
sangyuanpu village, shiqiu street, lishui district, nanjing: young people are determined to build national defense, and young people have dreams and responsibilities


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with the pen of youth, write a chapter of strengthening the country; with a burning original intention, build a wonderful future. in order to show the enterprising and high-spirited spirit of the young people in the area, sangyuanpu village, shiqiu street, recently organized a unique essay contest of "youth with ambition to build national defense, youth with dreams and responsibilities", and invited more than 20 students from grades 3 to 6 of sangyuan primary school to participate.
during the event, zhang minglin, the battalion commander of the sangyuan pu village militia and a retired soldier, walked up to the podium and explained the basic concepts of national defense, my country's national defense situation, and the importance of national defense construction to the children in an easy-to-understand manner. through a series of vivid video materials, everyone intuitively felt the growing strength of my country's national defense and the demeanor of the soldiers. especially when zhang minglin played the original mv "our flag flies high" of the people's navy, the children looked at the tall and mighty warships in the video and felt the might and glory of the navy. the upward force burst out in their hearts, and the patriotic feelings also stirred in their minds.
after the lecture, the community staff invited the children to stand up and read the articles in their hands. one of them, zhang, amazed everyone with her article. she was original and imaginative, imagining how powerful the motherland would be in ten years under the guidance of science and technology. at that moment, she had become a soldier and joined the national flag guard and participated in the flag-raising ceremony. although the words were a little immature, her love for the motherland and respect for national defense were vividly expressed on the paper.
"our original intention in launching the essay contest was to encourage children to let their imagination run wild and express their emotions. general secretary xi jinping once said, 'to realize the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation, it requires generations of aspiring young people to continue to strive.'" said hu jun, secretary of the party branch of sangyuanpu village.
this activity is not only a fond look back at history, but also a profound awakening of national defense awareness. it is hoped that through this activity, the children can remember the arduous journey of the war of resistance and the great sacrifices of the heroic ancestors, so as to deeply understand the profound connotation of national defense, consciously combine the youth dream with the chinese dream, personal growth and progress with the future development of the motherland, learn to hold up the hope of the motherland with their shoulders, and strive to create the future of the motherland with their hands!
correspondent chen yi