
dozens of hours of non-stop training! watch fighter jets hunting underwater targets


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recently, a certain unit of the southern theater command naval aviation organized dozens of hours of uninterrupted search and attack submarine training, focusing on topics such as patrol anti-submarine and on-call anti-submarine, and comprehensively honing the anti-submarine coordination and battlefield emergency response capabilities of the air crew officers and soldiers.

in the early morning, at an airport in the south, several fighter planes took off at full speed and flew to the mission sea and air area, kicking off several hours of non-stop submarine search and attack training. in the rough sea, the target submarine used the sea water as a barrier and left no trace.

the crew quickly established a buoy monitoring route. inside the cabin, the sonar operator was fully focused, switching buoys one by one to listen and carefully analyzing the sonar spectrum; the radar and optoelectronics worked closely together to strictly check for suspicious targets in the sea area; the pilots remained highly vigilant, adjusting the flight route and altitude in real time, and hunting the underwater enemy in a tense and orderly manner.

suddenly, an abnormal signal fluctuation flashed on the display screen, which was successfully captured by the alert magnetic detector. after receiving the intelligence, the pilot turned the fighter right, adjusted the course with a large slope, and flew to the target point again for magnetic detection verification. finally, the crew analyzed more than 10 sets of information data and concluded that the target altitude was suspected to be a submarine.

the crew members aimed at the right moment, pressed the bomb button, and successfully "sank" the target submarine.

on the way back, the crew simulated an encounter with the fire control radar of an "enemy" aircraft. the crew remained calm and took drastic maneuvers and dropped several jamming bombs to evade the "enemy" search, successfully avoiding the "enemy" radar detection and returning home safely.

late at night, fighter jets were dispatched again to conduct night reconnaissance of the target sea and air area.

zha jinglei, a naval aviation unit in the southern theater commandat the same time, uninterrupted submarine search and attack and actual depth charge training are organized, and more than 10 "enemy situations" and combat backgrounds are integrated, covering subjects such as anti-submarine warfare and self-defense confrontation, etc., to add a strong "war flavor" to the training, and comprehensively test the continuous combat capability, actual weapon use capability and emergency response capability of personnel and equipment, and focus on honing the anti-submarine skills of officers and soldiers in complex combat environments.