
urban management law enforcement needs to be balanced between leniency and strictness


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bai sheng
on september 18, a business in tianjiao street, ulanhot city, xing'an league, inner mongolia was fined by relevant departments for posting a4-sized recruitment information on the glass of its storefront, which quickly attracted public attention and heated discussions. on september 19, the wechat public account of the publicity department of the ulanhot municipal party committee issued a notice stating that the law enforcement officers of the city's urban management law enforcement bureau did not provide adequate explanations during the law enforcement process, which led to misunderstandings among the law enforcement targets and caused adverse effects.
according to the notice, on the afternoon of the 18th, the law enforcement officers of the bureau explained the relevant regulations in detail to the merchants in person and decided not to impose penalties. although the official notice and subsequent handling allowed this incident to be handled properly, in the context of continuously optimizing the business environment, this incident undoubtedly provides us with an opportunity to examine the details of urban management.
in addition to maintaining good order in the city, promoting a harmonious and beautiful urban environment, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, urban management law enforcement is also aimed at improving urban management efficiency and promoting sustainable urban development. as an important means to promote sustainable urban development, strengthening urban management efficiency should be guided by the goal of optimizing the business environment, creating a more relaxed, convenient, fair and just business environment for enterprises, and requiring full efforts in promoting the transformation of government functions, improving service quality, and promoting management innovation.
article 17 of the regulations on urban appearance and environmental sanitation issued by the state council stipulates that all units and individuals are prohibited from writing or carving on urban buildings, facilities and trees. units and individuals who hang or post propaganda materials on urban buildings and facilities must obtain approval from the city people's government's urban appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department or other relevant departments. in this incident, it seems reasonable for law enforcement officers to impose corresponding penalties in accordance with the regulations. however, "propaganda materials" in the regulations refer to specific material forms that directly carry the content of propaganda ideas, such as newspapers, tv programs, leaflets, audio tapes, posters, slogans, etc. strictly speaking, recruitment information on the glass of shop facades cannot be considered "propaganda materials." the "one-size-fits-all" punishment method of mechanically applying regulations and rules in the law enforcement process is contrary to the original intention of optimizing the business environment and is obviously not appropriate.
we understand that urban management requires order, and a clean and orderly city appearance is an important manifestation of urban civilization. however, management should not only stay on the surface, but also focus on effectiveness and humanity. for the reasonable needs of merchants, such as the release of recruitment information, the relevant departments can completely meet the needs of merchants and maintain the cleanliness of the city through guidance and standardization, such as setting up a unified recruitment information column, to achieve a win-win situation.
optimizing the business environment requires attention to detail, and urban management law enforcement also needs to be balanced between strictness and leniency. specifically, it is necessary to strictly enforce the law to maintain market order and public interests; it is also necessary to be flexible and take full account of the actual difficulties and reasonable demands of merchants, and provide them with more intimate and efficient services. only in this way can we truly create a good environment for enterprises and individuals to operate and develop with peace of mind, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the city.
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