
role models preached "youth dedication to national defense", and nearly 10,000 college students took the same class


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"beijing" colorful culture blooms youthfully——faith walk
role models share their stories of “dedicating youth to national defense”
nearly 10,000 college students took the same "love our national defense" course
"i am willing to stand guard for the motherland all my life!" on september 18, at the "vivid practice face to face - all colleges and universities in the city take the same national defense class" event held at china agricultural university, wang shuguang, a retired officer of the beijing military region's post-war affairs office and a recipient of first-class wartime merit, emotionally recounted his story of serving the country and defending his homeland, winning warm applause from the audience.
this is an important publicity activity of the faith tour of the 2024 "beijing colorful culture youth blooming" action plan. nearly 10,000 college students from 59 universities in the city took this love for our national defense class through a combination of online and offline methods.
at the lecture, seven role models told their touching stories of participating in national defense construction and dedicating their youth to the cause of national defense. although combat hero wang shuguang was injured by a landmine during combat, he still overcame his disability and insisted on serving the country; zhaxi dunzhu, a student at the chinese people's police university, realized his police dream of "i will become you when i grow up"; li fengwei, a national model of learning from lei feng at work, has insisted on preaching the spirit of lei feng for more than 30 years; wang xiaohui, a professor at the national security college of the national defense university, has carried out un peacekeeping operations; wang xiaoli, the no. 1 operator of the first female missile launch team in my country, dedicated her most beautiful youth to national defense, and actively participated in conscription propaganda after retiring... one by one, vivid and touching stories explained to teachers and students the loyalty, love and responsibility of role models to the party, the country, and the cause of national defense.
after listening to the lecture, college students at the scene spontaneously came to the speaker and exchanged their thoughts with the role models. "behind our happy and peaceful life now, there is the great motherland as a solid backing, and there are role models and heroes who carry the burden for us." zhan zhiteng, a freshman at the international college of china agricultural university, said that we should follow the role models, encourage ourselves with touching deeds, integrate personal ideals into the great cause of national development, and contribute to the development of the motherland and national defense construction.
the 2024 "beijing colorful culture youth bloom" action plan is sponsored by the municipal party committee propaganda department and the municipal party committee education working committee, and hosted by the municipal academy of social sciences (municipal party committee lecturer group). in the future, more role models such as beijing's role models, model workers, public lecturers, and industry advanced representatives will enter colleges and universities to carry out "lively practice face-to-face" lectures and exchange seminars, presenting teachers and students with profound and vivid ideological and political lessons.