
overview of the 2024 semi-annual reports of listed companies in qingdao


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as of august 31, 2024, all 66 domestic listed companies in qingdao have disclosed their 2024 semi-annual reports as required. overall, listed companies in the area have continued to maintain a stable trend, showing good development resilience.

business development maintained a good momentum.

in the first half of 2024, listed companies in the jurisdiction achieved a total operating income of 313.026 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.87%. haier smart home led the way with an operating income of 135.623 billion yuan, and hisense visual technology and tsingtao brewery both had operating incomes exceeding 20 billion yuan; 42 listed companies saw an increase in operating income year-on-year, and 28 saw a year-on-year increase in operating income of more than 10%, among which degut ranked first with a growth of 68.87%.

the profitability of advantageous industries is impressive.

in the first half of the year, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company (hereinafter referred to as net profit) totaled 28.967 billion yuan, an increase of 11.61% year-on-year. among them, 56 companies achieved profitability, with an overall profitability rate of 85%; the net profit of 8 companies exceeded 1 billion yuan, among which haier smart home's net profit in the first half of the year exceeded 10.4 billion yuan; the net profit of 34 listed companies increased year-on-year, and the net profit growth of sailun tire and sentury reached 105% and 77% respectively, driven by a substantial increase in market demand in the tire industry.

the driving effect of chain leader enterprises is evident.

the top ten listed companies ranked by net profit in the first half of the year achieved a total net profit of 26.186 billion yuan, accounting for 90% of the net profit of listed companies in the jurisdiction. they are chain-leading enterprises in qingdao city in multiple industries, including smart home appliances, modern logistics, modern finance, modern services, food and beverages, advanced polymers and metal materials, ranging from traditional industries to high-tech enterprises, and have a good driving effect on upstream and downstream enterprises. for example, soft control co., ltd. has benefited from the upsurge of overseas investment by tire companies, and its rubber machinery business has maintained steady growth, with an increase in gross profit margin and a synchronous increase in profitability compared with the same period.

increase r&d investment to cultivate new quality productivity.

in the first half of 2024, the total r&d expenses of listed companies in the region totaled 9.882 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.68%, and the overall r&d intensity reached 3.16%, the same as the previous year; 13 companies had r&d expenses exceeding 100 million yuan in the first half of the year, accounting for 19.70%, with haier smart home, hisense vision, and sailun tire ranking in the top three; there were 5 companies with r&d intensity greater than 10%, accounting for 7.57%, of which three were sci-tech innovation board companies. high r&d investment promotes the accelerated cultivation of new momentum and new advantages, and continues to play a leading role in enabling the accelerated formation of new quality productivity.