
"the 'five major topics' of the un future summit are about the 'path choice' for human development"


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on september 22nd local time, the united nations future summit kicked off at the united nations headquarters in new york.
the summit aims to achieve two goals: to accelerate efforts to fulfill existing international commitments and to take concrete measures to address emerging challenges and opportunities.
△ screenshot of the united nations official website
on the opening day, leaders attending the summit adopted by consensus the "compact for the future" and its annexes, the "global digital compact" and the "declaration for future generations", providing an important opportunity to promote changes in the global governance system.
the "compact for the future" clarifies the common position of the international community and points out the direction for the development and improvement of global governance around five core areas: sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and global governance reform.
in his speech, philemon young, president of the 79th un general assembly, said that this document represents the collective will of all countries and will provide guidance for all countries, encouraging everyone to better maintain peace and security, commit to sustainable development, build a just and inclusive society, and ensure that scientific and technological innovation can benefit everyone.
△on september 22, local time, the 79th un general assembly president philemon young spoke at the un future summit. (photo from the un official website)
in his speech, un secretary-general guterres stressed that the future compact, the global digital compact and the declaration for future generations have opened the door to new possibilities and opportunities. but after reaching an agreement, it is more important to take action.
“i encourage you to take action to implement the compact for the future by prioritizing dialogue and negotiations to end the wars that divide the world, reforming the composition and working methods of the security council, accelerating reform of the international financial system, including next year’s financing for development conference, and putting humanity’s best interests first in new technologies. we will rise or fall not by whether we reach an agreement, but by our actions and their impact on the lives of those we serve.”
△ guterres spoke at the un future summit on september 22, local time. (photo from the un official website)
the un future summit is considered an important opportunity to free the world from crisis and difficulties, and an attempt to transform the un itself.
wang ruibin, deputy director of the institute of world economics and development at the china institute of international studies, pointed out in an interview with china central radio and television's global information radio that the future summit was organized by the united nations against the backdrop of deep concern for the future of human society and at the same time great hope.
from the perspective of development, the overall global development speed has exceeded the past, but the development direction and results have not met expectations, and the huge wealth and abundant opportunities created have not been distributed as expected. in particular, some of the most vulnerable countries, regions and groups face more serious problems. for example, hunger, poverty and other problems continue to plague human society. currently, one-third of the world's population cannot get enough food.
from the perspective of security, traditional and non-traditional security issues coexist and impact human society alternately. local wars and conflicts have never stopped; climate security issues, greenhouse gas emissions, energy and resource waste, and other issues have not been effectively resolved; in addition, there are threatening factors such as biosecurity, public health crises, and food security. technological progress has also become a double-edged sword to a certain extent. while improving efficiency, it has also increased risks and brought new inequalities.
this united nations future summit calls on the international community to unite, work together, seize opportunities and meet challenges for the better future of human society.
the un future summit will focus on five major topics, including sustainable development and development financing, international peace and security, science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and global governance reform.
wang ruibin believes that these five major topics are highly targeted and grasp the key areas of human society in the transition period. different cognitive decisions and actions of the international community in these five areas will produce different results, which is crucial to what kind of development path human society chooses and what kind of future prospects it will eventually move towards.
facing the new era, five major areas of issues need to be changed urgently. in essence, they involve the transformation of economic growth model, maintaining global and regional peace and security under the new situation, implementing effective governance of global issues, guiding scientific and technological development to pay attention to fairness and justice while pursuing efficiency, achieving sustainable development of human society and avoiding overfishing.
at present, the speed, breadth and depth of development and changes in these five major areas have made the existing international cooperation and governance mechanisms in many ways unable to cope with the situation.
the united nations future summit will focus on these five major areas, correct the development track, enhance international cooperation, and enable the international community to jointly face challenges and solve common problems.
source: global information radio "live world"
reporter: xu tao, dong jingjing
editor: yao yanxia and yang nan
signature review丨original ding yan mingjiang aimin