
wang zhiwen: when i was in trouble, wang baoqiang helped me with all his money, but when baoqiang was in trouble, he borrowed 3 million yuan and i didn't give him a cent


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in the ostentatious world of showbiz, true friendships are everywhere. once upon a time, wang baoqiang and wang zhiwen were regarded as good brothers who cherished each other, and their sincere friendship needed no further explanation. however, when wang baoqiang encountered divorce and his career was in trouble, could their former friendship stand the test of reality?

back in 2016, wang baoqiang was caught in a marriage crisis and huge financial disputes because of ma rong's affair. i thought that at this time, wang zhiwen, as a long-time friend, would definitely lend a hand. who would have thought that wang zhiwen not only did not provide any financial assistance, but directly rejected wang baoqiang's request for a loan of 3 million yuan.

the outside world was shocked by wang zhiwen's action. after all, when wang zhiwen's career was at a low point, wang baoqiang was the first to lend him a helping hand and lent him 300,000 yuan without reservation to help him through the difficult times. it is difficult to repay the kindness that once helped him.

facing doubts, wang zhiwen explained: "my own financial situation was not very good at the time, and i simply could not come up with 3 million yuan to support baoqiang." but soon, someone produced evidence of several luxury houses that wang zhiwen had bought in beijing that year, and it seemed that the excuse of "poor financial situation" was not very convincing.

however, some people understand wang zhiwen's approach. after all, in the entertainment industry, it is common for celebrities to borrow money from each other, which can easily lead to financial disputes and affect friendships. moreover, as a "veteran actor" who sticks to principles, wang zhiwen has always hated the intrigues in the entertainment industry. perhaps he is worried that lending money to his friends will involve conflicts of interest.

compared with wang zhiwen's stinginess, wang baoqiang's good brother chen sicheng showed a more generous side. when wang baoqiang encountered difficulties, chen sicheng did not hesitate to give him 3 million yuan in aid. this not only solved wang baoqiang's urgent needs, but also demonstrated the sincere brotherhood between the two.

in fact, chen sicheng's support for wang baoqiang is not limited to this. as early as wang baoqiang's self-directed and self-acted movie "journey to the west: conquering the demons 2" suffered a dismal box office and suffered a considerable financial loss. this time, chen sicheng did not hesitate to invite wang baoqiang to shoot his own movie "detective chinatown 3".

recently, when wang baoqiang was short of funds for his new film weng'an, chen sicheng once again generously donated money to support his friend in completing the filming of his new work. along the way, chen sicheng has demonstrated the meaning of "deep brotherly love" countless times with his actual actions.

wang zhiwen, on the other hand, has had a long and turbulent career. he was ridiculed for not being suitable for an actor, but later became a hit in a tv series; he was a big star in the film industry, but was "banned" by the entertainment industry and fell into a trough...

interestingly, when wang zhiwen was in the most difficult time, it was wang baoqiang who lent him a helping hand. wang baoqiang not only took the initiative to contact wang zhiwen, but also lent him 300,000 yuan without hesitation to help him through the difficult times. now that time has passed, the lifesaver of that year has encountered difficulties, but has not received any return from wang zhiwen.

we cannot criticize wang zhiwen harshly for this. after all, everyone has his or her own unique philosophy of life. as long as friends have good intentions, it is reasonable to behave inappropriately occasionally. what is important is that we should learn to appreciate and tolerate each other's differences.

if you think about the friendship between wang zhiwen and wang baoqiang, it actually started more than 20 years ago. at that time, wang baoqiang was just an unknown takeaway boy, but he admired wang zhiwen, a veteran actor. in order to witness his idol's acting skills in person, he traveled thousands of miles to the film festival just to see wang zhiwen.

interestingly, wang zhiwen didn't know the existence of this young man at that time. it was not until many years later at an event that wang baoqiang had the courage to approach him and chat with him that wang zhiwen got to know this fan. from then on, the two gradually became familiar with each other, and wang zhiwen was also deeply impressed by wang baoqiang's sincerity and kindness.

later, as his career gradually got on track, his respect for his teacher wang zhiwen never diminished. whenever he had the chance, he would always respectfully ask for the true teachings of his predecessor. the two thus formed a solid teacher-student friendship.

the friendship between the two has never been completely definite. in fact, not long ago, when wang baoqiang encountered a huge difficulty, wang zhiwen took the initiative to contact him more than once to express his concern. however, perhaps because the grudges between the two sides were too deep and their personalities were too different, they ultimately failed to regain the "closeness" of the past.