
dao lang was moved to tears at the concert, and responded on the spot: i am old and can't control my emotions. i thank the fans for their companionship for decades.


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on the evening of september 21, in chengdu, sichuan, daolang performed at the phoenix mountain sports park stadium. during the performance, daolang choked up several times and shed tears on the scene.

daolang said with emotion: i am old and my emotional management is really bad. i am very moved to see enthusiastic fans from all over the country. some of them are even familiar faces. when i see them, my heart will be warmed. thank you for your company for decades.

after fans at the scene shouted "come on, daolang", daolang burst into tears again.

it is reported that on the evening of september 22, daolang's chengdu concert will continue.

not long ago, daolang made a comeback in the form of an online concert. with over 52 million views and 600 million likes, his popularity once again sparked "daolang fever".

twenty years ago, singer luo lin released his first music album "the first snow of 2002" under the stage name "daolang". in addition to the title song of the same name, songs such as "lover" and "punishment for impulse" also became popular at the same time.

in the era when the internet was just emerging, daolang's sudden appearance still achieved a sales record of millions, and controversy also followed. there were many voices from the outside world, but daolang rarely defended himself. the noise has gradually disappeared in the past 20 years, but the results are the best response.

daolang's online concert was watched by over 52 million people.

at the end of august, daolang, who announced last year that he would stop updating his personal account, made a low-key comeback and returned to his hometown, zizhong county, sichuan, to hold an online concert. this concert was almost unpromoted, with daolang making a simple appearance, no gorgeous stage lights, and a band and singer all singing with open microphones.

during the more than three-hour live broadcast, daolang sang a total of 39 songs, attracting more than 52 million viewers and over 600 million likes, breaking the record for live broadcast of video concerts previously set by jay chou.

it is worth noting that this concert also opened up online rewards, but a limit was set, with a maximum of only 10 yuan, and all income from live rewards will be used for charity.

editor: fang yu

[source: jiupai news, red star news, sichuan observer, china news network, etc.]

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