
a man committed domestic violence and caused the death of his pregnant wife. he remarried and cheated on his wife while on the run. he was arrested 26 years later and sentenced to life imprisonment.


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on july 31, 1996, the wife who was three months pregnant was abused by her husband zhan mouhu, resulting in dozens of injuries all over her body. she eventually died after failed rescue efforts. while his wife was being rescued, zhan mouhu fled to another place and was later tracked down by the police online. during his escape, he married another person and had an extramarital affair after marriage. both his wife and his lover were beaten by zhan mouhu many times.

after nearly 26 years on the run, zhan mouhu was captured by the police in march 2022. on september 22 this year, a red star news reporter learned that recently, the anhui provincial higher people's court announced a second-instance criminal ruling that zhan mouhu was convicted of intentional injury and sentenced to life imprisonment by the fuyang intermediate people's court at first instance. after the first-instance judgment, zhan mouhu appealed. the anhui provincial higher people's court rejected the appeal at second instance and upheld the original judgment.

man beats pregnant wife to death

he fled to many places under an assumed name, remarried and then cheated again

in early 1996, cui mouhong married zhan mouhu. after marriage, the two lived together with zhan mouhu's family in the winery family compound in shencheng town, yingshang county. during this period, zhan mouhu often abused cui mouhong and restricted her personal freedom. for this reason, cui mouhong filed for divorce in the local court but failed. in april 1996, cui mouhong became pregnant and obtained a birth certificate.

around 2 p.m. on july 31, 1996, zhan mouhu took advantage of the fact that no one was at home to close the doors and windows, and scolded and beat cui mouhong. around 4 or 5 p.m., zhan mouhu saw cui mouhong unconscious, so he ran to the grain and oil store in front of the winery to inform his parents. later, his mother ling moufang found a doctor at home to give cui mouhong an infusion to protect the fetus. because cui mouhong was still unconscious, the doctor suggested sending her to the hospital for treatment. around 8 p.m. that night, zhan mouhu and others took cui mouhong to yingshang county people's hospital on a tricycle for emergency treatment, but cui mouhong died after the rescue failed. while cui mouhong was being rescued, zhan mouhu fled.

according to the appraisal, cui mouhong was more than three months pregnant; cui mouhong had dozens of injuries on her body, except for one scratch on her right forearm and the fourth toe of her right foot, all other injuries were caused by blunt objects, including stick injuries and shoe sole injuries; the injuries were all caused by direct external violence, and falling from an upstairs could be ruled out; craniocerebral injury was the fatal injury, and brain contusion and laceration, subdural hematoma caused brain edema, brain herniation, and secondary brainstem injury were the direct causes of death. the appraisal conclusion is: pregnant woman cui mouhong died of severe craniocerebral injury caused by direct external violence on her head.

it was also found that on the second day after the incident, cui mouhong's close relatives went to the yingshang county public security bureau to accuse zhan mouhu. on august 15 of that year, the public security organs decided to criminally detain zhan mouhu and later went online to track him down. after committing the crime, zhan mouhu used the alias lin mou and fled to shaanxi, henan, shanxi and other places. in 2001, he married ren mouling from wen county, henan, and had an extramarital affair with shi mousha, a local in 2016. during this period, zhan mouhu beat ren mouling and shi mousha, causing large areas of bruises on shi mousha's body. on march 28, 2022, police from the xincheng branch of the xi'an public security bureau arrested zhan mouhu in a village in zezhou county, shanxi province.

sentenced to life imprisonment at first instance

the appeal claimed that the statute of limitations had exceeded 20 years, and the request for acquittal was rejected

the intermediate people's court of fuyang city, anhui province, held that zhan mouhu intentionally harmed the victim's health due to his violent personality, resulting in the victim's death. his behavior constituted the crime of intentional injury and he should be punished according to law. zhan mouhu ignored the relationship between husband and wife, abused the victim for a long time, had a cruel personality, and was used to beating others. after committing the crime, zhan mouhu absconded for a long time to evade legal sanctions, and his bad habits did not change during his escape. after being arrested, he still refused to plead guilty and repent, and should be severely punished according to law. the court ruled at first instance that the defendant zhan mouhu was guilty of intentional injury and sentenced him to life imprisonment and deprived him of political rights for life.

zhan mouhu was dissatisfied and filed an appeal, requesting a retrial to not guilty. his reason was that the yingshang county public security bureau did not file a case until many years after the crime occurred, which was 20 years beyond the statute of limitations; the bureau did not file a case first when it made the detention decision against zhan mouhu in 1996, which was not in compliance with the provisions of the criminal procedure law of the people's republic of china in 1979, and the detention decision was not legal. the original judgment was unclear in the facts and the evidence was insufficient. the evidence in this case cannot form a complete chain, and reasonable doubts about the facts determined have not been eliminated. based on this, it is recommended that the second-instance court find out the facts and then acquit the verdict.

the anhui provincial high people's court held in the second instance that the appellant zhan mouhu was a domestic violence abuser who often hurt cui mouhong. on the day of the incident, he violently beat cui mouhong, causing cui mouhong's death after rescue efforts failed. his behavior constituted intentional injury and he should be punished according to law. zhan mouhu ignored the marital relationship and still abused the victim when cui mouhong was pregnant. he abused cui mouhong all over her body and his criminal methods were cruel. zhan mouhu has been on the run for nearly 26 years. during his life in a foreign land, he did not change his bad habit of domestic violence, which violated public order and good customs. after being arrested, he refused to plead guilty and showed no remorse, which shows that he has a deep subjective malice and is a great personal danger.

the original judgment comprehensively considered the facts, circumstances and harmful consequences of zhan mouhu's crime, and in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law of the people's republic of china in 1979, it was appropriate to sentence him to life imprisonment. the appeal reasons and defense opinions of zhan mouhu and his defense counsel that the original judgment was unclear in facts and insufficient in evidence, and requested a retrial of not guilty were not accepted; the opinion of the prosecutor appearing in court to dismiss the appeal and uphold the original judgment was accepted. the facts determined in the original judgment were clear, the evidence was reliable and sufficient, the conviction was accurate, and the sentence was appropriate; the trial procedure was legal. the appeal was dismissed and the original judgment was upheld. this ruling is final.

red star news reporter jiang long