
villagers in wuyishan, fujian, said that the "hundred-year-old feng shui tree" in the village was removed, and the township government said it would be transplanted back as soon as possible.


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a villager in yangzhuang township, wuyishan, fujian, said that a century-old tree in his village was removed by a company. the local government responded that the company involved expanded the park construction and transplanted the tree. currently, the local government is listening to the opinions of the forestry department and experts to transplant the tree back as soon as possible.

recently, a villager from yangzhuang village, yangzhuang township, wuyishan reported to the paper’s public interactive platform “service pai” ( that on september 14 this year, wuyishan zhenghua bamboo and wood products co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “zhenghua bamboo and wood company”) “uprooted” an ancient tree in the village.

the tree transplantation site. screenshot

the villager said that the ancient tree is a hundred years old and "is the feng shui tree of the village" and has important significance to the villagers. most villagers oppose the company's behavior.

regarding this matter, on september 23, the paper called the yangzhuang township government, and a relevant staff member responded that the ancient tree is a camphor tree and is indeed located in yangzhuang village. it is also located in the industrial park of zhenghua bamboo and wood company. the ancient tree has not yet been included in the local protection list, so the age of the tree is unknown.

the staff member said that in 2018, zhenghua bamboo & wood company acquired the right to use the land through an auction and established an industrial park, which included the area where the ancient tree was located. recently, the company expanded the park construction and transplanted the ancient tree. before the transplant, the company had consulted the local forestry department, but the ancient tree was not included in the protection scope.

the staff member also said that after receiving feedback from the villagers, the township government and the forestry department went to the scene to understand the situation. at present, the ancient tree is temporarily placed in a nursery in wuyi mountain for maintenance. "we are negotiating with the villagers of yangzhuang village and listening to the opinions of the forestry department and relevant experts to determine the appropriate time and location for transplantation. once determined, the ancient tree will be transplanted back as soon as possible."