
overview quick review | "miserable blogger" is reported to earn tens of millions per month, don't cash in on the kindness of netizens


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liu yujing, news commentator
do you still remember the anti-fraud propaganda on the loudspeakers on the streets of xi'an a few years ago: "i am a liar, i am richer than you!"? now there is a group of internet celebrities who use the "miserable" persona to bring the scam of begging on the streets to the internet and perform "sad dramas" in the live broadcast room.
in the past, the internet celebrity "xiaoying's family" portrayed a rural woman who "feeds cows and chickens, works in the fields, takes care of two children, and serves her husband, and cannot leave the mountains for the rest of her life after getting married", deliberately creating a sense of misery. as the real life of the internet celebrity "xiaoying's family" was revealed, some netizens who had given their affection expressed anger that "their sincerity was betrayed", and some caring netizens who placed orders expressed regret that "they spent money in vain".
netizens are saving xiaoying in her character, while xiaoying in reality has already made a fortune. according to jiupai news, data from a third-party platform show that in the past year, the internet celebrity "xiaoying's family" has broadcast more than 200 shows, put more than 80 kinds of products on the shelves, with an average sales of between 100,000 and 250,000 yuan per show, and total sales of more than 10 million yuan. after her economic conditions have obviously improved, she did not tell the netizens who kindly rescued her the real situation, but continued to pretend to be greedy and demand. it can be seen that it is no longer her original intention to seek to get out of trouble with the help of the internet as a window. her real purpose is to harvest the kindness of netizens and realize traffic monetization.
netizens are not really stupid, they just want to lend a hand. however, watching too many "wolf cry" videos and live broadcasts consumes the kindness and enthusiasm of netizens, squeezes the space for those who really need help, and disintegrates the social integrity built up over the years. friendship and mutual trust are the premise of interpersonal communication and one of the cornerstones of social stability. people often say that we should not let people become indifferent, but if people's hearts are fooled and afraid, how can the trust between people in society be maintained and restored.
internet celebrities pretend to be poor and fake a "miserable" persona. this selfish behavior has, to some extent, distorted the government's efforts and the image of the region's residents, and poisoned the social atmosphere of honesty and mutual assistance. from a commercial perspective, live streaming sales misleads consumers into placing orders out of sympathy, destroying the good environment for market competition.
the internet celebrities who are held high by netizens will eventually be trampled underfoot after their fake faces are exposed. the central cyberspace affairs commission has launched a special campaign called "clear and bright: rectification of false and vulgar chaos in the field of online live broadcasting". this special campaign focuses on the false and vulgar chaos in the field of online live broadcasting, and focuses on rectifying five types of prominent problems. one of them is to rectify the fabrication of false scenes and personal settings, and the bottom line of merchandise marketing. the country will never allow or condone such bad behavior that uses deception to make personal profits and causes the whole society to bear the cost.