
editorial: the "quadrilateral mechanism" targeting china is doomed to fail


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leaders of the united states, japan, india and australia held the "quadrilateral security dialogue" summit from the 21st to the 22nd local time in the united states. although the white house strongly denied that the "quadrilateral security dialogue" mechanism is a tool for the united states to restrict china in the "indo-pacific region", and us president's national security advisor sullivan also claimed that the "quadrilateral security dialogue" was not aimed at a certain country, reporters on the scene captured us secretary of state blinken's announcement of the first topic: china through cameras shortly after the meeting began. participants thought that reporters could no longer hear the live audio. everyone knows that the "quadrilateral security dialogue" is aimed at china, but the participants are so evasive and cover-up, which shows how unpopular it is to contain china in the international community.

the joint statement issued by the four countries also did not directly mention china. the statement expressed "serious concern" about the situation in the east china sea and the south china sea, condemned "coercion and intimidation" in the south china sea, but did not explicitly name who took the action. in addition, the leaders of the four countries also announced that they would strengthen cooperation in the field of maritime security, improve the "interoperability" of the four countries' maritime security agencies, provide marine surveillance technology to other "indo-pacific" countries, and announced that the four countries' coast guard joint patrol operations will be held next year.

although western media have previously raised the volume of the meeting on "responding to an aggressive china", we have seen that apart from continuing to hype up the "china threat theory" and "indo-pacific crisis theory" behind closed doors, the "quadrilateral summit" has not produced anything new and substantial. the so-called joint implementation of the coast guard mission has been brewing for a long time. as for the "quadrilateral mechanism"'s claim to contribute to the "freedom and openness" of the region, it is even more illusory and difficult to see.

many analysts believe that the more important agenda of this "quad summit" is for the leaders of the four countries to get together to express their support for the continuation of the "quad mechanism" in the future. three of the four countries will have elections, and this dialogue will be the last meeting of the current leaders of the four countries. washington certainly hopes to leave some political legacy at this time, and the other three countries also said some polite words. however, many foreign media, including "nikkei asia", pointed out that whether the four countries can continue to maintain close interaction under the relevant mechanism in the future is still an unresolved issue, and "hype cannot cover up the survival crisis of the quad dialogue."