
an old man bought 6.6 kg of gold and nearly lost 3 million! revealing the upgraded version of the fraud routine of impersonating the public security, procuratorial and judicial organs


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recently, a new method of impersonating public security, procuratorial and judicial organs has emerged. the scammers have changed their strategy, first using rhetoric to trick victims into buying gold, and then waiting for an opportunity to arrange for their accomplices to come and collect the gold, directly eliminating the "money laundering" link. recently, the haidian police in beijing intercepted a telecommunications network fraud of this type, successfully saving the public from a loss of more than 3 million yuan.

at about 17:00 on september 20, 2024, the qinghe police station of the haidian branch of the beijing municipal public security bureau received a report from a gold jewelry store in the area that two elderly people came to buy 6.6 kilograms of gold. according to the anti-fraud prevention tips posted by the branch's anti-fraud center, the clerk realized that the two elderly people might have been victims of telecommunications network fraud. so, while patiently persuading them, the clerk immediately called the police for help.

after receiving the information, the police from the anti-fraud center of the branch and the police station immediately rushed to the scene to verify the relevant situation. after on-site questioning, it was initially confirmed that the two elderly people had been the victims of a new type of fraud impersonating public security, procuratorial and judicial officials, so they immediately dissuaded the elderly from continuing to buy gold.

through further communication with the elderly, the police learned that the elderly couple received a call from someone claiming to be a "policeman" from a certain unit, saying that a mobile phone number under the elderly's name was suspected of sending more than 10,000 illegal fundraising advertisements. after the elderly said that he had never applied for this number, the other party said that his identity information might have been used by someone else, so he helped the elderly to check on the phone. then he told the elderly that there was another passbook under his name, which was suspected of money laundering. in order to clear the "suspicion", the elderly followed the other party's request and had a video chat with the other party through instant messaging software.

then, the old man downloaded and installed the remote control software on his computer according to the instructions of the other party. the other party changed the fixed deposit in the old man's bank account into a current account and transferred the money to a bank card in his name. in the following days, the other party asked the old man to report his whereabouts to him through video every day to prove that he did not run away. in order to prove his innocence, the old man did it one by one.

it was not until september 20 that the other party suddenly asked the old man to use the funds in the card to go to a gold shop to buy gold, and said that they would arrange for a "special person" to come to collect the gold and conduct a fund review. after verification, all the gold would be returned to the old man.

the old man believed it and went to a gold shop with his wife to buy 6.6 kg of gold bars worth more than 3 million yuan. fortunately, the teller of the gold shop discovered the suspicious situation in time, and the police immediately arrived at the scene to dissuade the old couple and explained the "routines" of such telecommunications network fraud. at this time, the couple suddenly realized that they were almost defrauded by the fake police. then, the police helped the old couple report the loss of their bank cards and contacted their relatives to strengthen supervision. the timely interception and dissuasion of the police prevented the old couple from losing more than 3 million yuan in their names.

in the above case,the elderly encountered an upgraded version of fraud impersonating the public security, procuratorial and judicial organsin the early stage, the scammers still used threats and intimidation to help the victims clear their suspicion and conduct psychological control, but there were new changes in the implementation of the fraud in the later stage. the scammers guided the victims to use remote shared desktops to directly operate the victims' online banking, withdraw the fixed deposits in their bank accounts in advance, pool the funds into a bank card, and asked the victims to buy gold bars, and then arranged for offline accomplices to pick them up at their homes to complete the scam.

here, the beijing haidian police remind the public that the public security, procuratorial and judicial organs will not handle cases over the phone or the internet, will not require victims to operate bank accounts to make early withdrawals, transfers and remittances, and will not require them to buy precious metals and other items. if you receive a call from someone claiming to be a public security, procuratorial or judicial officer claiming that they are suspected of committing a crime, you should contact the local public security organ in a timely manner to avoid being deceived and suffering property losses.

how to prevent online fraud?

the following coping methods

be sure to remember!

stay away from fraud

keep in mind the principle of "three no's and one more"

how to respond correctly when encountering online fraud?

if in life

you are really a victim of telecommunications network fraud

what should be done?

don’t panic! remember these three steps

learn the correct and quick way to stop loss!

(cctv reporter zhao xuerong)