
mao xinyu: my wife and i live on our wages. my grandfather said that the mao family does not engage in business. we just need enough money to spend.


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mao xinyu: my wife and i live on our wages. my grandfather once said that our mao family does not do business.

mao xinyu: our attitude towards money is also very simple: as long as it is enough to spend.

mao xinyu was born into a prominent family, his grandfather is the great revolutionary leader chairman mao. with such a family background, it would be easy for mao xinyu to use his connections to make money in business.

however, mao xinyu has always maintained a low-key life, sometimes even wearing cloth shoes and dressing as simply as ordinary people.

the most important reason for this is that chairman mao had set a family rule that did not allow mao's family to use their connections to make money in business. the older generation of revolutionaries knew that if power was abused, it would breed corruption. therefore, in order to prevent his descendants from coveting the benefits brought by power, chairman mao banned mao's family from participating in any business activities.

one day, mao xinyu and his son mao dongdong spent a leisurely afternoon in the study at home.

but the study is simply decorated, and the bookshelves around it are filled with various books, some of which are yellowed and full of traces of time. most of these books record the deeds of mao's ancestors. the large windows let in light sunlight, giving people a sense of tranquility and peace.

"son, come and take a look. this is the book that your great-grandfather chairman mao loved to read when he was young." mao xinyu said, pointing to a leather-bound book.

"oh? what kind of books did my great-grandfather like to read back then?" mao dongdong came over curiously, and with the help of mao xinyu, carefully opened the tattered book.

"this book mainly talks about how to serve the people and make them live a good life. your great-grandfather had a grand ideal since he was a child, which was to seek a better life for the people of this country." mao xinyu narrated slowly.

"i see. great grandfather was thinking about the people back then." mao dongdong nodded thoughtfully and said, "dad, why don't we mao family members pursue material enjoyment and luxury like others? don't we know how to enjoy life?"

mao xinyu smiled and touched his son's head and said, "no, son. this actually represents the values ​​that our mao family has always held, that true happiness does not lie in external material things, but in inner satisfaction. my grandfather, chairman mao, has always advocated living a simple life, hoping that everyone will not be tempted by money and spend more time and energy on serving the people."

the family rules set by the mao family have been passed down to this day, and all members of the mao family adhere to this tradition without exception.

however, this is not an easy task for the descendants. at first, mao xinyu's son was still young and did not understand why his family was not rich. in order to let his son understand the reason for the family rules, mao xinyu took him to visit yan'an.

seeing the life scenes of the older generation of revolutionaries, mao zedong deeply felt that the current happy life was hard-won. if it were not for the sacrifices and dedication of the older generation, there would be no prosperity today.

after returning, the son was determined to study hard and serve the country like his father. he worked very hard in his studies, hoping to follow in his father's footsteps and contribute to the country in the future.

it can be said that mao xinyu has completely inherited the qualities of the mao family. he is not greedy for material things, but is willing to make sacrifices. this also shows the noble character of the mao family from one aspect.

not only mao xinyu's family, but almost all of chairman mao's descendants have followed the family motto of "mao's family does not engage in business." they did not use their background to seek personal gain, but worked hard to contribute to the country.

this noble sentiment is worthy of admiration. in today's society, many people do whatever it takes to make money, but the mao family has demonstrated what morality and responsibility are through their actual actions.

mao xinyu has been well educated since childhood. his parents repeatedly instilled chairman mao's ideas and warned him to always maintain his integrity. in order to realize his ideals, mao xinyu studied hard. during his university years, he specialized in chairman mao's military thought and achieved excellent results in this field.

mao xinyu also boasted that he would one day become an outstanding contributor like chairman mao. whenever the country or the people were in need, mao xinyu would always stand up without hesitation to do his part.

the noble spirit of the mao family is indeed worth learning from. in today's society, moral decline is prevalent and the temptation of money is everywhere, but we should still stick to our original aspirations and uphold fairness and justice. the noble character of the mao family will continue to inspire future generations to remember justice and maintain integrity.