
the code for shandong's "half ton grain" production has exceeded 110 billion jin for three consecutive years


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to achieve high grain yields and develop agriculture, building a strong agricultural country is inseparable from the support of agricultural science and technology. shandong, a major agricultural province, has achieved a total grain output of more than 110 billion jin for three consecutive years. how can it achieve higher yields above the high point? this year, shandong proposed to build six yield improvement leading areas such as "de liao ton and a half grain" throughout the province. the so-called "ton and a half grain" means that the grain yield per mu reaches more than one and a half tons in two seasons a year. during the autumn harvest season, the reporter went to the "de liao ton and a half grain" area to explore how the "ton and a half grain" field was built.

new technologies move from the "core area" to the "radiation area"

dezhou, a major grain-producing city in shandong, took the lead in launching the construction of "one and a half tons of grain" production capacity in september present, more than 8 million mu of corn in the city are growing well and a bumper harvest is in sight.

wei dedong is a large grain grower in linyi county, dezhou. this year, all of his 2,000 mu of land is planted with corn. he told reporters that in previous years, many growers in his village tried to increase the number of corn plants to increase yields, but the results were not satisfactory. this year, the city promoted new technologies for dense planting and precise control of corn planting, which not only increased the number of corn plants, but also solved the problem of corn dehydration and fertilization in the later stage.

wei dedong, a large grain grower in linyi county, dezhou city:one of the conditions in our "one and a half tons of grain" core area is to achieve 100% soil testing and fertilizer formula application rate. what we import now is the raw materials, and based on the test results, we know how much phosphorus fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, and potassium fertilizer to add.

during the interview, we found that in addition to planning and building a core area of ​​more than 1.2 million mu of "ton and a half grain", dezhou also planned3 million mu of "ton and a half grain" radiation area