
"hunan-made" light aircraft ranks first in domestic market share


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huasheng online reported on september 20 (all-media reporter cao xian and correspondent liu pengfei) at around 10 o'clock on september 20, the 299th and 300th "aurora" aircraft rolled off the production line at the zhuzhou shanhexinghang aviation industry base and were delivered on site to customers from guangdong and anhui respectively.
sunward's "aurora" aircraft is china's first independently developed all-composite light sports aircraft that has passed civil aviation airworthiness certification, creating many "firsts in china". since the first aircraft rolled off the production line in 2008, a total of 300 "aurora" series aircraft have been delivered to 28 provinces and cities across the country, with 172 customers, and the cumulative flight time of the model has exceeded 140,000 hours. the domestic market share has ranked first for many consecutive years.
"national brands must be supported!" wu meng, chairman of guangdong baoheng general aviation co., ltd., was delighted to receive a purple "aurora" two-seater aircraft. this is the seventh "aurora" aircraft purchased by the company. anhui xiangfei aviation co., ltd. is exploring the general aviation market. after comparing prices with many companies, it chose sunward aviation. ren fugui, general manager of the company, said that the safety, reliability and practicality of the "aurora" aircraft have been verified and fully recognized by the market.
the newly launched "aurora" aircraft is equipped with the "shanhe xingyun" smart platform. "this is my country's first intelligent remote management system used in light aircraft in batches, equivalent to the 'black box' on large aircraft." guan bin, deputy director of the shanhe xinghang manned aircraft research institute, introduced. the smart platform deeply integrates beidou, gis geographic information system and internet remote transmission technology. users can view key information such as aircraft usage, flight trajectory, energy consumption, etc. anytime and anywhere through mobile phone app, and manage the aircraft around the clock.
at present, the price of the "aurora" aircraft ranges from 1.03 million yuan to 1.25 million yuan. sunward star airlines and anhui xingtai financial leasing co., ltd. signed a deep strategic cooperation agreement on financial leasing on the spot, with a down payment as low as 10%, allowing light aircraft to better serve mass consumption.
with the strong support of national policies, the low-altitude economy is poised to "take off". it is reported that it took more than 10 years for the aurora series aircraft to grow from the first to the 100th, and only about 2 years from the 100th to the 200th and then to the 300th, which helped the rapid development of china's general aviation industry.
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