
multiple measures to ensure food, clothing, housing and transportation for food delivery riders


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original title: multiple measures to ensure food, clothing, housing and transportation for food delivery riders
workers' daily-china workers' network reporter yang zhaokui
recently, announced on blue rider midsummer night that this summer the riders' "warm new meals" have covered 23 cities; multiple "rider new homes" affordable rental housing projects have been put into use; the industry's first parent-child study camp for food delivery riders was concluded in shanghai; and the country's first food delivery rider water challenge variety show was launched, allowing riders to gain more happiness while delivering orders.
in recent years, the issue of food, clothing, housing and transportation for food delivery riders has attracted the attention of government departments, trade union organizations and food delivery platforms. many parties have actively taken measures to ensure their food, clothing, housing and transportation so that they can work with peace of mind and without worries.
this summer, has continued to upgrade the "food, clothing, housing and transportation" guarantee for blue riders, and launched a series of measures such as sun protection and heat relief, discounted dining, rest and rest, and children's study tours. among them, in terms of "clothing", this summer, hundreds of thousands of blue riders received summer cooling packs distributed by, including sun protection clothing, ice sleeves, sun protection masks, etc. in order to further expand the coverage of care materials, has also launched the "7th welfare day" event in the gold coin mall of the knight run order app. on the 7th, 17th and 27th of each month, there are abundant popular products and various sun protection, rain protection, and cooling welfare materials, which riders can buy at super low discounts.
in terms of "food", the "warm new meals" for riders have been launched in 23 cities across the country, and have benefited more than 1.5 million people so far. taking haishu district, ningbo as an example, the haishu district federation of trade unions, in conjunction with the district market supervision bureau, the district commerce bureau, and, launched a special "love new meals" zone for leading enterprises in the new business fields and new employment forms of workers in haishu district through a special integrated subsidy of "trade union + platform + merchant". while ensuring the quality of meals and reducing dining costs, it also improves the dining experience of new employment forms of workers and makes meals more affordable for takeaway brothers.
in terms of "housing", has built four "riders' new homes" affordable rental housing projects tailored for delivery riders in shanghai's putuo district, minhang district, and jinshan district, with nearly 600 beds. the monthly bed fee is a few hundred yuan, and the community is equipped with complete supporting facilities. there are also battery exchange cabinets, supermarkets, basketball courts and other living facilities in the community. blue riders can move in with their bags, and the accommodation problem is easily solved.
in terms of "travel", in order to facilitate the travel of blue riders, with the standard of "brand, venue, signs, facilities and services", has joined hands with many parties to establish a number of party and mass service centers for new employment groups, building party and mass service stations, and blue rider party and mass service stations, forming a "one core and multiple levels" rider station matrix, and built 35 five-star party and mass service demonstration sites across the country. more than 100,000 rider stations have all been lit up on the rider's work map, allowing riders to "eat when they are hungry, rest when they are tired, have a base for party building, and make medical examinations more convenient", becoming a warm home for blue riders.
"food, clothing, housing and transportation" may seem like trivial matters, but for riders, they are part of daily life and are issues they have to face every day. therefore, the food delivery platform focuses on the urgent needs of riders, and makes these "critical little things" more practical and in-depth, solving their "critical little things" is actually a kind of innovation. by focusing on the big picture and starting with small things, innovation can be implemented in every detail, so that every rider can feel it.
in addition to ensuring "food, clothing, housing and transportation", in order to ensure that riders can deliver meals without worries, they also need to have hope for the future. in 2020, also launched the industry's first "rider growth and development system", providing support products for riders in different growth cycles, and providing all-round, full-coverage, and full-process services for rider development. in addition, on the 2023 blue rider day, launched the industry's first rider charity incentive system, allowing the spontaneous charity behaviors of blue riders to be seen, recorded, and rewarded, forming a positive cycle of community service ecology.
source: workers daily client