
throwing feces from a high altitude! dna test for the whole building, who is the "culprit"?


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“throwing objects from high places” continues despite repeated bans

threatening everyone's "safety above their heads"

but who would have thought

someone threw excrement from a high altitude💩

on september 21, a topic with a "taste" 🤮 became a hot search

september 17

a residential area in kunshan city, jiangsu province

someone dropped feces from a high altitude

crashed into the home of the resident on the first floor


property release notice

all residents of the apartment building are requested to undergo dna testing to cooperate with the investigation

screenshots of the notification circulated online

image source:

da wan news reporter contacted the property management of the community, and the relevant person in charge confirmed thatthe notification for dna testing was issued by the property management.

regarding this matter, the reporter consulted the wusongjiang police station in the area, but the staff did not respond positively. the staff of the kunshan tinglin urban management office said that there are more than 9,000 households in the community., the specific situation is still unclear and will be verified next.

regarding such outrageous behavior, many netizens expressed"dangerous and disgusting" "'shit pouring down on my head' is scary"...

the man not only drank alcohol while in the hospital, but also threw the bottle from a high altitude!

in early september, a hospital in minhang district, shanghaithe glass ceiling was suddenly hit by a wine an instant, the ground was covered with glass fragments, but fortunately no one was injured.

after reviewing public videos, the police locked downfu is a patient in the ward on the 8th floor of the hospital.fu later admitted that he went to a convenience store and bought a bottle of rice wine early that morning.after drinking it, he was afraid of being discovered by the doctor, so he threw the bottle out of the 8th floor window.currently, fususpected of throwing objects from a high placethe police have taken criminal coercive measures against him in accordance with the law.

garbage thrown from high altitude hits passers-by on the head, causing concern among residents

recently, guixi city, jiangxi provincea resident was hit by garbage thrown from an upper building while riding an electric bike in the community.although he was wearing a safety helmet, he still suffered head injuries.slight vibration,fortunately, he was not injured. after the news spread, residents in the community were worried about their own safety and reported the situation to the property management, who then called the police for help.

image source: beijing daily

after receiving the call, the police sent the garbage to the judicial identification center for dna identification.we also went door-to-door to collect dna information from all residents for sampling and the same time, residents are informed that those who voluntarily admit and truthfully confess their crimes are considered to have surrendered themselves and can be given a lighter or reduced punishment.

image source: beijing daily

the next morning, a man turned himself present, the man has been detained by the public security authorities.taking criminal compulsory measures according to law,the case is under further investigation.

why is throwing objects from high altitude

"misfortune comes out of nowhere"?

a piece of watermelon rind was thrown from the 25th floor

the impact force is enoughdeath

an empty can was thrown from the 15th floor

cansmashing the skull

an egg was thrown from the 8th floor

you canscalp injury


the lethality of objects thrown from high altitudes

definitely not to be underestimated

although many objects are not very heavy, when they are dropped from a high altitude, the pressure generated is extremely large due to their small force-bearing area.causing serious injury or even death.

article 291 of the criminal law of the people's republic of china stipulates that if objects are thrown from buildings or other high places and the circumstances are serious,the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall be fined or fined alone.

how to protect the “safety above your head”?

regularly check for hidden dangers

door and window edge screws and window frameswhether there is looseness or falling off;external window glasswhether it is deformed, cracked or loose;balcony hangingsis it loose? balconyplanting plants, flower potswait to see if there is a risk of falling.

observe warning signs

in order to avoid casualties, many dangerous areas prone to falling objects have been placedwarning signs,please be careful when passing through areas with this sign.

stay away from old bulletin boards and billboards

do not stay near or under billboards, and do not lean on them to avoid collapse or falling and causing injury.

be wary of tall buildings

when passing by tall buildings, pay pass.falling objects from high altitudethe trajectory is mostly parabolic, following the wall.the probability of being hit is relatively low.

pay more attention on windy and rainy days

in strong winds and rainstorms, objects are prone to falling from high altitudes.avoid buildings with aging walls, buildings with clutter and hanging objects, and avoid accidents.

what to do if someone is injured by falling objects from high altitude?

call 120 immediately

while calling the police, you should determine the injured part of the victim, and observe whether the victim is conscious and can move on his own. if the victim cannot move, do not lift the victim to prevent pulling the victim's spine and causing paralysis.

do not shake the injured person's head at will.

if you encounter a comatose person with brain trauma, do not try to wake him up by shaking his head. instead, pat his shoulder gently and call him in his ear. if there is any foreign object in his mouth, clean it out to keep his airway open.

check the injured person for broken bones

if the injured person can stand up or move his body, check whether he has any fractures. if the ribs are broken, wrap the entire chest with clothes or bandages to protect them. if the limbs are broken, fix the fracture with cardboard and fix it with cloth tape.

do not remove foreign objects on the spot

if the victim is stabbed by a sharp object, do not remove the foreign object immediately to prevent heavy bleeding. the correct approach is to use clothing or other fabric to secure the wound and then bandage it.

throwing objects from high places harms others and yourself

don't rely on luck

source:national emergency broadcasting
