
divorced for 42 years, 77-year-old wang gang has an unusual relationship with his ex-wife, his biological daughter tells the inside story


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he was married three times and divorced twice. his wives were younger and younger each time. his son and grandson are the same age. when actor wang gang is mentioned, many people's first impression is the extremely flattering "heshen" who can only fawn on others. unexpectedly, his private emotional life is also so rich.

compared to his first wife du xiaojuan, perhaps everyone is more familiar with cheng fangyuan and zheng yandong. however, the words of his biological daughter may have exposed this first marriage, which is the real regret in wang gang's heart...

dink couples are not dink

speaking of wang gang being able to find his third wife zheng yandong, we have to thank the rise of the internet. the fact that they developed from netizens to husband and wife is actually nothing. the key is the 20-year age difference between them and wang gang's two failed marriages, which are insurmountable gaps between their hearts.

zheng yandong only needs to get his parents' approval, but wang gang needs to consider his identity as a public figure. but when it comes to love, sometimes gender is not even an issue, let alone age.

what really made wang gang decide to get married again was his married daughter. faced with this "matchmaker", wang gang and zheng yandong could no longer find any reason to refuse.

the marriage process was very simple. the two of them just went to the civil affairs bureau to get their marriage certificate in a low-key manner. afterwards, the families of both sides had a meal together. it would have been fine if there was no grand scene, but the key point was that wang gang had an "excessive" request.

although wang gang has been married twice and his daughters are married, his wife is young after all and it is her first marriage. wang gang is worried about his age, so he wants to live a dink life.

this proposal was obviously a bit too much for zheng yandong, but she didn't expect that the other party actually agreed. it seems that she was with wang gang because she was attracted by his knowledge and talent. as for whether they have children or not, it may not be too important.

however, plans cannot keep up with changes. zheng yandong got pregnant unexpectedly, which made her very happy. after all, if the child did not come, it would be fine. but since it is here, of course it should be kept.

but wang gang has a different opinion. firstly, he is old, and secondly, his daughter is about to have her own child. if his son and grandson are born at the same time, wouldn't that make people laugh at him?

the two could not reach a consensus and even had a cold war. wang gang, who was in a depressed mood, looked for his two good friends zhang guoli and zhang tielin to drink together. unexpectedly, his two friends bluntly told him that he was wrong in doing so.

needless to say, after being enlightened by his two good friends, wang gang felt much better instantly. not only did he reconcile with his wife as soon as he got home, he also made up his mind to take good care of this son who he had when he was almost 60 years old.

sure enough, in the same year, wang gang’s son and grandson were born. many people felt sorry for wang gang’s daughter and even implicated wang gang’s ex-wife, who was rarely mentioned. what was going on?

a man with talent and a woman with good looks may not be suitable

in 1978, wang gang was working as an artistic director at the shenyang military region acrobatic troupe, where he met du xiaojuan, who was five years younger than him and was working as an announcer at the qianjin song and dance troupe.

wang gang at that time was not the "heshen" that everyone saw later. thick eyebrows, big eyes and a square face were the standard features of a handsome young man at that time. with his appearance and fame, it was easy for him to chase a girl.

wang gang, 30, was also of marriageable age, so after just one year of dating, the two entered into marriage. however, married life was not as good as they had imagined.

the passion of young people comes and goes quickly. before they start living together, no one can see the shortcomings of each other. there is only charm and gentleness.

however, from love to marriage, from being alone to having a family of two, everything around us is changing, and the passion we once had has gradually turned into the trivialities of daily life.

especially after his daughter was born, wang gang felt that he was not the type to live this kind of life. he devoted a lot of energy to work, and naturally became estranged from his wife and daughter.

relationships need to be maintained, but her husband simply ignored the family, which made du xiaojuan increasingly disappointed in him. finally, after their daughter was 3 years old, their marriage came to an end.

he proposed a divorce, but his wife disagreed and even made a big fuss. however, the more his wife made a fuss, the more upset he became, and the more determined he became to divorce. in the end, he broke free from his wife's "control."

wang gang, who has regained his "freedom", can fly as high as a bird again, but without the constraints of family, he begins to feel that something is missing in his life, especially towards his daughter, he always feels that he owes something.

so he would visit his daughter from time to time, often bought her various toys and snacks, and took her out to play whenever he had time. however, when his daughter was 5 years old, du xiaojuan remarried, which made wang gang full of worries.

after all, she was his own biological daughter. he didn't know whether this "new father" would be as good to his daughter as he was. fortunately, he was worrying too much.

after his ex-wife got married again, wang gang devoted more time to work, not for anything else but to make up for what he lacked for his daughter materially.

so later he sent his daughter to study in the uk and bought a house for her. wang gang spent the money without any regret, and he finally waited for the "second spring" of his life.

i'm worried about my father.

in 1996, wang gang and his second wife cheng fangyuan formed a family. the happiest person was actually their daughter tingting. over the years, what she hoped most was that her father could find a confidant to accompany him until old age.

however, reality is always so unexpected. in order to afford his daughter's high tuition fees in the uk, wang gang had to work harder. some media reported that the reason why wang gang's marriage broke down was because of his unreserved devotion to his daughter, which caused his wife's dissatisfaction.

tingting naturally knew that her father had a hard life, so she lived frugally and worked part-time to pay for her studies in the uk. unexpectedly, this trait of hers attracted the attention of a british boy, and after getting to know each other, the two established a romantic relationship.

everything was going in a good direction on her side, but there were waves on her father's side. in fact, for a long time, tingting felt that it was because of her that her father's second marriage ended hastily, and the guilt in her heart was beyond words.

so she always hoped that her father could find his own happiness during his lifetime. until zheng yandong appeared, she supported her father with her firm attitude.

but i didn't expect that my father was still so strong and healthy. in the year when i gave birth to a grandson for my father, zheng yandong also gave birth to a son for my father. i can only say that although my younger brother is young, his generation is really older.

however, for tingting, although her parents have their own families, she still feels a little regretful because it is difficult for her to balance the relationship between her parents.

i can't give up my mother's feelings, nor can i give up my father's feelings, but if i force them both to be around me at the same time, it would seem deliberate and awkward.

"if they hadn't divorced, we would be a complete family. maybe we wouldn't have so many troubles in life, and we would feel more warmth in our hearts," tingting said with tears in her eyes.

i guess in her heart, even though her parents are living a happy life now, what she hopes most is to be able to return to the original state where the family of three was together. even without so much wealth and fame, a simple life is fine.

but how can what has already happened be easily undone? for wang gang and du xiaojuan, perhaps there are regrets in their lives as well, but they hope to bear this regret alone. as for their daughter, they can only do their best to make up for it.

and with tingting acting as a "regulator" between the two, all the grievances were eventually resolved, and the family was able to spend more and more time together.