
pu'er municipal government issued a notice prohibiting bringing apple phones into the office? local response


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on september 23, a post about "the government issued an announcement prohibiting officials from bringing apple phones into the office" attracted attention online. that morning, a reporter from huashang daily dafeng news learned from the pu'er municipal government office that the "announcement" circulated online did not exist, and asked netizens not to believe or spread rumors.

on september 23, an "announcement on the use of apple phones" attracted attention online. the notice was addressed to the "pu'er municipal government" and the text read: according to the unified decision of the superior leaders, from now on, government officials, city, county, township, and village cadres, etc. are prohibited from bringing apple phones into offices, important places, dangerous areas, and chemical and flammable and explosive places.

the signing unit of the announcement is "pu'er municipal government announcement", the official seal is unclear, and the date is september 20, 2024.

some netizens with sharp eyes said that the above announcement did not meet the regulations from the title to the signature, and personally judged it to be fake. another netizen said: it is too fake, it must be photoshopped. some netizens also said that it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and official verification is needed.

on the morning of september 23, a staff member of the pu'er municipal government office told the huashang daily dafeng news reporter that he had also noticed the "announcement" circulated on the internet and that it was impossible for the pu'er municipal government to issue the above announcement.

"when the government issues similar announcements, it will definitely conduct an audit and review. the content of the above announcement does not comply with the rules of fair competition in the market and cannot be issued."

the above-mentioned staff of pu'er municipal government office said that the "announcement" circulated on the internet has problems from format to content, and it is obviously fake. they have reported the problem to the local internet information office, which is investigating and handling it. i hope that the majority of netizens will not believe in rumors or spread them.

lawyer liu kongsheng, senior partner of shandong chenze law firm, said that making and spreading rumors violates the "public security administration punishment law" and will be held accountable for legal liability.

he introduced that article 25 of the "public security administration punishment law" stipulates that anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) spreading rumors, falsely reporting dangerous situations, epidemics, police situations, or intentionally disturbing public order by other means... according to the above provisions, the person who creates and disseminates rumors shall bear the above-mentioned administrative responsibilities depending on the severity of the circumstances.

huashang daily dafeng news reporter chen youmou editor dong lin