
jishishi style|park hang-young: lighting up the brilliant galaxy with the faint light


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in 1988, she stepped onto the podium with great hope and came to tianqiaoling forestry middle school in wangqing county, yanbian prefecture. from then on, her life was closely connected with education. facing the educational hotbed in poor villages, she poured all her blood into it and never flinched even when she was attacked by illness.

in 1995, she was only 29 years old, but she was diagnosed with mixed mesodermal tumor, and the survival rate was almost zero. after two major operations and eight chemotherapy sessions, she defeated death with amazing perseverance, but she lost the chance to be a mother forever. but she gave this motherly love selflessly to her students;

she is park hangying, a teacher at the teachers' continuing education school in wangqing county, yanbian prefecture. having devoted herself to education for 35 years, she has always practiced the principles of loving students and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and has adhered to the educational philosophy of enlightening the mind and being willing to make contributions, illuminating the students' dream-chasing path with practical actions.

park hang-young has won honorary titles such as national model of teaching and educating, national model of teacher ethics, jilin province model worker, provincial advanced individual in ethnic unity and progress, provincial advanced individual in teacher ethics, and provincial march 8 red flag bearer.

recalling every little detail of these years, park hang-young has deep feelings.

"there was a left-behind girl in my class who liked to look for me whenever she had something to do. one day, she knocked on my door in a hurry. it turned out that her eyes hurt so much that she couldn't open them. i hurriedly took her to the hospital. the doctor said that she needed surgery and her parents' signatures were needed. her family was not around at the time. the child took my hand and said, 'teacher, please sign for me.' i signed for her, bought fruits and cooked food, and took her home to take care of her. 'teacher, thank you. if it weren't for you, i might have lost my eyesight.'" park hangying said that later, the girl had her own business and opened an eyewear store. whenever park hangying thought of the child's words, he was moved and relieved.

"there was a boy whose family suffered a misfortune, and i supported him. now he has found a good job. a while ago, he was getting married and invited me to attend his wedding." park hang-young said that the moment she received the message, her heart felt warm and she felt extremely happy.

along the way, park hang-young's love, like a trickle of water, nourishes the hearts of every child. in 2013, park hang-young was transferred to a training school, opening a new chapter in his education career.

she knows that the change of roles means greater responsibility and mission. in order to improve her professional quality, she read a lot of books, watched documentaries on humanities, and accumulated short videos. she used the model worker innovation studio as a platform to form and build three teams of primary and secondary school head teacher lecturers and traditional culture lecturers, and carried out lectures and training activities with the themes of teacher ethics, head teacher management, traditional culture, and moral education micro-classes. her lectures and training deeply touched the hearts of teachers and made them more determined in their belief and pursuit of education.

she puts into practice the chinese excellent traditional culture to cultivate people's souls and cultivate the bookish spirit of teachers. she carried out voluntary lectures and tours on traditional culture, which set off a wave of learning traditional culture among teachers in schools across the county. she presided over two rounds of provincial projects "traditional culture and practical research on teachers' morality construction", which made the inheritance of traditional culture and the promotion of chinese virtues take root in wangqing.

under park hang-young's leadership, the quality of wangqing county's teaching staff has been significantly improved. she has sent 105 lecturers to the county, given 24 lectures, and trained more than 2,800 teachers. in the jilin province primary and secondary school teachers' moral quality excellence exhibition and evaluation, she and the teachers she guided won nearly half of the awards. her dedication and hard work have been widely recognized and praised.

zhao hongjie, a teacher at the third middle school in wangqing county, yanbian prefecture, said that it was his first time listening to the traditional cultural tour organized by teacher pu, which showed the profoundness of chinese studies. the feeling of being shocked was beyond words.

unexpected events happen. in 2018, park hang-young lost her lover. but even so, she still stood on the podium firmly. her tenacity and dedication moved countless people.

"although teacher park was very sad at that time, she still led us to complete all the tasks of the national training program." sun ying, a teacher at the national united primary school in chunyang town, wangqing county, yanbian prefecture, said. "education is a warm practice, and we will never stop singing and will never regret it." park hangying said that in the future she will continue to adhere to the original mission of "carrying forward the spirit of educators and striving to be a great teacher in the new era", and firmly establish the ambition and aspiration of "working hard in the teaching field and strengthening the country", and illuminate the bright stars with the faint light.

china jilin network jike app

reporter ma chunxue

photo provided by the interviewee

first review: xiong yili

review: qu ao

final judge: chen youxin
