
technology empowers second-hand luxury goods identification: how big data becomes the "eagle eye" of the identification industry


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in recent years, china's second-hand luxury goods market has shown explosive growth. according to statistics, the stock of china's second-hand luxury goods market has exceeded 3 trillion, and the market size is still expanding. this trend not only reflects the people's enthusiasm for luxury consumption, but also reflects the deep-rooted concept of consumption upgrading and circular economy. however, with the rapid expansion of the market, a series of identification problems have also emerged, becoming a key factor restricting the development of the industry.

the cornerstone of the second-hand luxury industry is inseparable from manual identification, but it also faces many limitations

xiao luo is an appraiser who has been working in the second-hand luxury goods industry for ten years and currently serves several leading appraisal institutions. in xiao luo's view, luxury goods appraisals that rely solely on manual labor have many limitations: "the subjectivity and efficiency limitations of appraisals are two points that are always difficult to overcome." manual appraisals rely on the personal experience and professional knowledge of appraisers. different appraisers may have different conclusions on the same luxury item, especially when faced with complex or subtle appraisal points. this subjectivity is more obvious; compared with the expansion of the second-hand luxury goods market and the surge in appraisal demand, manual appraisals are relatively inefficient and cannot quickly process a large number of appraisal requests. this not only increases the workload of appraisers, but also prolongs the waiting time for consumers and reduces the overall service experience.

xiao luo also revealed that the scope of identification that an appraiser is good at is also limited. "for example, i am better at identifying second-hand luggage from a long time ago. for the large number of new products on the market, my accuracy rate is often not as high as that of young appraisers."

in addition, second-hand luxury goods appraisal companies need to invest a lot in human, material and financial resources. mature appraisers are a "scarce resource" in the industry, and the growth cycle of appraisers is not overnight. these costs continue to rise with the increase in the number of appraisals, which has brought tremendous pressure to both second-hand luxury goods appraisal companies and individual appraisers.

second-hand luxury appraisal ushered in a wave of technology, helping the industry to change and break through

with the widespread application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain, the second-hand luxury industry has achieved a qualitative leap in the field of commodity identification. traditionally, the authenticity identification of luxury goods depends on the experience and eyesight of the appraiser and the comparison with a limited database. however, with the introduction of high-precision image recognition, spectral analysis, material testing and other scientific and technological means, appraisers can break through the limitations of the "naked eye" and go deep into the microscopic level to accurately analyze the materials, craftsmanship, wear and tear marks of luxury goods, from subjective to objective, greatly improving the accuracy and reliability of identification.

in addition, the introduction of blockchain technology has brought unprecedented transparency to the field of second-hand luxury goods identification. through the decentralized and tamper-proof characteristics of blockchain, each authenticated luxury item can be given a unique digital id card to record the entire process of its circulation. consumers only need to scan the code to view the identification report of the product to ensure the authenticity and traceability of the purchased goods. the high degree of transparency enhances consumers' sense of trust.

leading enterprises continue to invest and step up efforts in the "second-hand luxury goods identification technology war"

as a leading enterprise in the second-hand luxury goods identification industry, zhongsu testing group has equipped appraisers with many high-precision and advanced experimental testing instruments. the founding team visited switzerland, the united states, germany and other places, spending tens of millions of yuan to select dozens of cutting-edge testing instruments from more than 500 candidate equipment, such as ultra-depth 3d modeling instruments, alloy analyzers, optical microscopes and sealing testers, etc. various data were obtained through mixed alloy analysis, 6000-fold magnification morphological analysis, metal purity analysis, etc., which helped appraisers significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of identification.

at the same time, zhongsu has also actively built its own luxury goods database. it has been collecting data since 2016. as of may 2024, it has more than 70 million samples of genuine and counterfeit goods. the extensive reference products provide a rich comparison sample for identification work, greatly reducing the error rate of identification. zhongsu's big database and independent saas system have systematically and standardized the archiving management of the massive test data accumulated over the years, and further ensured the scientificity and reliability of the identification results through data comparison and in-depth analysis.

xu zidi, chief brand officer of zhongsu testing group, said: zhongsu will continue to make efforts in equipment investment, identification capabilities and systematic identification expert training to promote the standardized development of the second-hand luxury identification industry.

the "tech war" in the field of second-hand luxury goods identification is bringing profound changes and breakthroughs to the industry. with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, there is reason to believe that the second-hand luxury goods industry in the future will be more transparent, efficient, fair and sustainable.
