
after taking a part-time job, i had 28 virtual operator mobile phone numbers under my name! a reporter secretly visited the real-name industry chain of virtual numbers


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in early september, when ms. li, a shanghai resident, went to a business hall to adjust her communication package, she checked her mobile phone numbers under the guidance of the staff. she was shocked to find that she had as many as 33 mobile phone numbers. in addition to the five mobile phone numbers of the three major operators, the remaining 28 were all mobile phone numbers of various virtual operators.

"162", "170", "171"... for these virtual operator mobile phone numbers (hereinafter referred to as "virtual number") is familiar to the public. when they appear on mobile phones, they often mean that there are various types of harassing calls or even fraudulent calls for education, medical care, real estate sales, etc. at the end of july, jiefang daily and shangguan news reported the new "ai outbound harassment calls" (for details, please visit"which 'dental implant hospital' is this that is frantically making phone calls to harass shanghai citizens?"), the survey found that virtual numbers have also become the main tool for ai outbound calls.

why are there more and more harassing calls from virtual operators? why do these organizations that make harassing calls have endless virtual numbers? how can they bypass the restrictions of real-name authentication?

"app charging" recruits part-time workers for 200 yuan a day

the query results show that the 28 virtual operator mobile phone cards under ms. li’s name are:"4 for communications, 3 for tianyin mobile, 5 for leyu communications, 2 for beiwei hive, 3 for gome jixin, 5 for changjiang times communications, 4 for fengxin mobile, and 2 for great wall mobile"she recalled that she had participated in a part-time job called "app filling" in june, "it should be during that part-time job that my personal information was used by someone to get it."

the query results showed that ms. li had 28 virtual operator mobile phone cards in her name.

what is “app charging”?following ms. li's clues, the reporter also added several labor intermediaries on wechat. they would post various "odd jobs" part-time job information through their moments, and "app filling" was almost a permanent project. early in the morning of september 10, labor intermediary yu posted the day's "app filling" part-time job claims that you only need to download well-known apps such as douyin and to increase sales."the work is simple and easy, with air conditioning and lunch included," and the pay is 200 yuan a day. after paying the deposit and signing up, the reporter was notified to gather at exit 1 of shendu highway station on line 8 at 8:30 a.m. on september 11.

△early in the morning of september 10, the labor intermediary yu released the day's "app filling" part-time job information, claiming that as long as you download well-known apps such as douyin and to increase your traffic, "the work is simple and easy, with air conditioning and lunch included."

early in the morning of september 11, the reporter arrived at exit 1 of shendu highway station as scheduled. after calling the contact person provided by yu, the reporter came to the side under the big words "shendu highway hub station". the contact person was a man in white, who was constantly calling to confirm whether the applicants had arrived. "there are more than 10 people every day." the applicants came one after another, and they all looked like young people who came to shanghai to work. at nearly 9 o'clock, the 14 people gathered, and the man in white asked everyone to follow him, and then took everyone to room 227, 2nd floor, building a, "chengwen business center" on the side.

△after gathering at exit 1 of shendu highway station,everyone was taken to room 227, 2nd floor, building a, "chengwen business center".

there is no sign outside room 227. pushing open the glass door, you will find a large room with several small rooms connected to it. the large room has a large conference table and a large number of chairs. on the whiteboard near the door, the words "app promotion studio" are written in marker. the reporter counted and found that including the man in white who led the way, there are a total of 6 employees in this studio, one of whom has a dragon tattoo on his arm and is called the "boss."after the man in white collected everyone's id cards and registered them one by one, the boss told everyone that in addition to downloading the app and completing the registration on that day, they also had to use their own bank cards to complete real-name authentication for the official account, and each person had to open more than 30 virtual order to dispel everyone's concerns, the boss vaguely said that these virtual numbers have no entity, they are just "used by the studio to increase traffic", "just like the numbers used by the platform when you take an online car-hailing service". after listening to the boss's explanation, 3 people expressed their concerns and took the initiative to withdraw. the remaining 11 people formed a wechat group and published their id numbers, bank card numbers, number of wechat accounts under their names and other information in the group one by one as required.

△ there is no sign outside room 227. pushing open the glass door is a large room with several small rooms connected. the large room has a large conference table and a large number of chairs. on the whiteboard near the door, the words "app promotion studio" are written in marker.

the picture shows a whiteboard with the words “app promotion studio” written on it.

several employees were divided into three groups to carry out "business" separately. the reporter was first called to a small room on the side to cooperate with two people to complete the user registration and real-name authentication of an app called "minzhengtong". the entire operation was completed on the other party's mobile phone. the reporter not only provided the registration verification code, but also had his id card and half-length photo taken, and completed the face authentication on the other party's mobile phone. afterwards, the reporter was asked to use his mobile phone to download more than 10 apps such as "trading cat" and "kuaishou" that did not require real-name authentication, and completed the registration one by one.

the reporter was first called to a small room on the side and cooperated with two people to complete the user registration and real-name authentication of an app called "minzhengtong". the picture shows that a person in the "studio" took a half-length photo of the reporter and the front and back of his id card for real-name authentication of "minzhengtong".

as soon as this was over, the reporter was called to another room, where three people were in charge of "activating" virtual accounts, which was actually the core content of the "part-time job" that day. the reporter read it once and understood:the so-called opening of a virtual number is actually using the reporter's personal information to complete the real-name authentication for the virtual operator's mobile phone number held by the other party. after the other party logs in to the virtual operator's mini program and enters the mobile phone number, and then uploads the reporter's id card photo and completes the face recognition, the real-name authentication of the number is completed.the operation is also completed on the other party's mobile phone, and the other party will not tell you which operator's number is being authenticated.

the staff of the "studio" are using the id photos of part-time workers to complete real-name authentication for virtual operator mobile phone numbers.

his mobile phone memo contains a large number of virtual operator mobile phone numbers waiting to be authenticated.

what is the virtual number used for after the real name is changed?

it can be seen that the so-called part-time recruitment is actually to obtain and utilize other people’s personal information, and its essence is “personal information buying and selling.”part-time workers, for a mere 200 yuan in compensation, sold their personal information, including id card, facial recognition, and bank card, to others to register apps, authenticate public accounts, and open a large number of virtual mobile phone numbers.

each of the 11 people had to complete the real-name authentication of more than 30 mobile phone numbers. the boss said that it was expected to be "completed" by 6 pm that day. after the reporter figured out the routine, he left with an excuse. the other party was very alert and first asked the reporter to leave the group in person and delete the chat history. after the reporter did so, the other party asked to check the reporter's mobile phone album to verify whether the photos were taken. the reporter refused. during the stalemate, the reporter called the police for help and was able to leave smoothly.

are the virtual accounts that use the real-name personal information of part-time job applicants really "without an entity and just used by the studio to increase traffic" as the "boss" claims?

after searching for "virtual operator mobile phone numbers" on taobao and other shopping platforms, the reporter found that the virtual numbers on sale are roughly divided into two categories: one is called"registration card"this type of card has no monthly rental fee, but can only send and receive verification text messages starting with "106" and does not have normal phone and text messaging functions. taobao shop owners said that this type of card is usually bought by some studios to "raise accounts", that is, to register a large number of accounts on various platforms; the other type of card is"telemarketing special card", that is, a mobile phone card with normal functions. since virtual operators have low charges and no restrictions on the number of daily calls and text messages, mobile phone cards with normal functions are usually used for "telemarketing", which is actually the harassing calls and text messages that everyone often receives.but no matter which type of card it is, it is a real mobile phone card with a "real number". after purchasing it, you need to undergo real-name authentication before you can activate and use it.

△the picture shows the “virtual operator mobile phone number” sold on shopping platforms such as taobao.

the personal information of the part-time workers obviously helped to complete the authentication and activation of these cards. what kind of cards were activated? the reporter randomly selected a virtual number from ms. li's 28 virtual numbers.great wall mobile communicationsthe two virtual operators asked her to find out the specific number through the "number under your name" function of the operator's official account.

the two mobile numbers that belong to great wall mobile are beginning with "170", and the location of the numbers is shown as shenyang, liaoning. after calling great wall mobile's "10043" service hotline to inquire, it was learned that these two mobile numbers are the above-mentioned "registration cards", which can only be used to send and receive verification sms platform registration accounts. the official account page shows that the two cards were suspended on july 25 due to "user control". what is "user control"? great wall mobile customer service said that it is necessary to ask the agent who sold the card to find out, but judging from the balance of a few cents on both cards, it is not due to arrears.after searching the internet, the reporter learned that the possible reasons for the operator's "managed shutdown" include but are not limited to "abnormal mobile phone usage behavior, identity information verification problems", etc.

△this is a mobile phone number belonging to great wall mobile, which starts with two “170s”.

the four numbers belonging to communications start with "162", and the location of the numbers is shown as zhumadian, henan. the reporter called communications, and the customer service told the reporter that the four numbers were activated on june 4 this year, which is the date when ms. li took part-time jobs. further inquiries revealed that the four numbers were activated with normal packages, that is, they were used as normal mobile numbers, "0.1 yuan per text message, 0.12 yuan per minute for calls".after the authentication is activated,these four mobile phone numbers have been online normally and all have a large balance. for example, the number "16287948050" generated 152.4 yuan in sms charges in june alone, and 153.4 yuan in sms charges in july... that is, one number sends more than 1,500 text messages every month, an average of more than 30 text messages per day.

△the ones belonging to communications are four mobile phone numbers starting with “162”.

the sale of personal information is the starting point of "black and gray industries"

from the perspective of consumer behavior, after these cards are activated through real-name authentication, they are being used to register a large number of platform accounts, or to send a large number of text messages and make calls. however, the operators cannot tell us which platform accounts are registered, the content of the text messages sent, and the details of the calls made.

in fact, these behavioral characteristics are consistent with the operating methods of some gray and black industries.the reporter learned from a virtual operator mobile phone number seller that those who purchase other people's information for real-name authentication and activation of virtual numbers are often "black and gray production studios."taking the above-mentioned "registration card" as an example, after the "black and gray production studio" purchased the "registration card" that was authenticated and activated with other people's personal information, it subsequently registered a large number of platform accounts. these platform accounts are often used as water armies to "inflate traffic" after being traded again, distributing content and commenting on some "big accounts" to create momentum, thereby attracting more attention from netizens.

for example, the local police had previously cracked a related case in which a certain cultural media company in chengdu used tens of thousands of platform accounts purchased to attract traffic to its "fortune-telling" business. the company used the purchased accounts to promote the idea that "fortune-telling" can predict luck, attracting and guiding victims to buy buddhist beads and bracelets that were blessed by the so-called "masters" to change their fortunes, thereby defrauding the victims of their money. in addition, the gray industries such as "online car-hailing" that were previously exposed by the jiefang daily and shangguan news are also related to the platform accounts registered with a large number of virtual operator mobile phone numbers.

as for normal phone cards with full functions, after activation they are mostly used for "outbound telemarketing", that is, making harassing calls.when the reporter was interviewing "ai outbound calling", he contacted an outbound calling platform in shenyang. its salesperson showed the reporter their outbound calling system. in the outbound calling method column, you can choose different forms such as mobile phone number and landline. according to the other party, if you choose a mobile phone number, you basically use the mobile phone number of a virtual operator for outbound calls. it is said that their outbound calling system has a number pool, which contains a large number of virtual operator mobile phone numbers for random selection when making outbound calls. it is not ruled out that these virtual operator mobile phone numbers may also be used to make fraudulent calls and send fraudulent text messages.

△virtual operator mobile phone numbers have become the main source of harassing calls. the picture shows some of the harassing calls received by the reporter.

it is not difficult to understand why "black and gray industry studios" purchase other people's id card information to authenticate and activate virtual operator mobile phone numbers: on the one hand, these studios need a huge number of mobile phone numbers, and they need to use other people's identity information to bypass the operator's restrictions on real-name authentication; on the other hand, these mobile phone numbers are mostly used for "black and gray industries", and using other people's identity information can allow the relevant operating entities to hide behind the scenes and avoid regulatory tracing.

complaints to shanghai's 12345 citizen service hotline show that there are many studios in shanghai that engage in the sale of personal information in the name of recruiting part-time workers. according to the reporter's understanding from multiple sources, these studios can usually get rewards ranging from ten to dozens of yuan for authenticating and activating a mobile phone number for others, making a lot of crack down on all kinds of black and gray industries at the source, relevant departments need to severely crack down on such studios that make a living by selling personal information, and cut off the source of black and gray industries obtaining personal information.

△"app filling" is almost a permanent project in the part-time jobs released by major labor agencies, and judging from the addresses, shanghai has a large number of so-called "studios".

at the same time, once a virtual operator's mobile phone number is used to engage in illegal criminal activities, the owner of the bound mobile phone number will also be implicated. this reminds job seekers in shanghai to keep their eyes open and not be greedy for small gains when applying for a job. don't sell out your full set of personal information for just one or two hundred yuan.