyes moistened when he talked about his daughter, and he repeated the above sentence to the media. zhao yufang saw this scene on tv and shed complicated tears.

in december 1994, 12-year-old zhao tiedan died of a heart attack. zhao yufang had a deep relationship with her brother and was heartbroken. ge shuzhen was even more grief-stricken. zhao benshan rushed back to his hometown to help ge shuzhen deal with his son's funeral.

zhao benshan

the double blow of divorce and the death of her son made ge shuzhen sick. she refused to eat or drink, and tears blurred her eyes again and again. zhao yufang took care of her mother after school and had irregular meals.

seeing her mother in so much pain, zhao yufang advised her: "mom, i'm already 15 years old and i have the ability to live independently. you should go out and find something to do instead of staying at home all the time."

so, under the persuasion of her daughter, ge shuzhen went to the wholesale market to buy some needles, thread and children's clothing and set up a street stall. after school, zhao yufang would also go to the street stall to help her mother, and the mother and daughter would go home after dark.


in 1999, zhao yufang was admitted to dalian university of foreign languages. ge shuzhen felt lonely at home, so she went to dalian to be her mother. she rented a small house near the school and worked in a small restaurant every day. on weekends, when her daughter came home, she would cook for her daughter.

at that time, ge shuzhen was only 41 years old, and kind people were trying to find a partner for her. ge shuzhen was heartbroken by her marriage and didn't want to get involved in any more relationships. there were also men who took the initiative to express their affection for her, but they tried to find out how much money zhao benshan had left for ge shuzhen.

of course ge shuzhen understood the other party's intention and ignored him from then on.

zhao benshan and huang xiaojuan perform a skit at cctv spring festival gala

some relatives advised zhao yufang: "go and talk to your mother and ask her to stop working. your father is so rich. if he just plucks out a hair and gives it to your mother, she will live a good life." zhao yufang understood her mother. although she was a rural woman and had no education, she was a strong-willed person and was unwilling to live on her knees.

therefore, zhao yufang never relayed her relatives' words to her mother. instead, she supported her mother in becoming independent and self-reliant.

in 2003, zhao yufang graduated from university and was admitted to work at the dalian public security bureau. in order to accompany her daughter in dalian for a long time, ge shuzhen invested 30,000 yuan to open a small restaurant. since then, the mother and daughter have been dependent on each other in dalian.

influenced by her parents' divorce, zhao yufang did not believe in love and marriage. in 2006, she was already 27 years old and still unmarried.

ge shuzhen was very anxious and tried her best to persuade her daughter to fall in love. she was illiterate and could not give any profound advice. she always said: "women have to get married. you should get married and have a baby early. i am still young and can help you raise the baby. if you get married too late, i will be old when you have a baby."

yu yuexian and zhao benshan

zhao benshan was also concerned about his daughter's personal problems. every time he saw his daughter, he would urge her to get married. he even asked someone to introduce a date to his daughter, but zhao yufang refused.

despite her parents' constant urging for her to get married, zhao yufang finally found her true love. in 2007, she and wang yang were introduced by a friend and started a romantic relationship.

wang yang is four years younger than zhao yufang. after retiring from the army in 2004, he worked as a quality inspector in tieling trading company with a monthly salary of only 2,000 yuan.

wang yang's parents are farmers and have no house in the city. zhao benshan felt that the gap between the two was too big and did not agree with his daughter dating wang yang.

zhao yufang also grew up in the countryside, with a simple personality, and got along well with wang yang. she told her father, "if you object to our relationship, i will never get married." under such circumstances, zhao benshan had no choice but to respect his daughter.

zhao yufang and wang yang

wedding scene

on october 6, 2008, zhao yufang and wang yang held their wedding in tieling, and the entire wedding was organized by zhao benshan.

the night before zhao yufang got married, her father had a special talk with her: "dad is sorry for not giving you a complete family and making you suffer a lot. dad hopes that after you get married, you will live a good life and be happy forever! in fact, dad has always loved you, and this love is in my heart."

looking at the white hair on her father's temples and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, zhao yufang shed tears of pity: in the eyes of outsiders, her father was very successful, but he was under pressure from all sides and had always had trouble sleeping.

father and daughter are connected by heart. at that moment, the knot in zhao yufang's heart that had been with her for many years was broken. she called out "dad" with deep affection and then cried uncontrollably. zhao benshan hugged his daughter with tears streaming down his face.

on the day of zhao yufang's wedding, her stepmother ma lijuan also came. seeing her father and stepmother standing happily together, while her mother was alone, zhao yufang felt very upset.

in january 2011, zhao yufang gave birth to her son wang han in dalian, and ge shuzhen helped her daughter and son-in-law take care of the baby. she worked hard and took care of her grandson, making him lively and cute, and kept her daughter and son-in-law's home in good order.

the role of a mother and the hardships of life have made zhao yufang completely mature and understand the vicissitudes of life. she can also look at her parents' marriage rationally and no longer resent her father.


zhao yufang felt sorry for her divorced single mother and had been living with her. her mother still lived frugally, eating leftovers at home and not wanting to throw away old clothes and shoes. zhao yufang respected her mother's simple living habits.

the mother was lonely, and zhao yufang supported her mother's remarriage. but ge shuzhen didn't want to get involved in a relationship at this age. zhao yufang and her husband gave her warmth. they accompanied her to visit relatives and friends in her hometown, took her out for trips, and enriched her life.

zhao yufang also loves her father and stepmother. during the spring festival, as long as her father is in shenyang, zhao yufang and her family of three will go there to reunite. every time, zhao yufang will bring her father a few small bottles of red wine and ordinary fruits.

although zhao benshan's family had everything they needed, including plenty of high-end wine and fruits, this was a thoughtful gift from his daughter and son-in-law, so he accepted it with a smile.

ma lijuan is also a kind and gentle stepmother who has always treated zhao yufang well. when zhao yufang was studying in dalian, zhao benshan was too busy to take care of her, so ma lijuan promptly sent living expenses to her stepdaughter. zhao yufang is lucky to have such a good stepmother.

wang yang worked at benshan media group, while zhao yufang and her son lived separately in dalian. in 2015, zhao yufang quit her job and joined her father's benshan media group, while ge shuzhen continued to live with her daughter and son-in-law.

zhao yufang's son wang han is lively and cute, and has a talent for acting. in 2020, zhao benshan invested in the tv series "liu laogen 3" and let his grandson wang han play a small role in the play.

stills of zhao benshan and his grandson from "liu laogen 3"

zhao benshan and his grandson

in "liu laogen 3", zhao benshan played the grandfather of his grandson. the 9-year-old wang han was not afraid of the stage, and the smoothness of filming exceeded zhao benshan's imagination. with just a little guidance, he could complete the role and lines, and zhao benshan liked wang han very much.

after the filming was finished, zhao yufang and her mother went to the crew to pick up her son. to avoid embarrassment, ge shuzhen did not meet zhao benshan, and zhao yufang took her son out.

zhao benshan saw ge shuzhen from a distance and whispered to his daughter, "your mother has a hard life. you should be nice to her. tell your dad if you have any difficulties in life." after hearing this, zhao yufang burst into tears.

her divorced parents are like a thick book with too many stories. now they are old and their faces are very vicissitudes. they gave birth to her daughter, but they could not be together. this is zhao yufang's regret.

life is so cruel. but no matter what, they are her parents, and zhao yufang loves them all the same. dad has someone to take care of him, but mom has no home, but she will support her in her later years.

i have something to say when writing this article. because of his divorce from ge shuzhen, the media and netizens have always positioned zhao benshan as a heartless man. in fact, every couple has their own reasons for divorce. outsiders do not know the truth and cannot comment on it, so we should not label people without thinking.

zhao benshan

zhao benshan and zhang yimou

it is undeniable that although zhao benshan is divorced, his fatherly love for his daughter zhao yufang is not absent. he gives his daughter the greatest love both in life and in spirit. he knows that divorce hurts his daughter, so he tries to make up for it and try to resolve the harm to his daughter.

zhao benshan is divorced himself and hopes that his daughter will have a happy marriage. on the eve of his daughter's wedding, his conversation with zhao yufang is very touching.

zhao yufang grew up in a single-parent family. she is an unfortunate girl, but she is also lucky. the love of her mother and father did not decrease because of the broken family. during the critical stage of her life, her mother was always by her side, and zhao benshan also intervened in time. therefore, zhao yufang has a happy and stable life now.