
if china and the united states confront each other at sea, what the united states fears most is not the dongfeng missile, but its "perception"


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if china and the united states confront each other at sea, what the united states fears most is not the dongfeng missile, but "perception"? what is going on?

to understand this issue, we should first know what "perception" is?

in modern warfare, perception refers to a country's military's ability to perceive and control battlefield situations, covering a series of activities from reconnaissance and surveillance to information collection and data processing. with strong perception, an army can understand the enemy's movements, positions, formations, and even combat intentions in the shortest possible time, so as to respond in advance.

perception not only relies on traditional reconnaissance methods such as satellites, drones, and radars, but also includes the comprehensive use of high-tech methods such as cyber warfare, electronic warfare, and space reconnaissance.

china has made significant progress in this area in recent years. with the beidou satellite navigation system, a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, advanced radar systems and emerging artificial intelligence technologies, china has built a wide-coverage, accurate and reliable maritime perception network. this network can not only monitor the entire south china sea, east china sea and key waters of the western pacific in real time, but also has the ability to respond quickly, and can transmit battlefield intelligence to combat troops in the shortest time, providing strong support for commanders to make decisions.