
enriching the beautiful life of the contemporary world, jiangnan buyi provides innovative examples for sustainable development


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wang xiao, reporter of chao news client

in august this year, a significant group standard "farm animal welfare requirements for yaks" was officially released, which attracted widespread attention. at this important moment, designer brand fashion company jiangnan buyi and yak wool brand shokay were invited to participate in the "esg-sustainable innovation" theme exhibition, showing the public the entire industry chain process from yak wool collection, processing to final garments.

jiangnan buyi has always been committed to practicing the concept of sustainable development in the fashion field, and this cooperation with shokay has pushed this concept to a new height. the "a strand of yak wool - exploring sustainable production and consumption" workshop jointly organized by the two parties attracted enthusiastic participation from industry professionals, consumers and environmental enthusiasts.

the joint exhibition area of ​​jnby and shokay

as we all know, esg (environment, society and corporate governance) has become an important force in promoting the common development of enterprises, society and the environment. "making the best use of cloth - yak wool industry revitalization project" has both social value and commercial value, and is a successful innovation model of jiangnan buyi in esg. through such exhibitions and exchanges, jiangnan buyi hopes to inspire more companies and consumers to pay attention to sustainable development and work together to build a greener, harmonious and sustainable future.

harmonious development of environment and society provides innovative examples for sustainable development

as the world pays more attention to climate change, resource depletion and social responsibility, sustainable fashion is gradually moving from the margins to the mainstream. many chinese fashion brands are also actively practicing the concept of sustainability, promoting "sustainable" changes in various aspects such as product raw materials, supply chain, and production emission reduction. at the 24-year full-year performance report sharing meeting, zheng dandan, general manager of corporate public relations of jiangnan buyi, said, "the company will continue to carry out esg practices in multiple fields such as environmental sustainability, product sustainability, talent sustainability and community sustainability, and continuously enrich the vitality of jiangnan buyi. creating 'sustainable fashion with jiangnan buyi characteristics' has always been our firm goal."

it is worth noting that in the process of esg practice, jiangnan buyi has created and continued to promote a long-term and significant project - "making the most of fabrics". in the past two years, jiangnan buyi has visited 12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, conducted in-depth research on 34 traditional crafts, developed more than 200 experimental samples, published a book, and inherited and innovated these traditional fabrics and techniques in the contemporary design context, which also provides an excellent example of how to "revitalize" chinese traditional culture.

during the research of the "make the most of cloth" project, jiangnan buyi also discovered a special raw material - yak wool. 95% of the world's yaks live in my country's qinghai-tibet plateau, but yak wool, as a representative chinese natural fiber, is rarely used in the fashion industry. the "make the most of cloth - yak wool industry revitalization project" jointly initiated by jiangnan buyi and shokay and other partners is to explore the many areas that need to be improved in the yak wool industry, including the formulation of international sustainable standards for yak wool, animal welfare protection training for herders and pasture certification, participation in grassland ecological restoration in pastoral areas, as well as innovative research and development of yak wool fabrics and stabilization of the yak wool industry chain.

in the "making the most of cloth - yak wool industry revitalization project", jiangnan buyi focuses on multiple sectors and actively promotes the sustainable development of the yak wool industry. starting from the procurement of raw materials, jiangnan buyi will strictly follow the principles of sustainability to ensure that the source of yak wool is legal, environmentally friendly and in line with animal welfare standards.

the group standard "farm animal welfare requirements for yaks" was officially released

"from product application to industrial revitalization, as a chinese designer brand, jnby hopes to link up with important partners such as industry associations and multiple upstream and downstream value chain participants from raw material collection to consumer markets to comprehensively promote the improvement and development of the entire local yak wool industry and create fine fabrics that represent china." zheng dandan, general manager of corporate public relations of jnby, said, "jnby's esg vision is to create sustainable fashion with jnby characteristics. as an influential designer brand fashion company in china, jnby fulfills its social responsibilities in many aspects, such as information disclosure, industry practice, responsible marketing, cultural heritage, and employee growth, to build truly sustainable development capabilities and lay a solid foundation for the company's high-quality development."

adhere to design-driven and always strive to enrich the contemporary beautiful lifestyle

this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of jiangnan buyi. guided by the concept of practicing long-termism to enhance sustainable development capabilities, jiangnan buyi has also delivered a gratifying performance report. on september 5, jiangnan buyi announced its latest full-year performance report. the report shows that jiangnan buyi's total revenue in fiscal year 2024 reached 5.24 billion yuan, an increase of 17.3% from 4.47 billion yuan in fiscal year 2023, an increase of 770 million yuan. in terms of net profit, the net profit in fiscal year 2024 was 850 million yuan, an increase of 36.5% compared to 620 million yuan in fiscal year 2023. among them, it is particularly worth mentioning that the design and r&d expenses in fiscal year 2024 exceeded 195 million yuan, accounting for 3.7% of revenue, and the expenses increased by more than 16% year-on-year, which is enough to show jiangnan buyi's adherence to the "design-driven" strategy.

fashion trends are constantly changing. how to maintain innovation and win consumer recognition is a risk factor in the fashion industry. as a designer brand fashion company, jiangnan buyi always insists on design-driven and pursues product innovation. "at jiangnan buyi, from the selection and development of fabrics to the refinement and research of craftsmanship, the optimization of each product embodies the hard work of designers and r&d teams." jiangnan buyi's chief financial officer fan yongkui said in an interview.

jnby 2024 fall/winter show in tianmu li, hangzhou

it is understood that the designer team of jiangnan buyi usually determines the theme of future products more than one year in advance and designs around these themes. the team also has an internal review mechanism, with a certain proportion of pioneering models used to lead fashion trends each year, and some other styles are relatively stable to ensure that they can more safely meet market demand. under this mechanism, jiangnan buyi's design output has remained stable for many years, which is also a major reason why its products continue to be recognized by fans.

at present, the fan base of jiangnan buyi still maintains high stickiness. according to statistics based on annual purchases of more than 5,000 yuan, the number of active members exceeds 310,000, and the retail sales contributed in fiscal year 24 are close to 4.5 billion yuan. it is disclosed that throughout fiscal year 24, the number of fans of jiangnan buyi on social platforms continued to maintain a high growth trend, with a total number of fans exceeding 8.97 million, compared with 7.78 million fans in the same period last year.

"we invest heavily in product innovation every year, and there are innovations in the design themes every season. this constantly updated design attracts fans to visit frequently. whether they go to the store every one or two weeks or browse online, they will find new products, which makes fans continue to have the desire to visit the store and buy." in the view of jiangnan buyi's investor relations director qiang yilan, the reason why jiangnan buyi's products are so popular among fans is its strong design power. "in addition to the product design itself, we also provide fans with many benefits in terms of operational means to enhance their sense of identity and participation in the brand. this customized service has also enriched the fans' beautiful life to a certain extent."

from design to business, from user insight to product iteration, from product sustainability, environmental sustainability to talent sustainability, and community sustainability, in the view of jiangnan buyi, which has turned over a thirty-year chapter, behind this is not only the advancement of consumer demand, but also the huge imagination space for the development of market segments, and more importantly, the opportunities and challenges of the brand. the performance in fiscal year 24 is the result of jiangnan buyi's consistent adherence to multi-brand sustainable scale operation, design-driven and deep cultivation of fan economy. jiangnan buyi is providing industries and sectors with sustainable fashion samples with jiangnan buyi characteristics through responsible actions and innovative practices, and the value of its sustainable development will become more and more dazzling.

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