
prime minister of the bahamas: china's poverty alleviation efforts provide a good reference for the "global south"


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xinhua news agency, havana, september 21, nassau: bahamian prime minister davis recently said that china's poverty alleviation efforts provide a good reference for the "global south".
davis said at a reception held by the chinese embassy in the bahamas to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china that china adheres to its own development path while promoting common development in the world. the cooperation in various fields between bahamas and china has yielded fruitful results in the 27 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. bahamas adheres to the one-china principle, supports china's global development initiatives, and is willing to work with china to promote the realization of the united nations sustainable development goals and speak out together on issues of major concern to developing countries.
yan jiarong, chinese ambassador to the bahamas, said in her speech that china's further deepening of reform and promotion of high-level opening up will provide new opportunities for countries including the bahamas. china was born in the south, has its heart in the south and is rooted in the south. china does not pursue modernization in isolation, but will uphold the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and promote the modernization of the world to achieve peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity.
source: xinhuanet
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